
My Bitter-sweet Love~

I was walking alone along the corridors when I saw Myungsoo making out with some random girl. I marched towards them and tapped Myungsoo on the shoulder.

When he didn't budge, I slapped his arm.

"Yah! Get lost! Can't you see I'm busy here?!"

I said a small "Excuse me" to the girl and shoved him my phone.

He looked confused but looked at my phone anyway.

Once he's finish reading it, he groaned and whispered something to the girl and she immediately went off.

"What did you say?" I asked.

He didn't answer and just walked to the exit doors.

"Yah! Where are you going?!"

"We're going 'shopping' remember?" he said, not turning back.

I sighed and silently walked with him towards his car.

We drove in uncomfortable silence. 

We suddenly stopped and he turned to me. "Stay here and look for your dress yourself. I'm busy. I'll pick you up later at around 5." I nodded and left his car. I watched him zoom away as I sigh.

*I can't believe I'm doing this alone.* I thought.

I went in the shop and saw a young woman, maybe 2 or 3 years older than me.

"Annyeonghasaeyo." I greeted and bowed.

She turned around and gave me smile. *That smile of hers seems fake...*

"What do you need?" she said in a sweet but irritating voice. I noticed that she was wearing a little too much make up. She has curly hair that's just below the shoulders. She's a bit shorter than me.

"Uhm...I'm looking for a wedding dress."

"Well, come here. you can choose freely."

I followed her in a room full of beautiful dresses which earned a shock from me.

I saw her roll her eyes at me but I just ignored it.

I searched and searched but didn't find anything I liked. Some were showing off more skin than supposed and some were itchy and uncomfortable.

By the time I finished, it was already 5:30, I concluded that I'm just going to come back here another time, this time with Myungsoo.

*Speaking of Myungsoo, where was he? He said he'd be here by 5...*

"I'm sorry for the disturbance and I'll just come back here another day with my fiance." I bowed and left the store. *She didn't even acknowledged my words...how rude.*

Not knowing what to do, I walked to the bench that i saw earlier and sat down.

I took out my phone and started playing. 

After 30 minutes of waiting, I finally decided to call Myungsoo. *Oh ... I forgot I didn't have his number.*

I pouted and put back my phone.

*Maybe waiting for a little longer won't hurt right?*

I just sat there waiting. I waited and waited and waited, but still, no Myungsoo came.

It was already 15 past 8 and I was still not home. My phone was dead and I didn't have enough money for a cab.

I didn't really know where I was so I was kinda lost at this point.

I decided to walk around and find my own way back.

A little later, it started to pour. Remembering my umbrella in the bag, I took it out and opened it.  *Good thing I brought my umbrella... I'm soo dead when I get home.*

After maybe 15 minuutes, it started to rain harder. Which is making it harder to see where I was going. But since I was at the sidewalk, I'm quite safe.

suddenly there was a huge wind that blew which caused my umbrella to flip over, leaving me bare.

*. Now what do I do?*

I hug my jacket closer and walk a little slower. 

I can feel the coldness of the raindrops that's on my legs. I'm getting tired but still continued walking. *I hate you Kim Myungsoo.*

A thunder broke out and jumped, making me slip on the cold wet floor.

"Aah... it hurts." my eyes stung by tears, looking at my knees that was now covered in blood.

My trembling hands gently touched my wounded knee. I yelp in pain, tears keep flowing out my eyes.

I notice that a big scratch was on my palm. I tried to wipe it gently on my jacket, it stings and I hissed.

Quivering, I slowly stood up and tried to balance myself.

I limp, determined to get home as soon as I can.

I turned to a familiar street and smiled in victory, doing a dance in my head.

*Finally. Home.*

I groaned when I felt my wound sting. It hurts a lot and I'm doing all that I can to remain conscious.

I limp faster towards my house, when I finally reached the gate, I press the doorbell and stood infront of the small camera that's beside it.

My breathing became a little rigid and rough, my head was spinning, I didn't know what was happening. 

"Jae Hee!" and that was the last thing that I heard before giving in the blackness.



Chunhee's POV (Jae Hee's mom)


I paced the livingroom, worried about my daughter and Myungsoo. *Where is she?? Is she with Myungsoo? Are they still looking for a dress??* A hundred thoughts was going through my mind.

"Chunhee. Relax. She's probably with Myungsoo." my bestfriend, a.k.a. Myungsoo's mom, Soojin, rubbed my back.

"Soojin's right. Sit down and have some tea." Myungsoo's dad, Myungjoo agreed, patting the seat beside him.

"Aren't you at least a bit worried about the kids? It's nearly 9:30 and they're still not here."

"Well ofcourse we are. We just know that Myungsoo won't let anything happen to your daughter..." Soojin said.

I sighed. "Wifey, relax." Jungsoo said, massaging my back. Yeah, as you all know, that's my idiotic husband.

*Ding dong*

Oh! That must be them! 

"Palli, go see who it is." I told the maids.

"It's Jae Hee aghassi. She looks pale though." one of them said.

I hurried outside, not even bothering changing shoes.

She's all wet and her uniform's dirty. I saw her getting wobbly, her gaze blurry and her arms I'm guessing, trying to search something to lean on. 

She suddenly lost balance and fell.

"Jae Hee!" I yelled, rushing towards her. I cradled her head in my arms.

"Jungsoo ah! Soojin! Myungjoo! Help!"

Quickly, they all gathered around me, and Jungsoo lift her in his arms and carried her in the house.

We all followed. *What happened to my daughter?*



Jungsoo's POV (Jae Hee's dad)


"Jungsoo ah! Soojin! Myungjoo! Help!" I heard my wife's voice.

I ushered outside to find her holding Jae Hee's head in her arms.

We gathered around and I quickly lift her in my arms and carried her towards the house.

*What the heck happened to her? Where's Myungsoo?*





"Dude! You're getting hitched?!" Sungyeol exclaimed. Even with the music blaring around us, I can still hear him. Wow. Just wow.

And yes I'm at a club.

I roll my eyes at my retarded friend and turned. *Something's wrong... What could I have forgotten...*

Then it dawned on me. "Oh my god Jae Hee!" I ran out the club, without even telling the guys where I was going.

It was raining hard and I put my jacket over my head. I looked at my watch and my eyes almost popped out of their sockets. *It's 10! !*

I got into my Mercedes Benz and drove to that store a while ago. 

It was already closed and she was nowhere in sight. I immediately drove to her house and quickly got out of my car, running towards the gate. *God I hope she's here.*

I draped my jacket over my head and pressed the doorbell, standing directly infront of the tiny camera.

The gate opened and I rushed to the door.

When I opened it, I took off my shoes and went to the living room. Ther I saw mine and Jae Hee's parents on the couch.

When they took my pressence in, the first one that approached me was Jae Hee's mom. *Figures.*

She surprised me by pulling me in a bone crushing hug. 

My mom just stayed where she is and glared at me. 

"Where were you?!" mom screached.

"Calm down Soojin ah~" Mrs. Lee said.

"You and I are gonna talk." she said, pointing at me.

She motioned me towards the kitchen with dad following behind.

"Where were you??"

"U-um. At a club... But I swear I just forgot!"

"At the club?! Just forgot?! Did you know what happened to her?!!"

I looked down. I did feel guilty...

"And to think that I trusted her with you!! It's embarrassing that you had to do this infront of her parents! ....... Go up to her now! This discussion isn't over."

With that, she her heel and left the kitchen.

"I'm really disappointed in you son." dad also left.

I went up the stairs and to the end of the hallway, where her room is. Wonder how I knew? Well.. her mom told me obviously.

I knocked twice before opening the door.

There she was, lying on her bed asleep.

I crept up to her and noticed the scrape on her cheek. I touched it gently, her face.

I scanned her, she's already changed in her pjs, her knees was wounded and she had a bruise on her other leg. Her palm has a cut.

"Mianhe... Jeongmal mianhe..." I said, tears pricking my eyes. I took the wet cloth that was beside the basin and rinsed it.

I dryed it off and slowly wiped her face, hands and arms. I got down to her legs and gently wiped the spot where the wound is.

I stare at her for a while. Making up my mind, I looked for Mrs. Lee in the living room. There she was, flipping the pages of her book.

"Mrs. Lee, I'm sorry for what happened to your daughter." I said and bowed. She looked up from her book and smiled.

"But if you wouldn't mind that I spend the night here with Jae Hee..."

"Oh I wouldn't mind at all. I'll go talk to your parents about this. Go and change into something comfortable." she said and took her phone.

"Kamsahamnida." I bowed once more and left to find the maids or butler.

"Excuse me, but do you have something that I could wear for tonight?" I asked one of them.

"Yes. I'll be right back."

I waited for at least 5 minutes. "Here you go sir." I smiled and went back to the room.

I took off my jacket and shirt, I took the clothes and went in to the shower.

After 15 minutes, I emmerged and dried my hair.

I changed into the clothes and got into bed with Jae Hee. I kissed her forehead and hugged her waist before fluttering my eyes shut.



Soooo?? What do you think?? Please don't foget to subscribe and comment! And for those silent readers...please spare a comment or two! Annyeong^^~

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Chapter 9: this is so good please update soon~^^
Chapter 8: Niceeee!!! Hahhahah love this atory!
Chapter 8: Oh I made a mistake, it's suppose to be 'Kaiserzzz' ^^
SamGurl #4
Chapter 7: Oo..so she has moodswing..wow..to me I think both of them does..LOL..anywho I LUV it..
Chapter 7: I love your story :)
Chapter 6: Tia-louise thanks for commenting! I really really appreciate it!:)
tia-louise #7
Chapter 6: aww so sweet of you myungsoo!!!
tia-louise #8
Chapter 3: plz update soon! :)