TOK Presentation and World Literature Essay

More Than a Dream/꿈보다

There were more things to come up, and not just more IAs, particularly for Biology, Mathematics and Psychology, but also the compulsory TOK presentation and World Literature Essay for Korean, and for Peniel, English.

The seven were in their dorms, dreading this moment as they did not know what to exactly for their TOK presentations, except for Changsub.

"What are you doing your TOK presentation on?" asked Minhyuk.

"To what extent do we use emotion and reason to define beauty." said Changsub. "You?"

"Beauty? What do you mean?"

"Sometimes people choose to do cosmetics or plastic surgery because it makes them look beautiful, but sometimes we do not realise real beauty underneath us, and that it is what I want to investigate."

"What's your contemporary issue?"

"Some ladies do plastic surgery and request for Kim Taehee's facial features, whilst this ahjumma injected cooking oil in her face when surgeons refused to give her silicon."

"An ahjumma injected oil in her face?" squirmed Minhyuk in shock, "That's disgusting!"

"I know, but I think it will be useful for my research."

"Of course, do whatever pleases you."


Meanwhile, Hyunsik and Sungjae were struggling.

"What's your topic?" asked Sungjae.

"I dunno." said Hyunsik. "I wanna do something about language."

"Me too." said Sungjae, "Maybe I could study on something about language families and how they shape us as individual human beings."

"Well, we'll see what we can do." said Hyunsik.

"By the way," said Sungjae turning to the others in the dorm, "Have you guys decided your topic for World Literature?"

"Sure," said Minhyuk, "I'm choosing to examine culture in Russia for mine since SL Korean students are reading Anna Karenina and I want to discover that."

"So lucky!" scoffed Sungjae, "Just because you do SL Korean! What are you doing, Hyunsik?"

"Oh I don't know," said Hyunsik, "I think I'd like to do for my World Literature Essay the theme of chaos in Jane Eyre and The Invisible Man. I dunno, it sounds a bit lame for a HL Korean kid like me...."

"No," intervened Sungjae, "That's really good!"


As for Ilhoon, Peniel and Eunkwang.....

"I still don't know what to do!" complained Ilhoon.

"Neither do I!" said Eunkwang. "And I do HL Korean!"

As for Peniel, he was working hard.

"Have you guys decided what to do for TOK?" asked Peniel.

"No!" said Ilhoon, "I haven't!"

"No, well sort of," said Eunkwang, "I want to examine how music shapes the world."

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im an IB student too! what was your final mark out of 45? c:
Chapter 1: oh my god.
The IB program. *shudders*
I.LOVE.THIS.STORY! ;w; /creys/
kimkimpuff66 #4
Chapter 100: I loooovvveeeeeeee this story!!!!!!!!!!!write more!!hwaiting!!!!^^
kimkimpuff66 #6
Chapter 50: Peniel comeback soon!!!
kimkimpuff66 #7
Chapter 32: Hell yeah this is awesome!
Chapter 6: I am impressed, you write very well, I already fell in love in this story :D And the last chapter is pretty hot o///o I really like this pairing, thought ^^ Keep writing~*
BubbleLightBaek #9
wow,this looks u get to choose your own subjects?thats dream was to be a doctor but ny stupid school made me drop biology after 1semester coz i kinda failed..i needed like 4marks left to pass the test too..-,- now im taking physics and chemistry and im super blured about my what am i rambling about..sorry..this story looks interesting..and Hyunsik is my bias!!oh god Hyunsik!!!! *fangirling* :3