
Ebony Black

"You came just in time, children." Mir smirked before facing SHINee. "I suppose you don't know them, right? Don't worry, let me introduce them. You do remember those kittens who were with me, right? Well, they are them."

"What?" Key exclaimed. "Kittens? But they're humans! Are you blind?!"

"Calm down." Mir sighed. "Yes, they are humans, and that's because of their ability to take the form of a human. I gave them that ability, and I must say, they are good looking. Truly beautiful."

"Oppa..." Eunji softly called out as her eyes looked down at the five guys.

"But of course, child." Mir nodded. "You may do the honors, along with your brothers and sister."

The four walked towards the five and beamed at them. Mir wanted to let the four kill them himself, and also, show the powers embedded on them. On how easy they can kill a human in seconds.

"Well, what are you four waiting for?" Mir asked. "Do it."

The four stood there, silent. True, what were they waiting for? They just need to kill them, right? It doesn't sound that hard and add the fact that they had experiences with this too. They had done this already thrice under Mir's commands. They were told not to show mercy upon their foes.

"Eunji. Hyuna. Minhyuk. Sungjae." Mir called out, his voice raised. "What are you waiting for? I'm getting impatient here."

"You four are aware that this is wrong, right?" Taemin softly said. "Don't listen to him! He's evil, and yes, you might be his minions but it still isn't late to turn around and take the right path."

"Please don't tell me you're going to listen to these peasants." Mir sighed. "Do it. NOW."

The four trembled in confusion. They never thought twice on obeying their master's command, but why now? Turn around and take another path? That actually sounded nice, but betraying Mir? It doesn't sound right...

"What do we do?" Sungjae whispered.

"Don't know." Hyuna shrugged.

"What you four should do is end their lives!" Mir cried. "Do it now or I myself will do it!"

The four drowned in their thoughts. 


Not to kill?


Or obey...?

What do they do?

"Mir-oppa... we can't do this." Hyuna faltered.


"We can't do this." Minhyuk repeated. "We can't kill them."

"Why on earth not?!"

"They're right, hyung." Sungjae said. "You're the one who's wrong."

"What are you trying to say?"

"When Ilhoon died... you simply just claimed him for being a weakling for not being able to do his mission on killing Eunhye. You really never treated us as a family. You simply treated us like slaves you can order here and there." Eunji softly said.

"You're the one wrong, oppa." Hyuna mumbled. "Ilhoon was right. Eunhye never deserves to die, and so does these men!"

"The one who should die is you." Minhyuk said as he pointed at Mir.

SHINee and Mir were dumbfounded by the four's words. Were they now betraying their master? 

Well... that's what it looks like so, probably yes.

"Are you four in your minds?" Mir growled. "Are you now betraying me?!"

"NAE!" Minhyuk cried. "We are! We are betraying you! You are wrong. You're the one who's wrong and the one who should die, not them!"

"Years of lies... how could you?" Hyuna growled. "Yes, you did saved us once, but that doesn't make you a good guy! Killing people just because they are weak!"

"The world doesn't run like that!" Eunji cried.

With that, the four began to attack Mir. Eunji used her supernatural strength to easily throw Mir away. Sungjae and Hyuna meanwhile levitated when Mir decided to soar up the sky. The three then clashed and as expected, Mir was stronger than his minions. Sungjae and Hyuna fell on the ground after Mir tackled them. Minhyuk, meanwhile, tried manipulating Mir's shadow but of course, failed. 

Mir was the one who gave them such abilities...

And it was clear that Mir made sure that it would be weaker than his...

But strong enough to kill others...

"This is useless, children." Mir laughed. "You'll never beat me!"

The four fell down on the ground, extremely tired of battling. They were greatly wounded from the attacks they received from Mir. "M-maybe when we are alone, we can't." Eunji panted.

"BUT TOGETHER, WE CAN!" Sungjae and Minhyuk cried as they charged Mir again.

SHINee, meanwhile, tried getting up. They were amazed on how Mir's minions turned their backs on him. They were attacking him. "Let's go help them!" Onew commanded as he quickly stood back on his foot. SHINee quickly obeyed and began helping Mir's minions.

"Yah, we thought you were hurt?" Minhyuk asked.

"We are!" Jonghyun cried. "But we can't just let you fight alone!"

"The more, the better and stronger our attacks will be!" Onew added.

"Arraseo." Minhyuk nodded as he and his siblings and SHINee helped each other.

But still, even if the nine of them were combined, Mir was stronger...

Or so that was how it seems...

Eunji found an opening and quickly charged Mir and grabbed onto him, prohibiting him from moving. Mir quickly soared up the sky with Eunji, but was slightly stopped by the others by grabbing onto them and for Minhyuk, controlling his shadow. SHINee helped as well. Taemin wrapped Mir's legs with his sturdy vines, Key tried using his psychic abilities to keep Mir at least a few inches on the ground. Onew tried freezing Mir's legs to keep him steady, but still, failed.

Soon, the siblings tried attacking at once, and slowly they showed signs of having the upper hand. 

Not further away, Minho noticed that there was a cliff nearby, and that is where they were heading. "Guys! CLIFF!" he cried.

Minhyuk simply looked at the cliff they are heading to, but didn't move. They kept on pushing Mir towards it and refused to let go. "YAH! What're you thinking!?" Taemin cried. "Get outta there!"

"No we're not!" Eunji cried as they pushed themselves and Mir nearer and nearer the cliff. Soon, the five were in the point of falling, but of course, Mir tried to regain balance.

"Yah! Let go of me, you fools!" Mir cried. 

"NEVER!" Hyuna cried.

"You deserve to die!" Sungjae cried as he faced Jonghyun. "Jonghyun! KIM JONGHYUN! Strike the strongest lightning you can!"

"ANIYO! I'm not doing that!" Jonghyun exclaimed. "That'll kill you!"

"Exactly!" Hyuna cried. "It will kill us, and Mir!"

"JUST DO IT!!!" the other three cried. 

Jonghyun had no choice. Everyone understood what they asked to say, so, Jonghyun did it. He began to make the strongest lightning he can make and as he waited for the right moment, he made it hit the five.

After they were hit by the lightning, the five fell on the cliff. SHINee even heard the loud scream of Mir and soon, heard a loud thud. The boys didn't have the courage to look below the cliff. They exactly knew what the seen could be...


Dead bodies...

"I... I didn't mean to. I'm sorry... I didn't mean to kill them..." Jonghyun cried as he fell on his knees, exactly to be caught by Onew.  Rain poured heavily, making the five get soaked. Minho cried in pain upon having contact with the rain. Onew quickly acted and stopped the rain drops from falling down on Minho before turning at Jonghyun.

"It's what they wanted." Onew whispered. "At least now... Mir's dead."

The five were about to head off when all of the sudden, Key fell on his knees, his hands on his head. "Hyung!" Taemin cried as he knelt beside Key. "Wae? What's wrong?"

Key looked at the cliff as tears rolled down his eyes. "I... I heard Minhyuk. I heard his voice." Key trembled.

"Mwo?" Taemin blinked. "W-what did he say?"

"H-he said that he is thankful that his life and that of his siblings are over. His life of being a slave over an evil person is finally over. He and his siblings are finally free. Yes, Ilhoon died earlier than them, but soon, they will be reunited. He thanks us very much, and wants to ask forgiveness. He and his brothers and sisters are greatly sorry for all the wrong doings they had done... May we forgive them for their souls be in peace..." Key said.

The five were in a state of silence. They teared up upon hearing Minhyuk's last words. Soon, the five remembered Eunhye and wasted no time on running back to her.

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L_Chan #1
Chapter 14: Update soon!!! I like your story ^__^
TsugumiSora #2
Chapter 11: Omg I can't wait for the next update, it's pretty interesting!
yumiisashawol #3
Great storyline!, can't wait to read it :D