Yes, I'm a Genius

Gaho's Diary

Yes, Gaho is a genius.

Thanx for the comments, S2 you all~~~~





*Smell,,, Nado Smell~~~~~~*




Mommy,, wake up,,, I’m hungry,,,, I keep sniffing Chaerin’s hair. Mommmm,,,,,


“Eunghh??? Gaho?? What are you doing in here??” she said blankly. Aigoo,,,she must be forgot about last night.



*Daddy leave me here, remember???*


“Ahhh,,I forgot that you’re Daddy using you for apologize. Such a coward.” She rubbed her pretty eyes.


Yes, Mom. Daddy is a coward but don’t worry, I’ll change him for you. Your future son, at the service.



‘Look Mommy, YG Family is having a concert in my stomach. Can you hear it?? I need something for encore, steak maybe.’


“Omo, are you hungry baby boy?? Your stomach is screaming at me, come on. Let’s feed you.” She said and taking me with her. I LOVE YOU MOMMY CHAERIN!!!!!!


I’m enjoying my breakfast, it’s a dog food, a healthy one. I should go to the gym after this, I want to build my body like Youngbae hyung. I bet Jolie will be drooling over me, kekeke~~~


I notice my mom is talking with someone on the phone, happily. But I couldn’t concentrate with her right now, I have to finish my precious food first. After I hearing something that make me completely forget about how hungry I am. “No, I’m not busy, date?? Emm,,okay. When?? Today?? Fine, I’ll meet you at Café eleven o’clock. See ya,,” she said with smiling ear to ear.


Wait a minute. Date?? Today?? NOOOO!!! I should do something, come on Gaho, think. “Gaho, stop chasing your tail. It’s cute but you have to start chasing some female dogs.” Said mommy Chaerin when she saw me chasing my tail. Mommy, I’m not chasing my tail, I’m thinking right now. And my heart is for Jolie only no need chasing other female dogs when I already have the most fabulous female dog.



*Mom, don’t go with him. Let’s meet my father, he missed you a lot!!*


“Bom unnie, could you please take care of Gaho for a while?? I want to prepare myself. Hyun Joong oppa asking me for a date.”


“Wow, move on from Jiyong already?? That’s good Baby Rin.” Bom ahjumma said smiling. Yak, old lady, which side are you?! Why did you say move on from Jiyong is a good thing?? I know my father is being jerk that time, but I can’t have another father. Chaerin omma is belong to Jiyong appa only. I need a plan.


“Aniyo unnie, it just a lunch for me.” ha! You hear that ahjumma. “But he likes you, Chae. Come on, give him a chance.” Aigoo, this ahjumma is getting on my nerve. She is bad influence for my mommy, go find a guy ahjumma!!


“Aigoo, unnie, I still have dating banned, remember??”


“Fine, whatever. So, what time will you go??”


“I’ll meet him at eleven,,,” Bom ahjumma gasped, “Omo!! It’s already nine and a half, you should get ready!! Hurry, get into your room and find a good dress!! Here, let me help you.” I saw her dragged my mom entering the room and close the door right in front of my nose.


‘WOOFF!!!! Grrrrr~~~~’



About an hour later they came out, I almost dropped my jaw when I see what is my mom wear. She’s wearing a -very- short pants showing her gorgeous legs and a large size white hoodie (Just like what she wear when she’s duet with Lee Hi).


“Oh look, even Gaho drooling over you!! So cute,,”


Pfftt,,,I’m not drooling over her you old lady. I just too shock, wait until daddy hear this!! He won’t let you going out anywhere with that outfit, at least not without him.


“Omo, look at the time. Hurry, you have to go before you late!!” Bom ahjumma pushing my mom towards the front door. Oh no, you’re not going anywhere, not without me. Mommy wait!!!



*Mommy mommy don’t leave me!! Take me with you!!!*


Jumping my body up and down and going circle between her legs, “Gaho, stay here. You can’t go with Chaerin.”


Aissh,,,,ahjumma put me down!! Mommy!! Help me from this alien!! T___T


“Maybe Gaho wants to come with me.”


“NO!! Chaerin, you can’t go for date with a dog. He’s not even your dog. Just go, I’ll take care of him.”





I keep struggling until finally she release me. I jumped off from her and blocking the door. Mom, you’re not going anywhere without me.


“Aww,,,so cute. Because of your cuteness, now you can come with me. Let’s go buddy.” She said signaling me to following her. Hah!! Gaho, you are indeed master cute.


“Hul, he’s not cute when he’s in arm a few sec ago.”


That’s because you’re trying to separating me with my mother, old alien. Chaerin omma chuckled at her statement, “I’m going now, unnie. Bye!!”


“Oh, good luck Chaerin!! Don’t let Gaho ruin your date!!” she wished.


Ahjumma, that is exactly what I’m going to do. New mission, ruining Chaerin omma date. Go go go~~~




“Oppa, sorry I’m late. I have something to do first.” She said holding me tightly in her arms.

I saw a guy sitting and smiling ear to ear after she saw my mom, “Nah, it’s okay. I just got here by the way. Wow, you look so pretty,,” I saw his eyes travelling my mom’s body. ert!! Only my dad can see her like that.


Omo, mom, why did you blush?? It’s just some cheap words from cheap guy, even Seungri can do better than him. I growled at him, he looked at me with question look. What are you looking at??? I’m handsome than you, right?? “Isn’t that, Gaho??” he asked her.


“Oh, you know him oppa??”


“Yeah. I saw GD with him in TV. He’s quite famous for a dog.”


Geez,,after erting on my mom now you fanboying over me?? Sorry man, I only accept you as my fanboy when you stop erting on my mom. “Sorry to bring him here with me. His dad- I mean Jiyong oppa is busy so I,,well, you don’t mind do you??”


He smiled, “Of course not, Chae. Why don’t you take a sit, you must be hungry, right??” Pfft,,I can smile better than that.


After waiting for a few minutes the foods and drinks is arrived. When the waiter put the drink in the table I -purposefully- hit the glass with my paws. Making the glass fell off from the table and wetting his lap. Good job, Gaho!! You deserve high quality bone after this.


“Oh my God, bad dog!! Oppa are you all right?? I’m so sorry, Gaho is just to excited,,,I think.” Oh yes, mom. I am so excited for ruining your little ‘date’ now. I’m a bad dog but I’m nice.


“I’m okay, don’t worry. Would you excuse me for a while?? I’m going to the bathroom.” He said standing up. “Sure, oppa.”


“Gaho, you shouldn’t do that. Be nice with him, okay??”



*Don’t worry, I’ll be nice with him. If I can*


I saw him entering the toilet an idea popped out in my head. I grinned -inside my head- ear to ear, Gaho, you’re such a genius. I hop out from her lap and walking around. “Don’t go too far, Gaho.” She said knowing that I might be just walking around the table.


I walked to the male bathroom, and sit in front of the door.


Look left, clear.


Look right, clear.




Done, pull back before someone see me.


“Where have you been, baby?? You’re not doing anything wrong, don’t you??” she asked me when I come back.



*Of course not. Just finishing my business*












“Dog poop?? Oh my,,GAHOO!!!!!”

Uh-oh,, Run for my life!!



“I’m so so sorry, oppa. He usually not like this. I mean, bad Gaho!! Apologize now!!” she yelled at me. I just sniffed and look to somewhere but him.


“No, it’s okay, Chae. I guess I better get home and clean my shoes now. It’s so stinky.”


Well, I eat a lot today and haven’t go to the bathroom. It’s your fault stepped on my poop, *mehrong*


“Let me clean your shoes, oppa. I feel so bad,,”


“No, no, it’s okay. It seems like his dog doesn’t like me. Who knows what he’ll do with my shoes.” He glared at me. Are you challenging me pretty boy?? Bring it on. I’ll bite your shoes and ripped it till pieces.


“Well, he’s a good dog actually. I think he don’t do well with stranger, I’m so sorry oppa,,”


His face smoothen when he saw my mom’s pleading face, aishhh, mom stop using your charm to him. I’m trying to get his out from my face here. Don’t destroy my hard work.


“It’s okay, Chaerin. I’m not mad of you, or him-”





“-but I really have to go now. Besides, my break time is almost over, my manager must be looking at me now.”


“O-okay,,I’m soooorry,,,” she said again bowing. “Don’t worry about it, we can still lunch together next time. Without him of course.” He answered her.




“Gaho, behave!! Of course, oppa. I’ll cook for you. Take care,,” she bowed again and again. That Hyun Joong guy stepping inside his car after removing his dirty shoes.


Ha!!! That’s what you get for trying to court my future mom. Next time more poop and pee for you.


Mommy Chaerin take me inside her car and start to scolding me.


“Gaho, you are bad dog today. Why did you do that for?? Defecate in front of toilet door like that. Look at what you’ve done, you make Hyun Joong oppa stepped on it. Aigoo,,”



*Niga saranghaneun naneun sorry I'm a bad dog~~*


I am indeed a genius.



Aigoo,,bad Gaho,,sorry for Kim Hyun Joong here. You have to stepped on Gaho’s dirt. LOL.

Let me read your words, reader,,,XD


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shikilies #1
Chapter 12: Did you see their last performance of The Leaders ? The one she wore leather hot pants ? (Sorry cause I don't know where was it) Now that's what I think about "Obvious". Fake kiss, hugs, flirty smile that said "He's in MINE" with a hair brushing !!
onlyoda #2
Chapter 1: and i want morrrrrreeeee
onlyoda #3
Chapter 1: hillarious.... best gahooooo... hahahaahhahaa
Chapter 12: POST SPECIAL CHAPTER PUHLEASEEE!! aneh ajah klo udh tamat ceritanya eh tiba2 nyambung udh kaya cinta pitri kkk~ or just make squel and u start again/continue the story on there and post many chapters neh?! *maunya gue wkwkwk

oh and love ur new story, keep it up!!! wooootwoooot~
Swag_21 #5
Chapter 12: More more more more!!
I'll even bring a cheering squad just to say More! Puhleaaaaassse? T.T
Chapter 12: more of coz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
skysyagon #7
Chapter 12: ofc more !!!
oneknight #9
Chapter 12: The More the merrier~♥
icarebj #10
Chapter 12: more chapte, please