Four: Rescue team


"My baby's safe! I don't know how I can ever thank you properly..." The mother with odd wings cried. She was still nursing her injured wing when we came up to her with her child. She jumped in excitement and cried out loud while hugging him tightly, apologizing repeatedly.

"Aw, don't worry lady. There's been lots of quakes and fissures lately. It's dangerous. I'm glad that the little guy isn't hurt, anyway. Are you okay?" Shan said bending down over and gently ticking the child. 

"Yes... Thank you so much... May I have your names at least?" The lady asked.

"I'm Shan. This is my friend Jan." Shan answered, getting up, preparing to leave. "And I believe this sack belongs to you ma'am?" She handed the black sack half filled with Oxnor and Vinson berries. 

"Yes, yes! Oh my. Thank you so very much, please accept my form of gratitude. I am sorry I have no zens but please accept these berries! The Oxnor berries will restore your health and the Vnson berries can cure you if you're positioned!" She cried, handing us five berries of each individual. 


"Cool....." The kid cried and stared longingly into my eyes. He' uh.... staring at me.... with those eyes... It's kind of embarrassing. 

But I like it! I feel like a hero! I want to help more people. 

"Thank you Jan and Shan!" The kid cried out loud giving each of us a hug.

"Awwwwwies, now bring your mummy home safely, okay?" Shan pat his head.

The lady thanked us again for one last time and left the outskirts of the forest. Shan and I took a seat on the soft, lush grass and began to enjoy our rewards, the berries!

'Hey, thanks for helping out. So.... Where do you live? Shan asked

I kept silent, because I don't know either. Who am I? Why am I here? Damn.... I just bit my lips and shook my head.

"Say, Jan, if you don't have a place to stay, why don't you come live with me? I have a small hut around the town square."

Shan took to me her place next. It looks like a comfortable, vintage wooden doll house. It had red curtains and a red roof. It wasn't very big but it sure does look extremely warm and cosy inside. The wood had some creaks on it and it wasn't painted properly. The curtains were torn slightly and frayed at the botton. The little house had some negative points, but I felt like i was at home.... If i even had one.... The positive points it possessed outnumbered the negativities.

"Well, this is the place." Shan forced a smile with her hands at the back. 

"I...... Love it! May I stay with you?"  I jumped in joy, responding her.

"Yay! Take a look! This is the mailbox, people can send mail to you."

"I love mail!" I exclaimed.

"Anyways.... I... I have a question to ask..." Shan stepped forward.

I lifted up my eyebrows. What is it? There was a silence before she took a deep breath and said,

"You know that fissure the child earlier fell into? There've been other natural disasters like that all of a sudden. A lot of people out there are getting hurt from those disasters. I want to help people like that. I want to help make this a safer place for everyone. And, uh... I think you're capable after seeing how you did rescuing the child and attacking the monsters. How would you like to form a rescue team with me? Jan, I think we'd make the world's greatest rescue team. How about it?" Shan broke the silence.

"I don't know..... I don't even know who I am. Do you think i am capable.... enough though?" I replied, excited - and confused.

"Oh yes you are! Please please please? I liked the way we cooperated earlier, we'll make the best team!" Shan exclaimed 

I nodded my head and agreed as I really enjoyed her company and I would love to help more people again! I have powers. I can defeat evil. I can do this! What else can I do besides a water attack anyways?!

"Okay, that's it! From now on, jan, you and I are a rescue team. I'm counting on you!" Shan hopped around with excitment. "The team's name...... What do you think we should name our team?" Shan stopped and stared at me.

"Uhm.... Jan... Shan.. Jashan! Japan? No how about Jashen?" We both nodded willingly together and hoped around with our arms around each other.

"let's register tomorrow! We'll get our supplies, our wristcher...." Shan went on

"Wrsitcher?" I asked, tilting my head to one side.

"Oh right, a newbie. I'll show you tomorrow!" Shan yelled. 

And this, is how Shan and I managed to form a rescue team as our careers. That day, we went to bed early as according to Shan, we has lots of administrative stuffs to settle. Unable to sleep due to dangerously high levels of excitement, I began to let my mind wander off again. 

What is my identity?

What world is this? 

Am I in a new world? 

Well obviously I am but.... 

Okay, I have powers. Literally. Get up tomorrow, and practice shooting my water gun, I can do this, don't want to let Shan down.

Okay my mind came back. 

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