
Blind Love

Nurse Park kept signing over and over again. I was giggling at her pouting so I had my hand over hers when she was dressing me, “What is it now?”


“You’re ridiculous, Hara. I can’t believe you’re doing this for him. He’s so obnoxious, stubborn and probably just playing with you since he’s bored in his ward.” Nurse Park was cursing under her breath but too loud for me to hear.


“Aigo, Park Bom,” Finally I used her real name, “You know very well why I am doing this.”


“You love him. I know.” Nurse Park snapped at me.


I felt the warmth going to my face although I was already considered pale, “Well, other than that, I just feel someone needs a chance to repent and learn from his mistakes. He’s just like the old me, Park Bom. I don’t have the chance to turn over a new leaf anymore so I just want him to have the chance to do it.”


“What if he doesn’t change? What if he goes back to his old ways?” Nurse Park choked.


“I know he will.” I remembered Jun Hyung’s face when he was listening to me singing. His peaceful sleeping expression had told me everything. He is not the person everyone perceived him to be. If only people could see how much potential he has, “I trust him.”


“Do you want to visit him for the last time?” She asked.


“No, there’s no need to. I’m scared… I’ll be too sad to let go.” I admitted and looked down.


When she was starting to comfort me, I showed a bright smile for her, telling her I was more than fine, “It’s about time the surgery starts. Let’s wheel me there!”


Upon reaching the hallways to the operation room, Jun Hyung was also wheeled in at the same time. He was just beside me and I wished so much for the chance to call out his name and said I was here for him and don’t be scared.


But I couldn’t.


I couldn’t make a single sound.


Nurse Park shushed Jun Hyung’s parents to not notify that I was beside him as well. I saw the faces of Jun Hyung’s parents and smiled at them. I assured them by mouthing that Jun Hyung would be fine.


They nodded with gratitude and held my shivering hands warmly. It felt great. It felt great touching the hands of Jun Hyung’s parents.


Then, I saw Heechul following us to the operation room.


He had visited me in the morning before heading to Jun Hyung’s room. I let out a tear when his jaw stiffened. I whispered quietly so only he could hear my voice, “We have said this before.”


Knowing that he could not say a word, he handed me a paper, “I hate you. I will hate you so much right now. Really. But you know it. Deep down. I will still love you for a lifetime.”


I mouthed to him with my tears to the brim, “I love you too.”


With that, both of us were wheeled into the room as I took a last look at Heechul before the door closed.


I could feel my health turning for the worse as the time passed. Perhaps it was the right time for me right now. I felt my eyes heavy and my willpower was not as strong as before. I spotted Jun Hyung blinking his eyes nervously as he took in multiple breaths when the doctor injected antiseptic for him.


Before he totally closed his arms, I placed my weak hand on his and smiled. He flinched a little at the slight touch.


As my vision started to fade away, I muttered the three important words to him.


“Jun Hyung, I love you…”






I still can’t see.


Well, technically since the bandage was still around my eyes but I could hear the eager voice of my mother, the stern voice of my father and the slight chuckles by my best friend, Heechul. I gulped at the thought of having the bandage removed because it would determine if the surgery was totally fine.


Slowly, I felt the nurse assuring me everything was going to be okay. I remembered her voice. It was Nurse Park and Hara’s good friend in the hospital. After hearing the way Hara described Park Bom, I realized how good of a nurse she is.


After it was removed, I could sense the sunlight binding even beneath my eyelids. I struggled myself to open my eyes but it was so bright. I had not seen the light for a week and it was scary to witness it once again.


A few minutes later, I was able to open them with much effort and I constantly blinked my eyes to the discomfort. Slowly, the blurred vision I had before was replaced by the clear sight. I scanned around the surroundings and saw my mother first. And then Nurse Park who was smiling at me. Heechul and my father were standing next to each other with their arms crossed.


“Jun, do you see me? Please answer!” My mother held my hands tightly.


“Mum, I see you. I see you very clearly.” I answered her simply and she came in for a very tight hug. I could see my father controlling his smile and Heechul simply nodded at my recovery. I smiled genuinely at them and reached out my hand, “Father…”


Everyone was bewildered at my action but my father came to me with hesitation. I grabbed his hand and pulled him in for a hug. I hid my face in his shoulder and could feel my tears whelming up in my eyes, “Father, I missed you.”


“Jun Hyung…” It was a long time since I had heard him used my name, “I miss you too.”


It was an awkward confession but it was so sincere and warm. I hugged him tighter and said, “I’m sorry, Father, for making you worry. I’m a bad son but I will try my best to be the best son you will ever have.”


He patted my back and nodded, “I know you will be.”


With that, the three of us gathered together for a family hug.






It had been two days since my surgery and my eyes were as per normal. I could everything very clearly and the doctor had congratulated me for the successful surgery.


“It’s a relief the cornea was suitable for you, Mr Yong.” The doctor said and left the room after I thanked him.


Even though I was happy with my recovery, I was feeling odd as Hara had not come to see me. She should know I was recovered by now. She promised to fulfil the deal after I was alright. Where is she?


I stood up despite the doctor’s caution and headed to the receptionist. I knew who would know her exact ward. I saw the person I was looking for and tapped her shoulder, “Nurse Park.”


“Ah, Jun Hyung…” She was hesitant and unlike on that day when she removed the bandage, “Do you feel pain anywhere? I can get the doctor…”


“No, Nurse Park. I just want to ask where’s Hara’s ward? It’s been a while since I have seen her. I think I should tell her about my recovery.” I told her truthfully.


“Jun Hyung…” She whispered and I could see her swollen red eyes. Has she been crying?


“Jun Hyung.”


I turned around to see Heechul behind me and exiting from a door. He walked towards me with an exhausted and sorrowful expression. I was confused with his state but my mind was filled with Hara right now. I asked him, “What’s going on?”


“I know what you’re looking for. Come with me.”


I had a bad feeling about this but in any case, I followed him meekly. He entered a lift and pressed on a floor. He walked along the dead hallway and stopped in front of a room that had a name called “Morgue”.


“Why are you taking me here?”


He opened the door without a word and I could feel the creepiness in this room. The room was revealed with different ‘boxes’ that held the bodies and I did not like the look of it. I had no idea why Heechul was doing this. He stepped in front of one and turned to me, “Jun Hyung, promise me you’ll stay strong.”


“No…” I thought I knew what was going on.


He opened it to reveal a body covered with a white sheet. He looked down and gulped, “She’s Hara.”


“No… You’re joking.” I shook my head and laughed awkwardly, “You don’t even know who she is. You don’t know who Hara is to me.”


Heechul was motionless as he choked, “Hara is my younger sister.”


I froze in my position and did not take my eyes off him.


“She is diagnosed with cancer and it was the last stage. The doctor says she has only one month to live after staying in the hospital for two months. She knew she was going to leave the world any moment but she stayed happy and positive. Even though she accepted death, she was still happy. And then, she met you here.”


I was refusing every single word he said but my mind registered everything.


“Every time I visited her, she would tell me stories of you and how much your existence has changed her perspective of life. She said she had never met a person who was so alike and she is compelled to know you better.” He added, “She said as time goes, her feelings started to change and she was worried.”


Heechul stepped away from her body and said, “I have seen her getting weaker every moment but she would tell me how good will it be to live a life with you. I told her you may not even live long as well. She asked why and I told her you needed a donor. Right away, she told me she was going to donate her cornea for you.”


“She left a letter for you.” He handed it to me after taking it out from his pocket.


I opened the letter and read her handwriting.


“What’s up Jun Hyung!


You must be thinking how immature that greeting is, right? Aigo, I can’t change that, sorry.


By the time you read this, perhaps you have found out the truth. Yes, Heechul is my brother. Besides that point, I am confessing to you that I have been carrying a torch since five years ago. I first met you when Heechul brought you to our house and I was attracted to you. Maybe it’s called love at first sight? But you have never given me a second look except the fact that I am your friend’s sister.


It’s okay because I met you here! I believe it’s fate’s work. We got along so well and I found you are just like the old me. The more I talk to you, the more I want to spend time with you. As a dying person, it’s a dangerous thing. Having feelings for you at this point means nothing for we have no future. The day that we kissed… was the happiest day of my life… but also the most regretful day.


I realized we cannot be together. But if there is a chance, I would like you to be happy with a girl you really, really, really love! And before that happens, you have to get well. I have applied to be a donor for you in the hospital so you get can treated quickly. It took time to convince you but I did. You would kill me if you have known but you have to understand that.. I don’t have much time anymore.


It’s okay if I leave earlier but I would leave with no regrets, Jun Hyung. My first wish is to meet a person I love before I die. My second wish is to see the person I love have the happiness that I cannot have. And the person is you, Jun Hyung.


I’m sorry for lying to you. I’m sorry for doing this. But I’m not sorry for my decision.


And… I love you, Jun Hyung.


You’re always be the number one in my heart. Shh, don’t tell Heechul!





“No… Heechul… She will never… My eyes…” I began to blink and touched my eyes which had just recovered.


“Yes, the cornea… in your eyes are hers. For the sake of your happiness, she was ready to die earlier and fulfil your happiness of being able to see again.” Heechul sniffed and turned away, “I am angry at her decision. Really angry. But as a brother, there is nothing I can do. After she has met you, I have seen her mature and found her true love. At least, there was something worthy for her to die for.”


“Why didn’t you tell me?” I was on the floor, almost bawling my eyes out, “Why did you tell me?!”


“Hara doesn’t want to. She says she has a deal with you. A promise.”


That’s a stupid deal.


A stupid promise.


I regretted making this decision. She should have at least three more weeks to live but because of me, a person who she had just known for a week, she had sacrificed her chance to live longer.


“Don’t feel regretful, Jun Hyung. I know what she wants.”




Heechul confessed, “Ever since you visited my house regularly, she has been carrying a torch for you but you never realized her existence except knowing her as my sister. It was only recently she fell deeply in love after she knew you were hospitalized.”


I tried to remember the girl who had always been in her room or getting out of the house. She was there. I remembered her with the skimpy clothes and dyed hair. Heechul had always told me about his rebellious sister but I had never cared too much about it.


It was her?


That was Hara?


“I was once rich too. Perhaps even richer than you are! My father is a very strict and disciplined person. He had never allowed me to do anything because he believed I would make mistakes. There was once I was into racing and joined a team. Even my brother got angry at me but he was still supportive. My father was so angry that he slapped me.”


Her words began to ring in my head.


“She even had pictures of you around her bed side. She kept up with the news about you and I said she was a freakish stalker but she did not mind a bit. I had never noticed how much she was in love with you.” Heechul laughed sourly, “I’m such a bad brother.”


“I shouldn’t have agreed. I shouldn’t have… She could have lived…” I muttered.


Heechul knelt down in front of me and shook me hard, “Listen, Yong Jun Hyung. My sister has given up her life just for you. Even if she doesn’t donate, she was going to leave anyway. Now that you know you have a part of her in you, you should treasure it and listen to her. Don’t disappoint her, do you understand?”


He was right.


I rubbed my eyes from the never-ending tears, “You’re right. I shouldn’t cry. I’m ruining her beautiful eyes. I’m ruining the last gift she has given me. I shouldn’t…”


After moments, Heechul helped me up and led me to her body.


“Do you want to see how she looks like?”


I froze at the spot again.


She promised to let me see her true appearance after the surgery but was I able to handle it?


Would she be as angelic as I imagined?


I gulped as I looked at Heechul and back to the body in front of me.


“Heechul…” I whispered, “I…”



A/N: Ahhhhh, sorry to stop here! Don't worry, one more chapter! :)

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anasilvia #1
Chapter 7: Reading again. Please make a sequel.
caffetine #2
Chapter 8: Aww~ authornim you just made my eyes swell and my nose red.. i'm very happy i read your ric this is simply amazing and fantastic. The plot and use of words are excellent. I'm just curious of who is the girl...
anasilvia #3
Chapter 8: Nice. I totally love it.
Chapter 8: Love your story authornim!!!!!! Miss Junhara so much!!!!! anyway, thumbs up!! keep on writing good story...
foryuu #5
Chapter 8: Another great and inspiring story ><
Thanks a lot
Chapter 8: Oh. OOHHHH WHy they must breakup. Whyy TTT.TTTT
this is beautiful. She is Hara right? RRIIIGGGHHH? :D
harayoon26 #7
Chapter 6: thank you for such great story eventhough you made me cry:))
harayoon26 #8
Chapter 6: you make me cry,it hurts so much:(
Letterofspring #9
Thums up!!! I was trolled at the last chap! It could be amazing if you make a special chap.<3<3