Mock Exams

More Than a Dream/꿈보다

The first exams were the Language A exams.

Hyunsik and Sungjae inspected each other's see-through bags containing their ID card, student card and other useful items.


They gathered with the other students, waiting for the exams to begin as they looked at their seating plans, pasted outside the window, whilst the invigilators put on every student's desk a paper.

Once the time had come, each student was inspected for any suspicious items or items that would risk them cheating, before entering the exam hall.


Hyunsik sat in his desk, gazing at his cover sheet, Korean A HL paper 1 paper and answer booklet.

Once all students were settled into their chairs, the invigilator went up front and spoke.

"Please check that your paper is in the correct language and level and has the correct subject. Make sure that you write in blue or black pen only. And also make sure that the details on your cover sheet are correct. On the cover sheet, write the question numbers that you have attempted. If you have attempted all, write "all". Now it is your last chance to declare any unauthorized items, such as mobile phones."

Hyunsik checked his pockets quickly.

"Please write your candidate number in linear form, and check that no pages are missing in the question or answer booklet."

Hyunsik did so, flicking through the papers.

"And please make sure you only write within the dotted lines. You may not write beyond the red box, otherwise the scanner would not be able to read your answers. If you received the wrong paper, need an extra answer booklet or sheet of paper, or a pen, now it is the time to raise your hand."

No one did.

"Please take out your ID cards and student cards."

Once everyone did, the invigilator spoke again.

"Now you have 5 minutes reading time. No one is to talk at all during this hour. No one will write until I instruct you to do so."

Hyunsik opened his question paper, deciding which question he should do. Once the 5 minutes were up, the invigilator spoke again.

"You may begin."

Hyunsik planned out his answer before writing.


The days rolled by as the students continued to take their mock exams of their various subjects, in order of group number of subjects; the foreign languages, followed by the humanities, then the sciences, the mathematics and the arts exams.


Once the week was over, the students sighed in relief as they exited the building.

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im an IB student too! what was your final mark out of 45? c:
Chapter 1: oh my god.
The IB program. *shudders*
I.LOVE.THIS.STORY! ;w; /creys/
kimkimpuff66 #4
Chapter 100: I loooovvveeeeeeee this story!!!!!!!!!!!write more!!hwaiting!!!!^^
kimkimpuff66 #6
Chapter 50: Peniel comeback soon!!!
kimkimpuff66 #7
Chapter 32: Hell yeah this is awesome!
Chapter 6: I am impressed, you write very well, I already fell in love in this story :D And the last chapter is pretty hot o///o I really like this pairing, thought ^^ Keep writing~*
BubbleLightBaek #9
wow,this looks u get to choose your own subjects?thats dream was to be a doctor but ny stupid school made me drop biology after 1semester coz i kinda failed..i needed like 4marks left to pass the test too..-,- now im taking physics and chemistry and im super blured about my what am i rambling about..sorry..this story looks interesting..and Hyunsik is my bias!!oh god Hyunsik!!!! *fangirling* :3