The Feeling Of Insecure

How Will You Ever See Me


It’s been three days since Ya Lun was hospitalized and he is starting to get bored. He can’t be discharged yet because the Doctors want to make sure that he is in good condition and everything is fine especially his eye.


“AAAHH!! Jiro I’m bored” Ya Lun shouted why trying to find a better position at the bed. His back hurts and he want to go out for a walk, but because his body feels sore he can’t walk freely without anyone accompanying him or strolling him out in a wheelchair.


“Beats me! It’s much more boring just watching you lying there on your bed” Jiro sarcastically answered.


“You are so mean! Why don’t you just accompany me outside?” Ya Lun asked and hopefully Jiro will agree.


“No can do!” he answered nonchalantly and remained seated at the couch while sending messages from his phone.


“Why? I’m really bored!” Ya Lun whined like a kid and tried to sit up.


“First, it is noon. The sun is high and hot! Second, I’m not good in assisting people. And lastly, we would look like a gay couple” he replied and Ya Lun just sighed in defeat.


Time passed by and this made Ya Lun much bored than before. He tried to focus at the sky but surrendered after a few minutes because the light is too much for his battered eye making him feel a little sting. After that he tried to look at the ceiling and his eyes darted at the air conditioning which have this strips of paper attached to it that flies, which assures that it is working and releasing air, but this made him feel like going insane by the minute. He is about to bother Jiro once again when he got cut off by a soft knock at the door.


“Come in” Jiro answered and looked once again at his phone, still not knowing the person at the door. And once he did look, his phone fell down on the floor.


“Oh! Are you alright?” the person asked Jiro which made him blink a few times before he finally answered.


“Ye—yeah!” he managed to say.


“So what brings you here?” he asked after a few seconds of silence.


“Well, I came to visit the patient?” she answered and smiled a little.


“Oh! I’m sorry for my rudeness. Come in” Jiro said and immediately went out of the room.


“Hi!” she greeted Ya Lun and smiled brightly while on the other hand Ya Lun froze and could not believe what he’s seeing right now.


“Uhm… Can I put the flowers here?” she asked and Ya Lun just and watched her place the flowers at the side table.


“Classmate Yan, how are you doing?”


“A—Aaron, just call me Aaron. And I am fine” Ya Lun stuttered and blushed.


“Oh! And then just call me Gui. It’s good to know that you are fine. But it doesn’t look so good to me” Gui replied and leaned over at Ya Lun’s face to examine the dark purple spots.


“Err…” Ya Lun gulped at the close proximity. He’s starting to feel dizzy because of overloaded and mixed feelings he have right now. And being able to see her this close, and smelling her wonderful scent is not helping at all.


“I’m sorry” she mumbled when she noticed their close proximity and uneasiness in Aaron’s eyes and pulled away from Aaron and darted her eyes to somewhere else until she saw the book.

“Did you already start reading it?” she started to converse and break the awkwardness in the air.


“No” he simply answered. He doesn’t want to be rude, but what can he do? He’s just a nerd who happens to be with his love of his life.


“You didn’t like it?” Gui answered. A bit disappointed with Aaron’s response.


“NO! I—I mean… I like it but my eye still hurts so I can’t read until it fully heals” He panicked when he saw the disappointment in her eyes.


“Is that so?” she simply answered. Silence took over again. Aaron wanted to break it but it seems that his voice disappeared.


“I can read it for you” she whispered. She sounded unsure and started to play with her fingers. A slight tinge of red can be seen at her cheeks.


“Really? You would do that for me?!” Aaron answered excitedly, forgetting that they are not even close friends to begin with. And once that hit him, his eyes grew wide but then again only one of his eyes went wide.


“I—I’m sorry. I mean if that won’t take your time and if I won’t be a bother” Aaron finally said and this time he is the one who is fidgeting out of nervousness. Gui just smiled at his cuteness and sat beside him.


“Well, first you are not a bother and secondly, I would love to read it for you” she simply answered and flipped the book open, getting ready to read the thick book in hand.


“Thank you” Aaron answered in delight not even knowing what to feel right at the moment. He thinks that heaven just sent him an angel after being at hell as compensation, and he is very thankful for that.



Another three days have passed and not even a single day that Gui missed visiting Aaron. She spends an hour reading the book to him and even helps him eat his food and even updates him with school activities and assignments. They became closer to each other as if they knew one another for a long time.


There are times that they found interesting things about each other which also surprises them especially when there are alike in many things. They grew fond of each other and build a nice friendship between them, and with that, Aaron is thankful.


“Jiro, what am I going to do?” Ya Lun asked seriously.


“Going to do about what?” Jiro replied after stopping what he was doing a while ago.


“I’m going home tomorrow” Ya Lun simply replied and sighed.


“Aren’t you supposed to be happy because you can finally go home and be free from all the boredom in this hospital room” Jiro answered.


“Well, I’m happy because I can go back to my home and sleep on my comfortable bed, but something bothers me” He answered back after fidgeting on how to explain to Jiro about what he is bothered about.


“And what is that?” Jiro looked at him intently and raised an eyebrow as if he was demanding some answers right away.






“What if Gui would never be friends with me anymore?” Ya Lun finally blurt out his worries and sighed audibly.


“You know Gui is a nice girl and if she really treated you as a friend, you shouldn’t be bothered that she will change after this” Jiro answered seriously.


“But what about her friends? What will they say if she is befriending a nerd like me?” Ya Lun asked again and looked at Jiro with a defeated expression.


“And since when did Gui bother about what other people would say about her? Hebe is her friend and she likes you and so as Calvin and Chun.” Jiro said to him and walked near Aaron to pat his shoulder.


“I don’t know. I just don’t want to hope for nothing” Aaron sighed and looked gloomy.


“Yah! Stop moping around and be positive!” Jiro answered back and slap Aaron’s uninjured shoulder.


“Okay…” Aaron replied still unsure of what is to come. Later that day Gui went to visit him as usual and also noticed the change in Aaron’s mood.


“Aaron, is there something wrong?” Gui asked as she placed her hand on Aaron’s free arm.


“No—nothing” he mumbled and looked away.

“I know there’s something bothering you. Mind to tell me?” Gui said patiently and waited for an answer.


“I just feel insecure…” Aaron started and sighed again.


“Insecure about what?”


“That you won’t be my friend anymore after this”


“What?!” Gui replied. Hurt is visible in her eyes.


“I—I’m sorry” Aaron said after seeing the reaction from Gui. He is just scared that she will not look at him and smile at him like the way she did while he is still here in the hospital. And of course he is not greedy enough to continue their friendship if that would only cause Gui to lose some of her friends.


“Aaron, you are my friend. And what I showed you these past days are true. I really want you to be my friend” Gui assured after realizing Aaron’s concerns and in reply he just nodded and looked at her with sorry eyes.


“I’m sorry” he whispered and tears are starting to build in his eyes. He bored his eyes into his lap without noticing that Gui already left her place.




“That would seal my promise that I will be your friend no matter what!” Gui happily said after pecking Aaron’s cheek leaving the latter with a reddened face.


“Thank you my princess” Aaron said to himself and a bright smile painted on his face, showing how grateful he is.








“Father, what is it you want to talk to me about?” he patiently asked and the man in front of his abruptly stand up and looked at him with intense eyes.

“This is what happened, Aaron!” Mr. Yan shouted and threw an envelope at the table. Aaron immediately took the envelope and looked at its contents and after he did, his eyes went wide and fell silent.

“Care to explain to me?” Mr. Yan said in a frustrated tone as he pinch the bridge of his nose to ease his head ache.

“Fa—Father, I’m sorry” is all Aaron could say to his father which looks defeated.

“You will fix this! I will not let our company emerge into bankruptcy because of your actions! What were you thinking? Getting caught on camera hugging and kissing? If the other person involved is a woman, I wouldn’t care less but to do that with a MAN?! I’m so disappointed!” Mr. Yan said out loud while trembling. He is trying his best not to punch or make drastic measures to discipline his son. On the other hand, Aaron just stayed silent.

“Tell me, are you gay?” Mr. Yan spoke again and looked at his son with please-don’t-admit-it look, but all his hopes died when Aaron answered with a slight nod.

“Oh my goodness! What did I ever do wrong to make you like this? This is definitely insane. You know because of this our investors are pulling out from our company and our credibility is affected because of the chaos inside our company. I want you to take some action and I expect you do it immediately” Mr. Yan said and sighed, he looked defeated and about to tear up as he gaze at his late wife’s picture right at his desk.



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gagaoverpmy #1
just keep writing and posting, i'll probably read the whole ffic once you finished up.
looking forward *hugz*
wintxry #2
For the new story you could get aaron to hire a fake girlfriend then slowly ending up falling for her.<br />
and hope you update soon
tinygui #3
Kekeke I love this story princess and nerd
update soon..<br />
a princess and a nerd ..this is interesting..<br />
So I didnt know you post your story here too, you really got to update soon because i cant wait for more! you really got to update like seriously you cant let me wait here! ]:<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
I think I am the most ert reader among your readers here ahaha <br />
OMG!!!!!!!!!! <br />
YAYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! finally all FRH members met each other <br />
HAHA .... it's nice that Chun & Calvin saved Aaron :D <br />
Oh hoho .... 4 Hottie guys *imagine* .... *faint* HAHA <br />
You gotta update soon XD <br />
I wanna know what will happen when Gui found out that it's Danson who made Aaron end up at the hospital^^ <br />
Will she come and visit Aaron?? hehe
sweet_gguuii #8
GuiLun moment please....<br />
please... please... please...<br />
update sooooooonnn...<br />
GUILUN forever...
chel0912 #9
nice, update! all 4 FRH guys are on the pics now...:)love love's funny how the two was able to meet Aaron - by saving him from the bully guys...more updates please..
@sweet_gguuii thanks for the comment ^_^<br />
@Bubble just for a change...hohoho... anyways, he is always the hottie and guy is the nerdy so let's make a change just like what chantal did... I've read that fanfic and it's really cool... such a e! O_O<br />
@xiaogui23 yeah! he's cute... I really hope I could find a nerdy picture of him for a poster...<br />
@sweety_guilun yes! totally opposite...thanks for loving it...<br />
@StarryUmika thanks! I really appreciate all your comments as well your support...<br />