
Life Lesson: Throw Yourself





>>three years later



“Good morning!” I saw Baekhyun outside of my apartment as I opened the door. His hair was fixed nicely and he was wearing a business-casual hoodie, along with a gray vest and blue tie underneath.


I looked down at what I was wearing: white pajamas and I blushed. I slammed the door in his face, until I realized that I did just slam a door in his face. Opening it again, I bowed shyly at him to apologized.


“You know I would never judge you in those clothes right?” Baekhyun still had that god-gifted smile on and casually walked in. “I love you too much to do that. Everything is perfect about you.”


I blushed once again. Even after three years of dating this boy which I considered perfection on earth, it still felt almost impossible that this was happening. One day I would just wake up and find out it was all a dream.


“What’s up with your clothes, though?” I poked him, then examined his clothes carefully.


“We’re going on a date, let’s go,” Baekhyun answered.




“I just wanna spend some nice time with you, can’t I?” he pouted. A twenty-five year old who still pouts like a little kid.


I squeezed his cheeks and smiled, “Of course you can, silly. But why are you wearing something so formal?”


“Is it that formal? I tried to make it look more…friendly.”


I chuckled, “Are we going to a fancy restaurant is what I’m asking.”


He nodded, “I guess it is, pretty much.”


It was almost noon at this time; I woke up late today because I had to work overtime yesterday. At least it was Saturday and I had the day off. I quickly chose something casual formal to wear and headed out with Baekhyun to a local diner not too far away.


“What's this for?”


“I told you,” Baekhyun’s smile never leaving him.


“No, I mean...why today all of a sudden?” I asked, curious at his sudden romantic act. We didn't usually have planned dates like these.


Baekhyun shrugged. “I just wanted to do something special. I know you came back home at like three yesterday.”




“You don't remember?” Baekhyun looked at me. “I was waiting outside your apartment door because you weren't answering my calls. When I saw you, you looked deathly tired.”


“Oh...now that you mention it...” I tapped my chin. “I do find that kind of familiar. My phone probably died.”


Baekhyun sighed, and pulled me into an embrace while we were still walking on the streets. “Baby, please don't make me worry like that. Bring your charger or use someone else's phone to tell me. I don't want to worry.”


“S-sorry,” I blushed, my fingers fiddling with Baekhyun's.


“I'm just saying, when we get married you better not do this again or else I might have a heart attack.”


“Married?” my heart skipped a beat.


He let a light laugh leave him, his eyes curving upwards, “Wouldn't that be nice?”


“Is this a proposal?” I stared at him with my serious look.


He blinked innocently. “Do you think I would just propose like this?”


“You're full of surprises you know.”


“Oh yes, I do know,” Baekhyun laughed again.


We reached the diner where we reserved to have lunch. It was mildly fancy, so I felt a little more comfortable in what I was wearing. Quickly ordering, we resorted to little, friendly chats with each other as we waited for our food.


“Oh? Is that you?” a young woman approached out table . She had wavy brown hair and a sharp chin and nose. A tight white dress complimented her curves along with a red purse and white pumps. She was talking to Baekhyun as I didn't recognize her at all.


“Oh, Sora,” Baekhyun gave a small smile. “I haven't seen you in a while.”


She nodded and tucked a strand of hair behind her hair, giggling along with it. Diamond earrings were hiding behind her silky hair and it was clear to me that she was not just well off, but very well off. Who was she?


“You haven't changed much,” Sora told Baekhyun, not even seeming to notice me across the table.


“Yeah, well you...have,” I noticed Baekhyun's eyes scan her attire form top to bottom.


“Yeah, I live in a pretty expensive part of Seoul now,” she bragged. “Too bad you rejected me in college, huh?”


I scoffed and looked away. So they were classmates a few years ago and looked like Sora liked him. Then again, who wouldn't like a sweetheart like him?


“Yeah, too bad I have an amazing girlfriend now,” Baekhyun's eyes met with mines. “And too bad I love her more than anything.”


Sora finally managed to glare at me, “Oh, what's your name?”


“None of your business,” Baekhyun glared back at Sora, who looked shocked from his cold expression. “It's nice seeing you again, but right now, I'm trying to enjoy my date with my girlfriend.”


Sora clicked her lips and left the diner in an frustrated manner. I burst out laughing as I saw her stomp her way through outside.


“Yah, what's so funny?” Baekhyun pouted. “Weren't you jealous of her?”


I stopped laughing and my round eyes stared back at him. “Did you want me to be?”


“I—I want you to love me more than anything too...” his gaze moved down to his fiddling thumbs—something he only did when he was genuinely nervous. I could hear him mutter, “I want you to not want me to talk to other girls.”


“I love you, Baekhyun,” I confessed. He looked back up at me, his thumbs going crazy. “Trust me, I love you more than anything, too.”


“Sa ri...”


“And I trust you enough that you wouldn't do anything with other girls.”




“Did you want me to cause a commotion and yell at her?”


He shook his head. “You're so mature, noona.”


“Hey, don't call me that anymore,” I laughed nervously. “I feel old when you say it.”


“Okay, Sa ri, saranghae,” Baekhyun professed again.


We ate lunch and the mood became light again. I was happy being able to spend time with him like this. It was stress relief and entertainment and love all in one. Marriage popped up again in the conversations, Baekhyun always laughing and playing it off as nothing. It had me thinking how it would be to have him as my husband—living together and always being with each other. Being able to start our own family—everything seemed really impossible. Or, to be honest, it would have been impossible three years ago.


“Where would you like to go now?” Baekhyun clasped my hands in his as we exited out the diner with full stomachs.


“Let's go to my apartment,” I smiled.


“Eh? Why?”


“Why not? Let's just wait until dinner because that's your main date reservation, isn't it?” I touched his vest, reminding him of the formal outfit.


He nodded, “I hope you don't think I'm a disappointment.”


“Tch,” I rolled my eyes. “Yes, because I would think my perfection of a boyfriend is a disappointment.”


It was Baekhyun's turn to blush and his cheeks turned a light red as he smiled brightly. “Why are you so perfect?”


We were almost back at my apartment when someone approached us for the second time today. It was a man and he was familiar to me this time.


“Sa ri!” the man brought me into a big hug all of a sudden. When he pulled away he looked at Baekhyun and put his hand out to shake. Baekhyun seemed cautious and gave a stiff handshake back to him.


“I'm Kris,” the man introduced himself to Baekhyun. “We used to go to the same college.”


Oh right, that's where he was familiar from. It was way too long ago for me to remember. Plus, he didn't look like a business man back then, unlike now.


“Baekhyun,” Baekhyun replied. “Sa ri's boyfriend.”


“Boyfriend?” Kris looked at her in surprise. “Since when?”


“It's been three years...” I shyly replied. Baekhyun grabbed onto my hand tightly.


“Oh, that's nice,” Kris smiled. “Funny how you always told me you never wanted someone to date before.”


Baekhyun raised his eyebrows. Kris continued, “And you kept rejecting me. And now you're wi—”


“I get it,” I looked at Kris, obviously the bold and unashamed type. “It doesn't matter now, because that was years ago.”


Kris sighed and said, “I know. I was excited to see you again, and I was hoping for something...but I guess it's a no again, huh?”


“Sorry about that, Kris,” I replied. I will be Baekhyun's forever.


“It's fine. Great to see how you're doing. I'll see you around then, bye,” Kris turned and waved to the both of us before walking away.


“What's up with today,” Baekhyun murmured. “I don't like all these old people showing up.”


“Is my Baek upset?” I pinched his cheeks.


He cutely pouted and nodded, “I don't like...the way he talked about you.”


“Or him in general?”


“That too.”


I giggled from his cute jealousy. “You should know, I don't like the way he talked to me either.”


Baekhyun sighed, “Well that's a relief.”


“It's not like I would do anything,” I rolled my eyes. “As if I would want to ever lose you.”


“It's because you're so pretty,” Baekhyun casually said looking up into the sky with his hands in his pockets, although I could feel he was blushing. “You—you can have anyone."


“No, not really.”


“Of course—”


“I only try to be pretty in front of you. And I don't want anyone, I want Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun stared speechlessly at me, eyes of marbles gleamed lovingly at me.


“Screw this...” he muttered.


“What?” I asked, wondering what he meant by this.


“Sa ri, can we talk?” Baekhyun asked. He took his hands out of his pockets, stood straight up and silently stared at the ground.


“We are,” I replied, feeling nervous. Thoughts raced through my head—I was thinking Baekhyun might have done something bad...no I shouldn't think of him like that,


“Ah...no...I mean like...I need to tell you something that I want you to understand. So just listen to me, okay?” I noticed him fiddling with his fingers.




“Um, so I was going to tell you this later tonight, but I realized that I think this is a better environment for me to tell you. And I'm impatient and a nervous wreck right now, so I might as well do this before I mess up later,” sweat formed on his forehead and nose, while he brushed his bangs away from his puppy eyes.


“Three years ago, I was a pretty sad kid who just graduated from university with nothing else to do because finding a job took a long time. Three years ago, I met this girl who I learned was the daughter of an unfortunate couple. Three years ago, I realized that we complimented each other: the mature, knowing girl and the happy-go-lucky boy. And three years ago, I had fallen deeply in love with her.”


“Those years went by too fast for me, and I found myself always learning more about the girl I love and about myself. Three years were not enough for me to really show everything to that girl. Even now, I really don't know how I came to be so lucky under such a coincidental meeting.”


“And even now, even though I don't take the bus anymore, I still find that place one of my favorites.”


“Because of that bus, because of that girl, I'm grateful I'm like this today.”


“Baekhyun...” I sobbed, not realizing tears were rolling down my face already.


“Sa ri, do you know who this girl is?” Baekhyun made eye contact with me for the first time since he started talking. “No, I don't think you know her.”


Baekhyun cupped my hands in his own, and kissed them. “You don't know who I'm talking about.”


W-what are you talking about?” I quivered.


“Sa ri, you love me, right?”


I nodded, “Of course I do!”


“Then I, Byun Baekhyun, would like to ask. if—”


In a flash Baekhyun was on one of knees, his hands opening up my palm to reveal a bright golden ring with a diamond attached. He almost struggled to hold it in his fingers when his hands were shaking so much, but he only showed a smile to me.


“Sa ri, will you marry me?”








Baekhyun shifted his eyes around. He was nervous, wasn't he? I was nervous too, of course, but he was waiting for an answer.


“Y-yes. I will definitely marry you, Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun broke out into a euphoric smile and stood up to bring me into a tight hug. “I promise I'll love you forever, Sa ri. I'll never let you go.”


He held my fingers out and slipped the ring onto my fourth finger, and stared at me.


“So do you know who I was talking about at first?”


“...It was me, isn't it?”


“I was talking about my wife,” Baekhyun grinned. “The girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.”


I raised one of my eyebrows.


“...and that's you, now,” Baekhyun finally said. He leaned in and his soft lips met mine. We shared a long, loving kiss before ending up in each other's embrace again.


“I love you, Baekhyun.”


“And I love you, Sa ri-ah.”


“Are we still eating dinner then?”


“Of course! I'll just have to tell them that I'm with my fiancee now, not my girlfriend.”


I laughed, “Silly, so this is what you wanted to do since this morning.”


“I couldn't wait.”


“It's okay. It's better here, at least people aren't awkwardly watching,” I smiled, lacing my fingers in with his.


“You're right. Because we can go home now and do things that married couples do!” Baekhyun jumped excitedly and started running towards my apartment.


“W-what?!” I blushed as I was being pulled by him. “We're not doing anything!”


During the time that we rushed home, I kept smiling at the thought of Baekhyun. Baekhyun, my best friend. Baekhyun, my lover. Baekhyun, my husband. Baekhyun, the boy I will love forever and ever.





epilogue finishedddd c: i hope i made you guis vomit from the cheesiness and fluff lolol re-reading i thought it was pretty adorable ahhehe

soooo since i'm about to graduate high school and all that i'll probably have a lot more time for me to be bored at write fanfics :)

i really do want to continue these as a series of some kind so yeah xD

thank you for reading this one! please upvote if you enjoyed it and yeah...

if you have time, check out my other fics too c:

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Chapter 2: Would be nice if you didn't use romanization words like saranghae, hahaha! But nevertheless, that was soooo long, I enjoyed reading it c:
hilaryyyyy #2
Chapter 2: perfect ending ,i love this cute couple, i m looking forward for your next fanfic , fighting!!!
Chapter 2: This cheesiness was the sweetest of all... I'm definitely reading ur other fics *grins*
Chapter 1: Sooo~ beautiful ^^ I loved it... I wish someone like him happens to me :D
You made him look even more adorable... And the story was meaningful indeed, no worries!
Chapter 2: My heart!! XD asfdhfklvkslgl. Love is soo beautiful. <3
Chapter 2: What if Sari didn't fall on the floor in the bus that one time?:O
Chapter 1: Aww so meaning ful
hilaryyyyy #8
Chapter 1: omg !!! i love tis story .i m a big fan of baekhyun !!!the best oneshot i ve ever read . it was smooth and enjoyable
Chapter 1: Omo, love this so much ^^ writers like you need to be shown to the world ^-^
hilaryyyyy #10
i really like the foreword , i think it s gonna be an amazing story , i m really looking foreword to reading it , so i hope you update soon :)