Devil's Temptation

Ebony Black

Soon, Mir finally arrived home, carrying several bottles and herbs. Eunhye and his minions quickly welcomed him as soon as they knew about his return. Eunhye hurriedly ran towards him and helped him with the bottles. "Ah, gomawo, Eunhye-ah." Mir smiled, which the young girl quickly responded with a sweet smile. 

The two quickly headed to Mir's room, where they placed the bottles and herbs. After a quick scanning on the bottles and herbs, Eunhye sent a confused look. "Ah, those?" Mir smiled as he pointed at the bottles and herbs. "They're nothing, I'm going to use them to invent new potions and stuff. I discovered this rare disease, you know, and I'm trying to find a way to cure it."

Hearing her brother's reason, Eunhye simply smiled and nodded. Soon, she headed back to her room, and shut Mir's door. When his younger sister was gone, Mir flashed an evil smile.

"You big liar." Minhyuk giggled upon climbing at Mir's bed.

"Of course I am." Mir chuckled. "I am one, big liar."

"So that's where we got it~" Hyuna giggled.

"Of course." Mir smiled.

"So, what're we doing today, oppa?" Eunji asked as she scanned the bottles.

"What else, we're going to do step one of our flawless plan, child."

"Oh, killing Eunhye?" Eunji giggled.

"Exactly." Mir smirked. "We'll poison her, thus, I'm making a poisonous potion that has absolutely no cure. Once she intakes the venom, she's sure to be dead."

"You're a genius." Minhyuk praised.

"I know I am." Mir nodded.

Meanwhile, Sungjae noticed Ilhoon's silence and decided to confront his brother. "Hyung? Wae?" Sungjae worriedly asked.

"A-ani... it's just-"

"Yah, why are you even thinking twice? We. Need. To. Kill. Her. How hard is that?"

"It's just...."

"If Mir-hyung says it, we must obey it. No questions!"

"Sungjae. Ilhoon. What are you two talking about?" Mir asked.

"Nothing, hyung." Sungjae replied. "Ilhoon and I were talking how excited we are to see that punny girl squirming to death!"

"Ah, jinjja?" Mir smirked. "Well, let me tell you this. You won't see her squirm to death."

"EH?! Wae?" Sungjae whined.

"It's a painless death. A quick death. Once she intakes the poison, the next second, she's dead. That simple."

"What?" Hyuna whined. "I was really looking forward to seeing her squirm to death!"

"I don't want her death to take longer!" Mir explained. "I'm saving that for someone else."

"Jinjja? Who?" Minhyuk asked.

"Her beloved friends." Mir answered. "Kajja, we'll take a little visit on them."


Soon, Mir and his minions arrived at the basement again, where the torturing was taking place again with SHINee. The stench of blood and sweat was easily picked up by Mir and his minions. "Oh dear, how ugly!" Mir mockingly cried as he saw the five boys clad in their own blood and sweat. "Tsk, such a waste for faces like that."

"What do you want?" Taemin panted.

"Is it bad to visit you?"

"What do you want, you devil?!" 

"Nothing. Just... visiting you."

Taemin beamed at Mir while the rest panted and kept their heads down. Mir walked towards the leader of the group, Onew, who was panting heavily, clad in crimson liquid, wounds everywhere. "You are Onew, right?" Mir asked.

"DON'T YOU DARE GET ANY CLOSER FROM HIM!" Minho angrily cried.

Onew weakly tried to raise his head up and see Mir. He saw the young man in front of him, smirking. "Hajima." Onew panted. "Stop doing this to my dongsaengs... please."

"Oh, I'm afraid that won't come true." Mir sighed. "But, tell you what, I can help you get outta here."


"I can help you. This pain you're experiencing? It'll be gone soon if you join me. Lee Jinki, join my side. We will rule along with the others, above all the weaklings, slowly erasing their existence from this world!"

Onew was quiet. "Ani, I won't do it!" Onew cried.

"Oh, really?" Mir smiled. "Let me explain things to you, perhaps you don't understand. You're a manipulator of water, correct? You can also control the element of ice. But, do you know that not only water is that you can control?"


"Any liquid, you can take control of it! An example? Blood. You can manipulate blood, and how? I can teach you. It'll improve your powers. You can be extremely powerful! What do you say?"

There was dead silence. The other SHINee members beamed at Onew as he made his decision. "If... I join... will my team mates escape the pain too?" Onew asked.

"I'm afraid no."

"Then I won't join. And besides, even if I will escape the pain, if Eunhye's the topic, I won't kill her, nor will the others! Never! She's like a sister to us. We're a family, and we're not killing a family member like you!"

"Suit yourself then. I gave you one chance, and you wasted it. Enjoy the pain then." Mir smirked as he and his minions walked away from the five. "I tried to help you, but, oh well~ You denied it and there it is, your chances of escaping pain. But, seeing you five are a bit... weak? I shall give you a short rest. No torturing for now. Enjoy your temporary heaven, because later, you're experiencing hell again."

There, Mir, his minions and the guards left them. There was no way that the five can escape, so, Mir decided to unchain them. The five fell on the cold floor, panting and covered in their own blood.

"That devil!" Key hissed. "Is everyone okay?"

"How is this okay?" Minho growled.

"What I meant to say if everyone is still alive."

"Then say it right, damn it!"


"Aish, you two, calm down and help we here with Jonghyun!" Onew cried as he supported Jonghyun, who was the one wounded the most.

"Ommo, hyung!" the two cried. Jonghyun was panting heavily. His breathing pattern was irregular. 

"Taemin, feel his pulse!" Onew worriedly cried.

Taemin did so and quickly grabbed the elder's wrist, feeling his pulse. "Oh no..." Taemin mumbled. "His heartbeat's getting weak!"

"What? Yah!" Key cried as he shook Jonghyun. "Jonghyun, you babo! If you don't live... I'll.... just, just live, arraseo? Don't you dare die! Yah! KIM JONGHYUN!"

"Key, calm down." Onew said as he tried cleaning his wounds, but to his disappointment, it only made things worse. Jonghyun twisted in pain upon feeling the contact of the water and his wounds. "Ah-! Mi-mianhe!"

"It's okay, gwenchana." Jonghyun tried talking before flushing a smile. "I'll... be okay. I'll be strong, hyung."

"You better be!" Key cried as tears threatened to flow down his eyes. Jonghyun simply flashed a faint smile as he nodded and held Key's hand. 

"For a second there, I thought Onew-hyung was going to join that devil." Minho sighed. "Great thing that you didn't."

"Of course I won't join him!" Onew cried. "Never am I leaving you guys and killing her! I'm never doing that."

"But... can it be true?" Taemin asked. "That you can control blood?"

"I don't know." Onew shrugged. "Well, water and blood are both in liquid form, so, maybe."

"Why not try it?" Jonghyun asked.

"Heck no! What if I fail? I'd probably hurt you guys!"

"Who said anything about manipulating our blood?" Key asked as he pointed at a mouse nearby. "Try it with that."

Onew sighed and nodded. He handed Jonghyun to Key as he focused on controlling the mouse's blood. He stretched his hand out and concentrated. The other four simply observed the next things.

Onew tried his best to control the mouse. He did the same gestures he does when controlling water, but failed miserably. "I... can't." Onew panted.

"You can do it, hyung!" Taemin encouraged. 

"Nae." Onew nodded and tried again. This time, when he stretched his hand, the mouse quickly stood up, as if its blood was controlled. "Woah, am I doing it?"

"Dunno." Minho answered.

"Try moving it." Jonghyun said.

Onew did so and brought his hand closer, making the mouse come closer to him. He then tried manipulating the mouse by manipulating its blood. He greatly knows that manipulating its blood hurts the poor creature, but he needs to learn this new ability, even if it means killing the poor creature.

Soon, blood came out of the poor creature's mouth. "Yah! Yah! Stop!" Key cried. But it was too late, Onew had killed the mouse by bringing out its blood out. Now, the liquid blood was out of its body, just to be controlled by Onew.

"I guess you can control blood!" Jonghyun cried in amazement. Even Onew was amazed, but the fact that he is controlling blood sickened him a bit.

"Try manipulating human's blood this time." Minho suggested.

"Yah, are you insane!?" Onew blurted in surprise. "I'm not doing it!"

"Yah, hear me out first." Minho said. "Look, if you can control that mouse just by manipulating its blood, then maybe, just maybe, you can do the same with humans? I mean, control them with their blood."


"Well, if you control those guards' blood, we can escape, save Eunhye and prove ourselves innocent! We can also finally reveal that Mir's true colors. Eunhye and her parents think that Mir's nothing but a good guy now, when in fact it's a lie!"

"I get what Minho-hyung's telling." Taemin said. "Hyung, you need to learn how to control humans too!"

"B-but how? Who am I gonna control?"

"Me." Minho participated.

"Oh, no! I'm NOT controlling a team mate!"

"Just do it, hyung. I'll be fine, I promise."


"Just do it! I'll shout if it hurts."

Onew sighed at Minho's insisting. Like what he did with the mouse, he controlled Minho's blood. To the taller guy's surprise, it was much more painful that what he imagined! It was VERY painful! He was forced to move, thanks to Onew.

"Hajima! HAJIMA! APPAYO!" Minho cried as blood came out of his mouth. Onew managed to stop quickly, making Minho cough up a blood a little.

"Ommo! Mianhe, Minho-ah." Onew cried.

"Ani, gwenchana, hyung." Minho smirked. "Now, we can escape."

The five nodded. Thanks to Mir's information and Onew's fast learning ability, an escape plan was formed.

With Onew's new ability, they can escape...

And save their angel...

From the devil...

And the plan will take place...

When the torture begins again...


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L_Chan #1
Chapter 14: Update soon!!! I like your story ^__^
TsugumiSora #2
Chapter 11: Omg I can't wait for the next update, it's pretty interesting!
yumiisashawol #3
Great storyline!, can't wait to read it :D