It all started.

School Love?

No One's POV

Ji Eun or also known as JE, was in the school library ready to pick up some teen love book and read it throughout the week. She chose the book, Boy's Are Dogs, and sat down near a table. Across the room she saw a boy sleeping silently holding a book called, Girls Are Dogs. She couldnt see his face that well, so she went to the table and sat across from him. She glanced at his face again and it was a face she never knew. You wonder why she wanted to see the guy? She thought  a guy like him was just like the guys in dramas or movies, when the hot guys slept in the library and found their first love there. But when she the boy, she knew he wasnt Prince Charming. He had an average face with a shirt that said, Hi. My name is Baro. When JE saw the shirt, she thought it said Babo instead of Baro, so she burst into laughter and woke Baro up. He woke up with an annoyed expression and squinting eyes. While JE was still laughing, he stood up, walked away, until JE whispered jokingly, "Bye, BABO." Baro turned around and just smirked at her and  walked away. Soon later, JE left the library too. She saw him at the lunch line while passing by, and she remembered what had happened in the library and started laughing again. She wanted to read the shirt again so she went closer to where he was and she read the t-shirt again. But this time she noticed her mistake and she was turning red. The boy noticed her and he pointed at his shirt and mouthed the word BABO. JE felt defeated to someone she never even knew.

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Chapter 7: update please and can you make it a little longer?
gyusungie #2
Chapter 4: oh this is interesting~~ please update~~