The Love Letter.

School Love?

Ji Eun's POV

That Babo will never know it's me. MUHHAHA. I wrote a letter to him saying that I loved him. But I never wrote my name. Ill sneak into the orchestra room later on, and put it into his instrument locker. Ill see what he does about it.

Later On during orchestra class~

JE kept looking back to where Baro sat. He had the letter in his hand and he kept reading it over and over again. JE thought to herself, What a babo. He thinks someone is in love with him, Who would ever like him? and she smirked. Baro was nervous just by reading the note. It was the first time he got such a thing. He decided to write back to whom he thought was his, " future first girlfriend. " He was bound to find out who it was. So he replied on the same paper, " Who are you? And let's meet. " Baro put it back into the locker, waiting for someone to get it. When orchestra ended, JE was the last one in the class so she took the paper and stuffed it in her pocket so she could read it later. JE's plan was going just as planned.

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Chapter 7: update please and can you make it a little longer?
gyusungie #2
Chapter 4: oh this is interesting~~ please update~~