Wedding Bells

My Bitter-sweet Love~

No One's POV


"Hurry up! Where are the flowers? The bride's maids? ... No put it there! The guest list then? Is it ready? Make sure it's complete. The bells? Ok good. Go over there and help them. Yes, and make sure they're not a disturbance. Ok. get them lined up in an hour. Are the bride and groom here? Alright. Tell them to stay put till we call for them......." Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Lee was pointing out orders here and there, making sure everything's well and dandy while their husbands make sure that all the people are comfortable.

Yes it was finally Myungsoo and Jae Hee's wedding. They were a tad late from the schedule, hence why they were all in serious/panic mode. Guests were already filling the place. Servants darting everywhere, hurrying to do what they're told. Others were trying to occupy the early guests like giving refreshments and some snacks.

The groom and bride along with the groomsmen and maid of honor is already in their rooms, touching up stuff.

"Jisung, not so tight please." Jae Hee said as Jisung clipped her hair neatly. Careful not to destroy her masterpiece.

"Yeah yeah just leave it to me." she answered. "Let's see your make up..." she tilted her head and took a peek on the bride.

"Good. No smudge or anything so far. Keep it that way." the bestfriend instructed. "Yes madam." Jae Hee blew a raspberry. She knows these kinds of things hypes up the nerves of her bestfriend. Thus being the overexaggerating Jisung. She knows better than to get in the way of her bestfriend's expertise.

Meanwhile in the groom's room, the Infinite boys were all scurrying around, making sure they were prepared and good looking enough for the event. 

"Yah! Hurry up! I need to use the bathroom! Sungyeol!" the Namstar yelled, trying to keep it in while the others just laughed. "Shut up." he grumbled.

"Hey Myungsoo. You nervous?" the leader asked, checking on his dongsaeng. 

"Nah. More like dreading." Myungsoo replied with a contorted face.

"Come on. You know she's not that bad...actually she's rather beautiful if you ask me. Without those thick glasses of hers now, we know what's beneath it." he clapped a hand on his shoulder.

"I still don't like her. I'm only doing this because of my car and credit card. You know that. And besides, even if she's the most beautiful woman in the world, if it were on my terms, I still would'nt marry her." he said trying to end the conversation.

Sunggyu noticed that he didn't like talking about this subject so he let it go and went to look for his coat.

Myungsoo sighed deeply as he thought all the things that would happen the next hour. *Damn wedding... Ah think positive L! We'd divorce eventually. Just flow with it.*

He thought that after this wedding, or at a year after this wedding, he can just drop everything and go... Leave his responsibilities and have his way.

"You guys ready?" Sunggyu asked s.

"Yeah. We're good. We're just waiting for the call." 

As if on cue, a knock came on the door.

"Come in!" Woohyun shouted.

A servant poked his head in and said, "We're ready in 10 minutes."

They nodded and the servant left. "Myungsoo ah. Let's go." Dongwoo said.

"You guys go ahead, I'll be right behind you." he muttered monotonely. Many things were still running through his mind. He had to calm down. 

As he heard the door close, he stands up and straightens his blazer. One last breath and he turns and leaves the room.



In the ladies' room...


"You ready girl??" Jisung asked as she gave Jae Hee a once over.

"Yeah..." she breathed, unable to control her nervousness.

"Yeah! Let's rock this!" the overhyped girl fist pumped as someone came knocking.

Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Lee slipped in the room and gasped.

"Darling. You look amazing!" Mrs. Lee said, smiling from ear to ear.

Mrs. Kim nodded in agreement. "Wow. I'm really blessed to have such a future daughter-in-law. You look absolutely beautiful." Mrs. Kim clasped her hands.

"Come on, people are already waiting. Let's go." Mrs. Lee said and grabbed Jae Hee by the hand.



Wedding bells ringing. Piano playing. Guests excited. Groom standing very still at the altar. Jae Hee took a long deep breath before entering.

She can hear the loud beating of her heart; the stares of people. Clutching the bouquet in her hands, she clenched her teeth as she saw the person that's going to be her husband a few minutes from now. 

*He looks perfect.* she thought while fidgeting her fingers.

"It's gonna be ok sweety." her dad assured her.

She smiled curtly at her dad and looked straight once again.

Myungsoo looked like this:

*Gosh why does he look so damn hot?* [I KNOW RIGHT SISTER?! HIGH FIVE! ahehe sorry. *shrinks back*]

Myungsoo on the other hand, was absolutely stunned.

He was standing as still as a pole. Not moving a centimeter. 

Infinite who noticed this snickered. He didn't even pay attention to his mates. He just kept staring at the girl that he's about to marry. In his thoughts, she's too beautiful for words. He had his mouth hanged open, trying to will his mind to think that he's not seeing an angel that fell from the heavens.

*Is she really the one I'm marrying? She's the nerd that kicked me in the face weeks ago? What-- Am I drooling?* he double checked himself. *Good. I'm not drooling.*

Jae Hee looked like this:

[imagine Jae Hee wearing this dress with the same hairstyle as the girl's]

"Wow." Myungsoo whispered, breathless.

As she made it to the altar, Myungsoo was still moveless. His mouth open like a fish.

"L." his best budd nudged him. 

"Huh. Oh right." he shake his head once and proceed to taking Jae Hee's hand.

"Take care of my daughter." Mr. Lee whipered to Myungsoo.

He nods and leads them up some stairs. Facing each other, the two was still in a daze, captured by each other's gaze.

The priest had started and not until the priest clears his throat when Myungsoo snaps out of his reverie. That's how he was so glamoured by the incredible creature infront of him.

*Damn it why am I like this?? This isn't like me at all...* he wondered idly.

"Please state your vow." the priest said.

"I, Kim Myungsoo, take you Lee Jae Hee, to be my wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness." 

"Ms. Lee Jae Hee, please state your vows."

"I, Lee Jae Hee , take you Kim Myungsoo, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."

"By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." and with that, all breath left Jae Hee.

*Here goes nothing...* Myungsoo thought as he leaned in and placed his hand on the small of her back, pressing her closer to him. He lifts his other hand and places it under her chin, tilting her face upwards.

He slowly leaned in and Jae Hee closes her eyes as he places a kiss on her soft lips.

*Her lips. So so soft... I wanna kiss it all day.* he thought, kissing her in a slow motion, feeling her warm lips move against his. *Even his lips are perfect. Wow. I can do this all day..* she thought, unaware that her hands found his way to his soft hair.

The crowd had broken to an applaus. The boys hollering and wolf whisling.

Right then the couple broke apart, catching their breath. Not saying anything. Just once again staring at each other's eyes.

"Carry me." she breathed in his ear.

He swiftly scooped her up in his arms and carried her all the way. The crowd was going wild. Others whooping.

*Woah. I never thought my wedding would be this perfect...with Kim Myungsoo.*



Tada! They're finally wedded! Weeeelll?? whadya think?? Please comment, subscribe and upvote!^^ Annyeong!:)

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Chapter 9: this is so good please update soon~^^
Chapter 8: Niceeee!!! Hahhahah love this atory!
Chapter 8: Oh I made a mistake, it's suppose to be 'Kaiserzzz' ^^
SamGurl #4
Chapter 7: she has me I think both of them does..LOL..anywho I LUV it..
Chapter 7: I love your story :)
Chapter 6: Tia-louise thanks for commenting! I really really appreciate it!:)
tia-louise #7
Chapter 6: aww so sweet of you myungsoo!!!
tia-louise #8
Chapter 3: plz update soon! :)