Daddy's Plan

Gaho's Diary

Wassup people!!!

Na nappeun GZB!!! LOL this song won’t leave my head, can you believe that?? Btw, don’t forget to support our Baddest Queen CL through twitter, starting,,, NOW. Hwaiting!!!




‘Rufff!!! Rruuufff!!!! Woof, woooooooof~~~~~’

Yes!!! Gaho is back!!! Most definitely, incredible dog. Hey move!!! G to the A to the HO HO, G to the A to the HO HO!! About love~~~~


I was singing to Gaho – Last Farewell, LOL, just kidding, daddy will angry if I change the lyrics. Don’t tell him, ne?? *wink*


Last night was a funny thing to remember, that Kako, I mean Kiko was screaming nonstop like crazy ahjumma. Pfftt,, she should be grateful to get my urine, it’s expensive you know. But, don’t mind her, she’s not important. The -almost- best thing, is mommy was not angry with daddy anymore. She forgive him for laughing at Kiko like that, she feel sorry though and telling me not to do that kind of thing again with someone I hate.


As a man, I will keep my promise, but if someone trying to interfere my parents relationship again. I will tell Jolie to pee on him or her. Well, mommy only make me promise, but not Jolie. I’m sure she will do it happily since we have same mission here. Such a good soon-to-be-my-wife dog. Geez,, I’m so smart, I must be the reincarnation of Gaho Einstein.


But today was the most embarrassing day, ever. I still remember Daddy asked me to do something stupid today. And I can’t believe I agreed with him. *sigh*



“Gaho-yaa,,,, did you see that?? Did you see her smile?? Do you know what this mean?? She’s not angry with me anymore!!!” daddy said smiling ear to ear. It’s been two hours he was blabbering like a fangirl. If you think G-Dragon was cool, don’t. He’s not so cool if you see this, sometimes I think I’ll be the best leader to Big Bang more than him. But, yeah, I love him more than anything, so I let him think that he’s cooler than me.


“Gaho-ya,, son, since when did you became so smart??? First you poop on that flower boy and now you pee on Kiko and make her gone forever from my life. Tell me, did you eat some brain cookies??” he asked looking at me with his puppy eyes.


First, I am a genius. Second, I’m still a genius. Third, I don’t need brain cookies cuz I’m a genius since I was born.



*I am a genius, daddyyyyy~~~~*


“Aisssh,,, my baby boy so cuteeeeeeee~~~~” he hugged me and kiss me frequently. Eewwwww,,,dadddyyyyy~~~


I love you, but please,,, I’m not gay and I still love Jolie. Goddd,,,


“Err,,Gaho,,, you know that I love Chaerin right?? And I know you love her too. I want her to be mine, you know. But,, I kinda need your help.”


He looked at me with pleading eyes, his eyes was twinkled, uh-oh, this is not good. He  must be planning something weird like the last time when he want to talk to mommy. Aigoo,,God, save me from this dragon please,,,,

*Flashback End*


Daddy and his stupid plan, I won’t tell you now cuz you’ll laugh at me. No no, just wait and keep reading. Daddy and I was heading to 2NE1’s dorm, he hold me in his arm complete with accessories, you’ll know it soon.


“Okay Gaho, stick to the plan okay?? You can improve if you want, just make sure you won’t do something stupid and makes her scared. Got that??”



*Don’t worry daddy, I’m not you. I’m an expert with this kind of thing, just make sure you call Jolie for me. Don’t forget!*


“That’s my boy, aigoo,, such a cute son. You will meet your mother soon, and my love-life is in your paws now. Hwaiting!!!” with that he put me down and leave me again, not forget to ring the bell.


I feel like a déjàvu. Soon, I heard someone opened the door, please let it be my mommy. Imagine Dara noona saw me like this, she will screaming like a fangirl and telling me to meet Daddong, aigoo,,,


“Gaho?? What the??” Great, my biggest nightmare asked, Dara noona. I know what you’re thinking now, noona. But trust me, this wasn’t my idea and definitely not my style.


Want to know what I wear?? I wear Daddy’s furry outfit -just like the one he wore at MAMA 2012- you get the picture right?? Red, furry, oh boy,,


My top head, since I don’t have hair, was red like his hair at MAMA. He make me looked like him when he perform at MAMA, luckily he didn’t push me to use those freaking softlense. I swear I’ll bite him if he do that. Don’t laugh at me now, I know I’m handsome more than my daddy but still, this is weird.


“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! GAHO,, WHAT THE HECK IS HAPPENED WITH YOU?!! OH MY GOD, WAIT UNTIL BOM SEE THIS!!! AIGOOO,,,SO CUTE…” Great, now Dara noona was laughing at me. Aigooooo~~~~~ T____T


“Unnie, what happened?? What so funny??” suddenly mommy coming from behind and her pretty eyes was stuck in my,,,, body.


“OH MY GOD, Gaho, who did this to you?!”





“OMG, this is so funny, Gaho really look like GD at MAMA now, but wrinkled version. Ahahahahaha,,,”




“Aigoo, unnie, don’t laugh like that. Poor Gaho, did your daddy did this to you?? Aish,, that stupid dragon, wait until I see him. How dare he did this to my baby!!”


Aawww,,,such a good mommy, but wait, I should stick to the plan or daddy will eat me alive.





*Mommy, look at this,,,*


I looked down and pointing at the letter with my paws, mommy saw this and picked up the letter.


Dear Chaerin,

Hunchae, when you see this then I must be already inside Gaho’s body. Yes, I was cursed by a witch for hurting you. She said that my soul will transfer into Gaho’s body. The only cure for this curse is to be with your boyfriend.

You don’t want Big Bang’s leader become a dog forever, right?? So please, please pleaseeeeeeee,,, say yes.

If you say yes -please don’t say no- then close your eyes and kiss me.


Love, Jingyo.


I saw my mom smiling, I really love to see her smile. Even though my daddy was an idiot, but his act was never failed to make her laugh or smile. Aawww,, love is in the air, I don’t know what he write anyway but I think it’s something sweet. And then the ahjumma squeal like a fangirl, “Kyaaa,,, so cuteeee!!!! Accept him accept him!!! But wait, don’t accept him!!! You don’t wanna kiss a dog, right, it’s not clean. Look at his mouth, slobber,, eeww,,,” she whispered at the last sentence, I can hear you woman!!


Wait, kiss a dog?? What is that supposed to be mean?? I can’t be kissing my mommy, it’s !!!


“Aigoo, unnie,, why don’t you go inside?? Let me handle this.” She said looking at her unnie, wait, she really want to kiss me??? I don’t mind though, it’s not everyday I got kissed by The Baddest Female, right?? Besides, she’s not my mother, yet. But I have Jolie!!! Gaho, be faithful to Jolie, ok?? Geez,, I’m dilemma.


“Y-you, you want to kiss him?? Oh my God, I should tell Bommie about this!! Wait, I’ll get my handycam!!”


“What?! Wait, unnie, don’t!!! aigoo,, I should do this quickly. But, what if this was just a joke?? I’ll kill him if this was a joke!!” she said and take a deep breathe before she hold me up to her face. Mom, please don’t, imagine what will daddy said about this, but he’s the black sheep. Ok, but mom, what if you fall in love with me instead?? Daddy will kill me and I can’t leave Jolie, you’re hot and pretty and everything, but I’m a faithful dog.


She close her eyes, omo, her lips was soooo ASDFGHJKL!!! But, before her lips touch my y wet lips, daddy was coming out from nowhere and replace my mouth with his. Couldn’t you wait any longer?? I mean, good time dad!! Don’t worry Jolie, my heart still yours.


I saw mommy opened her eyes and her eyes widened at what she saw while I’m still in her hands, lower than before cuz daddy hold her hands. “J-jingyo,,” she said breaking the kiss.


“I know you won’t say no,,” daddy said showing his boyish smile, mommy blushed so hard and smiling.


“KYAAAA!!!! SO CUTTEEEEE!!!!” Dara noona squeal and jumping like a little kid with the handycam on her hand. “Bommie will love this!!! Omo,, cute dragon, cute Rinnie, and definitely cute Gaho!! Weird though, but still cuteeee!!!!!”


*sigh* I forgot the ahjumma will comeback, aigoo, don’t let Boss and Charlie see this.



Okay, I admit I'm crazy for imagining Gaho like GD at MAMA, but I can't help it. I mean, it'll so funny and of course SWAGGG!!!

No other dog will do that right?? Hope Jiyong collaborate with Gaho. XD


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shikilies #1
Chapter 12: Did you see their last performance of The Leaders ? The one she wore leather hot pants ? (Sorry cause I don't know where was it) Now that's what I think about "Obvious". Fake kiss, hugs, flirty smile that said "He's in MINE" with a hair brushing !!
onlyoda #2
Chapter 1: and i want morrrrrreeeee
onlyoda #3
Chapter 1: hillarious.... best gahooooo... hahahaahhahaa
Chapter 12: POST SPECIAL CHAPTER PUHLEASEEE!! aneh ajah klo udh tamat ceritanya eh tiba2 nyambung udh kaya cinta pitri kkk~ or just make squel and u start again/continue the story on there and post many chapters neh?! *maunya gue wkwkwk

oh and love ur new story, keep it up!!! wooootwoooot~
Swag_21 #5
Chapter 12: More more more more!!
I'll even bring a cheering squad just to say More! Puhleaaaaassse? T.T
Chapter 12: more of coz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skysyagon #7
Chapter 12: ofc more !!!
oneknight #9
Chapter 12: The More the merrier~♥
icarebj #10
Chapter 12: more chapte, please