Connections Don't Matter

Ebony Black

The next morning came and this time, Eunhye woke up first. Yes, first. Earlier than Key and Taemin, who often wakes her up. She decided to scan the place and saw the guys were sleeping. She smiled and quickly headed to the kitchen, planning to prepare breakfast.

Soon, a few minutes after she woke up, Eunhye felt arms wrapping around her, making her slightly jump in shock. To her surprise, it was only Key, and he was still obviously sleepy. "What're you cooking, Eunhye-ah~?" Key sweetly asked as he placed his head on the young girl's shoulder. Eunhye tapped Key's head and showed the meat she is cooking.

"Oh, meat for breakfast?" Key smiled. "Can you do it alone? Do you want me to assist you?"

Eunhye simply smiled and shook her head, dragging Key towards his chair and forcing him to sit down. Key simply wobbled behind her and sat down, placing his head on the table and dozing off again. 

Soon, a few footsteps were heard. Eunhye turned around and saw that it was Taemin's footsteps. Soon, Minho followed down, next was Jonghyun and of course, the forever late-riser, Onew. Eunhye flashed a sweet smile at the four guys, which they replied with a smile. "Good morning too, Eunhye." Taemin greeted as he smiled at the young girl.

"Cooking already?" Jonghyun asked as he cuddled Eunhye. "Shouldn't Key be the one doing it?"

"Yah, I heard that, Kim Jonghyun!" Key weakly cried as he glared Jonghyun with his half opened eyes. "Eunhye insisted to prepare breakfast herself, so I let her."

"And you simply agreed?" Jonghyun sighed as he beamed back at Key. "And you let her?"

"Yah, compared to a parent, I act like one more than you do! The father should be the one disciplining the kids and taking of our weak uncle Onew, not causing trouble and pulling pathetic pranks on people!"

"Yah, can't I just have fun?"

"Oh, sure! It's just fun... FUN FOR TWO STRAIGHT WEEKS!"

"Calm down, Key." Onew giggled. "If you want, we can switch roles. I be the responsible father and he'll be the weak uncle!"

"Yah, Onew-hyung!" Jonghyun pouted.

"Agreed." Key smiled.

"Aniyo! I'm Key's forever husband and he's my forever wife!" Jonghyun protested.

"For the thousandth time, I'm. Not. Your. Wife. And you're not my husband either." Key glared. "Let Onew-hyung be the appa! He's much more mature than you are, Jonghyun-hyung!"

"ANIYO! I'm the appa and that's final!"

"Aish, hajima, hyung." Minho scowled as he scratched his head. "You're too loud early in the morning..."

The two hyung simply glared at each other and sighed, giving up together. Onew and Taemin were both softly chuckling until breakfast was served.


After breakfast, the six began training. Eunhye tested out how much she had improved after almost a month of strict training under Key's assistance. She easily recognized her speed had increased and how swift she was now. 

"Eunhye-ah!" Onew called out. "Want to test your abilities?" 

Eunhye nodded. Usually, she would be scared to the core when Onew would say those words. She feared battles, right? Not anymore. She was now full of confidence. She had beaten three of the guys namely as Onew, Key and of course, Taemin. She would often be beaten easily by the two strongest, Jonghyun and Minho. Of course, as she grew stronger, they did too. She wasn't the only one growing stronger now, right? The two improved a lot too.

Eunhye was confident. Now that she can "almost" use her telekinesis well and fly easily with her wings, she felt that battling either both of them will lead to her win. Onew quickly paired Eunhye to Jonghyun and began their battle.

Jonghyun quickly charged her, but Eunhye acted quick. She soared the sky using her now strong feathery white wings. Jonghyun, now, began to manipulate lightning, making the sky grow dark. Eunhye easily sensed this too and kept her guard up. She was alert if ever lightning would strike her. 

And that's what she expected.

Lightning went after her. She easily dodged them though. Thanks to Key, she can use her mind to build her an invisible barrier-like thing to protect herself from attacks. Though lightning would strike her, she can block it, even if it slightly tires her.

Now, it was the lady's turn to attack. She manipulated the stones around her, molded them into a weapon and began attacking Jonghyun. Jonghyun decided to blind Eunhye using one bright light, but failed. Eunhye quickly moved and attacked Jonghyun from behind.

But, alas, she was hit by one of Jonghyun's light beams. It successfully wounded the young girl's shoulder blade, making blood stain her clothes and snow-white skin. Drops of blood fell on the ground too. "Jackpot." Jonghyun mumbled as he smirked and fired another beam at Eunhye, but this time, she dodged it swiftly. 

Using hand to hand combat, Eunhye began to charge Jonghyun at full speed. She was too quick for Jonghyun, thus, leading to his defeat.

"Woah! Chukae, Eunhye!" Onew clapped.

"My baby girl did it!" Key cried as he ran to hug Eunhye.

"Yah! She's my baby girl too! She's our child, Kim Kibum!" Jonghyun cried.

"Aniyo! I'm a single parent!"

"That's unfair!!!"

"I don't care! She's obviously got more of my genes than yours! She's more mature and smarter than you are!"

"That's just mean!"

"I don't care!'

With that, the two began their petty fights again, making Eunhye giggle and laugh along with Onew, while Taemin and Minho were absolutely silent. 


After a few hours, Key noticed that they were running out of meat. Key decided to assign one member to go and hunt some animals, but it was a very hard decision. Onew, with his Onew Condition, would probably scare the animals away. Jonghyun would easily give up and begin complaining right before he even begins hunting! Minho? Sure, he can be sane, but he gets easily distracted by things, and if he can't catch or spots an animal within fifteen minutes, he'll get annoyed easily. Key? Heck no! The mother doesn't go hunt, right?

So, there was one left. Taemin. He seems cool, he seems capable of hunting, right? "Taemin-ah! Can you hunt for more meat?" Key asked.

"Nae, hyung." Taemin nodded as he grabbed a spear from upstairs and changed his clothes. "I'll be back before the sun sets!"

"Nae! Be careful!" Key smiled.

Just as before Taemin went off, Eunhye pulled him back and beamed at him. "Mwo? Aniyo! You stay, I'm hunting alone." Taemin smiled as he patted the young girl's head.

Eunhye wanted to come along him, and she knows how to hunt too! Taemin taught her so when she and him were in their early teens! In fact, she accurately hits birds using arrows. She never misses. She insisted to go, but of course, Taemin prohibited her. "Aigoo, just let her!" Jonghyun smiled. 

"Yah!" Key cried. "She's a girl! Girls don't hunt!"

"She won't survive if she doesn't learn things, Key. Let her go along Taeminnie. I'm sure she'll be okay, right?"

"I have to agree with Jonghyun." Onew nodded.

"Me too." Minho added.

Seeing defeat, Key let out a small sigh and finally permitted the young girl. Taemin soon permitted Eunhye to go along him. Eunhye brought along her bow and arrows she will use to hunt and quickly changed her clothes. Afterwards, the two set off to hunt for animals.


"Seriously, why did you want to come along, Eunhye?" Taemin asked as he beamed at the young girl. Eunhye simply flashed a sweet smile and shrugged as she beamed at Taemin. "Aigoo, I know you're capable of hunting, but you heard Key-hyung, right? Ladies don't hunt. And you are a lady, Eunhye."

Eunhye pouted as she crossed her arms, averting her eyes from Taemin. "Yah! I'm not looking down at you because you're a lady!" Taemin cried. "I'm just... worried."

Eunhye beamed once again at Taemin while she kept her pout. "Of course animals won't kill you, but how if they hurt you? Not that I'm being too protective, I'm just worried for you. I've been like this eversince we were little, remember? I pledged to protect you, my mistress, 'till the end of time, and I won't even care if it costs my life! You understand that, right?"

Upon hearing Taemin's words, Eunhye nodded. She hated it when Taemin would get over protective towards her, reaching the fact that he somewhat looks down on her. She hated that side of Taemin. She knows her capabilities, and so does Taemin, but of course, as a "butler" of hers, he needs to protect her. Eunhye knows that, and maybe this time, she can prove it.

After a few walking here and there, Taemin finally spots an animal. A deer. "Bingo~" Taemin smiled as he held on Eunhye and led her silently. They were quiet. 

"Okay, you stay here. I'll go and take care of this." Taemin smiled as he silently approached the deer from behind. Eunhye's eyes grew wide. Him? Hunt? Alone? Didn't she come along to help him, and now he's not letting her? What the what? Is he looking down on her again? Well, Eunhye won't let it anymore! No more!

She quickly and silently followed Taemin and when she saw the deer was about to sprint off, she quickly grabbed her bow and arrow, targeting the deer's legs for it not to run off. Too bad, one arrow didn't do much as the deer ran. What's worse? It ran towards her. The poor animal panicked and began to run towards the girl and attack it.

"EUNHYE!!!" Taemin cried as he ran towards the deer and stabbed it. Blood stained its fur and Taemin's clothes. The spear he held was now covered with blood. His hands were covered with bright red blood, the blood of the deer he killed. Good thing he was used into hunting animals already, or else, he could've panicked now. 

A few feet away from the lifeless animal is Eunhye, clad in her own blood. She was wounded from the deer's sudden attack. "Eunhye!" Taemin cried as he ran towards his mistress. He saw how much blood clad the poor girl, and how she twisted in pain. "Oh god, Eunhye!"

Eunhye simply smiled at Taemin and held his hand. In a flash, her wounds glowed in a bright light and were healed, vanishing truly. After the wounds vanished, Taemin's eyes flashed how worried he was. "What on earth were you thinking?! You got hurt! Aish, you acted recklessly!" Taemin scolded.

Eunhye simply lowered her head after hearing Taemin scold her. Though he knows she can heal herself afterwards, the fact that she got hurt is something unacceptable. As a "butler" of hers, it's Taemin's job to protect her and keep her away from harm. "I told you to stay put, but you still pursued on disobeying me! Look, now you got hurt! Sure, you can heal yourself, but how if you can't? Then, you'll be hurt and it's my fault for not looking out for you!"

Seeing that Eunhye was almost getting teary eyed from his scolding, he decided to stop. "Mianhe." Taemin mumbled as he stopped. "I'm just... I was just worried, arraseo? I didn't mean to shout." 

Eunhye smiled as she nodded her head. With Taemin's help, she stood back onto her feet. After, he decided to carry the lifeless animal on his shoulder and head home, holding Eunhye by her hand.

"Hyung, we're back!" Taemin cried as he entered the the house.

"Hey-! Whoa! That's a big catch!" Key exclaimed in surprise upon seeing the deer Taemin is carrying. "Where'd you see it?!"

"Walking in the forest, eating grass. We luckily found it ourselves."

"Good job, hunters!" Jonghyun smirked as he ruffled Taemin and Eunhye's hair. "I suppose this isn't the first time you hunt, correct?"

"Nae." Taemin nodded. "We used to hunt for rabbits when we were younger, and shoot down some birds too."

"No wonder." Minho chuckled. 

"For that, you're free to do whatever you want. I'm not letting you two run errands for today!" Key smiled.

"Gamsahamnida, hyung!" Taemin smiled as he and Eunhye ran out of the cottage to play. 


Outside, the two played like what they had decided to do. The two simply ran off here and there, hiding here and there. Just like what they did as little kids. They played hide and seek, and chased each other.

Soon, they decided to take a break for a while and sit under a tree. "So, are you getting along with everyone?" Taemin asked as he faced Eunhye.

Of course, Eunhye quickly nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you are." Taemin giggled as he ruffled Eunhye's hair. Then, he grabbed something behind him and gave it to Eunhye. To Eunhye's surprise, Taemin gave her a golden bow, with some mythical-carvings on it. Her eyes grew wide and a smile curled up her face as she received it. 

"I made this for you." Taemin smiled. "Do you like it?"

Eunhye happily nodded. She loved archery! She wanted her own bow and arrows herself for years, and now, Taemin made her one! Her eyes showed how happy she was, thus, making Taemin smile. "I'm glad you like it! I spent days carving those designs on it!" Taemin giggled. "I made it for you since I know how much you love archery, and, well, it can serve as a weapon when fighting too, since you can't control telekinesis yet."

Eunhye nodded and gave Taemin a hug. He was always there for her, giving her things she likes. Taemin would always play with her and stand up beside her. In fact, no words can describe how thankful she is for having Taemin to stand up for her. 

While she was drowning by the thoughts of their good times, she didn't recognize that Taemin's face was now inches away from her. As soon as she felt Taemin's breathing getting nearer to her, she immediately pulled her face away and blinked in confusion. Taemin, who was back in his senses, pulled away and blushed bright red.

"Ah-! Mianhe!" Taemin blushed as he looked away. "I.. um, I-I didn't know.."

Eunhye was just confused. She was too innocent to know things. She simply tilted her head a bit and beamed at Taemin. "Mianhe." Taemin mumbled as he turned away. With one look in Eunhye's eyes, Taemin's eyes widened.




TaeHye Moment Finally!

Finally, done with the pairing moments!!! ^o^ 

Time to fight for our maiden's heart! :D

I'm Running Out of Ideas -_-"--->










So, while I struggle to build up what will happen, enjoy these random Taeminnie gifs. :)




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L_Chan #1
Chapter 14: Update soon!!! I like your story ^__^
TsugumiSora #2
Chapter 11: Omg I can't wait for the next update, it's pretty interesting!
yumiisashawol #3
Great storyline!, can't wait to read it :D