2nd Letter

School Love?

    After reading the response to the first letter, JE made Baro wait a week for a response. Baro was growing impatient and more curious about the girl who wrote him the letter. Exactly a week after the first letter, JE wrote a second letter .

  To Baro <3

    Hello~ sorry for the long wait. Are you curious about who I am? I dont really want you to know. ;) But I'll tell  you this. Meet me t the field at lunch tomorrow. With much love, Your girrrrrrl.

JE made the second letter extremely cheesy. She wanted to see the reaction of Baro. When JE was writing the letter, her best friend, Jiyeon, was next to her. JE explained the whole situation to Ji yeon and her idea of revenge  because she knew Ji yeon for 5 years now and she knew that Ji yeon wouldn't tell Baro. But their was ONE thing JE didnt know about Ji Yeon. That ONE thing changed everything. But that happens later on.

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Chapter 7: update please and can you make it a little longer?
gyusungie #2
Chapter 4: oh this is interesting~~ please update~~