A SHINee Flyer

One Day

You were walking down the street when you spot a flyer for an upcoming concert by a band called SHINee.  You’ve heard about them from your friends while they were talking.  Even so, you never really listened to their music and you don’t know much about them.  You decide to take down the flyer and stuff it into your bag to give to your friends and see if they wanted to go see the concert.  While you put it in your bag, one of your close friends sees you with the flyer in hand.

“You like SHINee?  I didn’t know that.  Well I shouldn’t be surprised, knowing that so many girls love them now,” he says with a grin and winks.

“No, I don’t even know them well, Jae.  It’s for some other friends that love them,” you replied.  “And even so, if I did like them then I would really freak out if I saw the flyer.”


“Heh, Well I guess you’re right.  You’re such a spaz when you find things or people you like anyway,” says Jae while letting out a little chuckle.  He’s such a dork but you love him like a brother.  Jae loves to make fun of you a lot but it’s usually nothing too serious.  Thank goodness for that!


Well now you have started walking home with Jae.  You and Jae talked about what has been happening to each other lately.  His life is just so interesting!  It's like he goes everywhere around the world.  He's been to a lot of countries, and some you've never heard of.  You love to talk to him about anything and everything.  It just comforts you when you talk about something you think is awesome.


You stop in front of your house and say,"This is my house.  Care to stay for dinner?"


Jae replies,"Sure, what's there to eat?"


"Some kind of pasta, so Italian"


"Okay, I'm in!"  You both walk inside and eat dinner with your family.  The food was delicious!  You couldn't eat another bite at the end of this satisfying meal.


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I nearly passed out when I seen the gif.
Chapter 2: Hey, Stalker, nice fanfic, this is really cool. Can't wait to read more!
The_Stalker #3
Chapter 2: Hey, real editor you know who this is, and I must say, this is pretty cool. Talk to ya sometime soon.
sj15cuevas #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^