An Eventful Day

My Bitter-sweet Love~

I was massaging my head whilst walking down the stairs. It's been 2 days since the encounter with Myungsoo. My head was aching a lot lately. I don't really know why...

"Good morning dear." umma said when I entered the living room.

"Ne. Good morning." I said tiredly.

"Honey is something wrong?"

"Ani...just, my head hurts that's all..." I answered.

"Dear, I'm sorry if the marriage was a big of a shock to you..." she looked down.

"Gwenchana. I made my choice. It's fine."

"Arraso. Just tell me if you need anything, ok?"

"Ok, gumawo umma." I said, and hugged her.

She chuckled and hugged back.

"I'll be going first, ne?" I said.

"Arra~ Annyeong." I waved goodbye and headed for the car.

I hopped in and shut the door. "Mr. Kang, to school please."

"Yes, aghassi." Mr. Kang replied.

After a few minutes, I said, "Mr. Kang, please stop here. I'll be walking."

The car stopped and I got off and said thank you.

I took out my book and started reading where I left off.

Again, not looking where I was going, I bumped into someone, dropping my book in the process.




"Hyung! Come on, you're so slow!" Sungjong said, waving his arms to hurry up.

"Arraso, wait a minute, I need to tie my shoelace." I replied.

They groaned simultaniously as I work on my shoelace.

When I got up, someone bumped into me. 

"Ah-mianhe! Mianhe! I wasn't watching where I was---you?!"

I looked at the person that bumped me and smirked. "Wow. You're that obsessed with me that you're stalking me?"

"I am not stalking you! What a feeler you turned out to be." she retorted.

"Just admit it. You like me." I said teasingly.

She groaned and said, "Hell. I'd rather like a cow than you jerkface." with that, she walked past me, bumping me again.

I looked down and noticed that she left her book. *Idiot.*

I picked it up and read the cover. 'City of Bones'

The cover was interesting. I flipped the book and read the back. In the middle of reading it, someone snatched it. "Yah!" I looked up to Sungyeol who was examining the book. Since he can't read english, he looks confused.

"What does this mean Myungsoo ah?" Sungyeol asked, still trying to understand the words.

I snatched it back. "I-it's mine." I stuttered.

"Doesn't seem like it. You don't read." he said accusingly.

"It is. Now let's go before we're late." I said as I drag him.



Jae Hee's POV

*What an a-hole. He really thinks I like him?? Eww!! I would gladly pluck every strand of my hair rather than like him! Aish! Such a feeler... Why did I even apologize to that jerkface?! Pabo Jae Hee ah~*

I kept hitting and hitting my head. Until something pops up. "Where the heck is my book??" I asked myself.

I started rummaging my bag. *I can't lose it right? Come on! I spent a lot for that one!*

Then I remembered I dropped it the time I bumped into Myungsoo.

"." I ran out the school went to the spot where I dropped it but when I got there, no book can be seen.

I sighed, defeated. I just went back. Even though I was late, I still need to face the consequences.

I ran to my class and bursted in. "Mi-mianhe I'm late sangsaengnim. I just had to find something."

"You still have detention. Now sit down before I give you a double detention."

I bowed and quietly went to my seat.

"Psst." the person beside me said.

I just looked straight ahead and ignored the noise.


*Just ignore the guy...*

"Pssssssst." this time it's starting to piss me off. I clench my teeth and took deep breaths. *Just ignore, Jae Hee. IGNORE.*

"Pppssssssstttt!" I turned and faced the guy. "What?!" *A little too loud...oops.*

The whole class began to laugh as our teacher glared at me.

"Double detention!" Mr. Han scolded.

"Bwo?" I whispered. I groaned and hit my head on the table.

"You know if you just talked back to me sooner none of this would've happened..." I turned my head to my right, my head still on the table.

I sighed. "Wae? What do you want?"

"My name's Yook Sungjae, but you probably know it since I'm next to you the whole year..." he said while twindling his thumbs.

"Actually, I didn't know." I spoke in a low tone. Avoiding to get another detention.

"I if I could join you and your friends at lunch?" he said, unsure of his words.

I thought for a second. *Hm... Maybe he can. He doesn't look like a player or a jerk anyway.*

"Okay." I nodded.

"Gumawo Jae Hee-ssi."

"Drop the formalities and call me Jae Hee." I extended a hand towards him.

He nodded and shook my hand.



At lunch time...


"Come on Sungjae." I said as I motion him to follow me.

When we reached our table, Jisung and Kai were giving me looks as if saying 'explain now.'

"Guys, this is Sungjae. Yook Sungjae. He'll be sitting with us, if it's alright." I said, giving the both of them an approving look.

They both saw it and immediately changed their expressions. 

Jisung stood up and bowed. "Annyeonghaseyo. Choi Jisung imnida." Kai stood up next. "Annyeonghaseyo. Kim Jongin imnida. But you can call me Kai."

"Annyeong. Yook Sungjae imnida. I hope we'll be good friends." he smiled and shook hands with both of them.

We sat down and began talking.

"Sungjae, why did you want to sit with us?" Jisung asked, holding a spoonful of rice.

"Well, I just have this feeling that you'd be nice to me and not judge. Unlike the others." Sungjae said.

"Cool. We're not really those kind of people." Kai said, joining the conversation.

"How long have you guys been friends?" Sungjae asked.

"Well, it's been a very long time. We've been bestfriends since forever." Jisung answered.

"But me and Jisung met first before we met Kai here..." I said, swallowing.

"Which makes it unfair." Kai pouted.

Me and Jisung chuckled.

"How about you? Who are you friends with?" Kai asked, leaning closer.

"As you can see, I'm not really good with friends." 

"Oh, sorry. Keke."

Sungjae smiled and continued eating.

After that we just talked about our childhood days and how we met. We joked around and stuff. Finally, when the lunch bell rang, we both said our goodbyes and headed for class. I didn't even mention about the detention to Kai and Jisung.

Somehow I'm having a feeling that this Sungjae guy is gonna stick with us for a long time.



Chapter 3 guyzz!^^ Hope you like it!

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Chapter 9: this is so good please update soon~^^
Chapter 8: Niceeee!!! Hahhahah love this atory!
Chapter 8: Oh I made a mistake, it's suppose to be 'Kaiserzzz' ^^
SamGurl #4
Chapter 7: she has me I think both of them does..LOL..anywho I LUV it..
Chapter 7: I love your story :)
Chapter 6: Tia-louise thanks for commenting! I really really appreciate it!:)
tia-louise #7
Chapter 6: aww so sweet of you myungsoo!!!
tia-louise #8
Chapter 3: plz update soon! :)