
The Scrooge Gang

Chapter 13.


“Are you sure you’re fine now?” Yeon questioned Luhan, her body still stiff after the man released her from his hug. Luhan sniffled, nodding his head a little before bowing it.


Yeon chuckled. “I guess you’re not so manly after all.”


“I am manly.” Luhan insisted. “It’s just that, I’m scared.”


“Scared of what? Tell me. Tell me what made you so scared that you can’t help but cry.” Yeon prodded before unconsciously nearing towards Luhan. She inched forward, all ears to what Luhan’s answer would be.


“Why should I tell you? You might blackmail me.”


“Oh please Luhan, I’m not that low.”


“Just to remind you I’m older than you.”


Exasperated, Yeon sighed. “Shut up and will you just answer my question ajusshi!”


“Excited, aren’t we?” Luhan hiccupped, wiping the last traces of tears that had ran down from his eyes. He then answered. “Trauma. I always had this trauma since I was a kid.” He simply stated, eyes wandering around the cramped and dark space. ing the top part of his sleeves, he pulled down his neck tie and gulped the forming lump on his throat.


“You have claustrophobia?” The curious girl breathe in the strong but refined scent of Luhan as she questioned him. She bit her tongue, surprised after feeling small movements being done by the man. “Kind of.” Luhan responded before taking off his cashmere suit in one swift movement.


“What the? What are you doing Luhan?”


“Your cold, I could feel you shaking when I hug you. So don’t worry, I’m not trying to undressed myself with you in here, I just don’t want to get killed by Suho hyung if ever you suddenly get sick.”  Luhan said, then he carefully wrapped the fine piece of clothing around Yeon before leaning against the wall of the elevator. He pulled her wrist after, signaling her to seat just right beside him.


“Ok, enough of the interruptions. Just what exactly is your trauma then and what cause it?”


Luhan laughed. “Stupidity. Stupidity was the cause of my trauma.” Weaving his fingers across his hair, Luhan breathed heavily before finally starting his story.  “I was six or five years old before, goodness I could hardly even remember. It was a day that my mom was called for an emergency meeting in the company and being the kid I am, I tried to convinced her to take me too.”


“She said yes and eventually, we reached the company but because she was rushing I lost track of where she went and was left alone.”


“Then what happened?” With curiosity obvious in Yeon’s every word, Luhan was not able to keep a straight face. He chuckled lightly, closing his eyes as he recalled the events. “This happened.” He answered her. “Because I was so keen on looking for her, I rode an elevator and just randomly pressed on the buttons. I was so lost already so when the elevator malfunctioned because of me pressing the buttons, I started bawling thinking that I was going to die. It was so dark just like this and the only difference was that, I was the only one trapped inside and scared out of my guts.”


“For how long did you stay inside then?”


“Almost an hour.” He stated. “If no one had informed the staff of the company that the elevator wasn’t working and if my mom hadn’t noticed my disappearance, I’m sure it would have taken longer. But maybe I was just lucky so they found me faster. I never really got over that incident for such a long time though, but I got used to suppressing my fear whenever I ride an elevator.”


“Wow, you were one stupid kid I must say. Couldn’t you have just asked for help or something?” Yeon told the man and amused, Luhan opened his eyes and tried to reach out for Yeon’s nose in the dark. His hands moved even though he could hardly see and when he finally felt the girl’s face, he smirked and pinched her nose.


“I might have been a stupid kid but I’m not a stupid man Yeon.” He countered making the girl frown. In return, Yeon tried to reach out for his face too and when she succeeded, she flicked his forehead and giggled a bit.


“But do you feel better now then, Mr. wise man?” Yeon questioned, a mocking sense mixed with her concern. Paying her full attention to the man beside her, Yeon somehow felt Luhan shrugged his shoulders. “Don’t worry, although I don’t feel good enough, I’m a man and I can protect you.”


“You should have just answered yes Luhan. You’re making me puke just by saying you’re a man. Stop it.”  Yeon rolled his eyes and Luhan good naturedly dismissed her statement. He laughed, aiming to ruffle her hair. “You know what, I’m surprised that we haven’t really killed each other yet. I mean, you almost choked me to death in the dorm earlier.”


“I can’t really kill you after hearing your dramatic story. Besides, residing in a jail is quite an unfitting idea so I think you’re safe for now.”


“Should I thank you for saying that?”


“It’s solely up to you.”


And just like that, the two burst in a fit of laughter even though they could hardly see each other. With their bodies shaking, shoulders bumping each other as they continued to guffaw, the incident became quite ironic for both Luhan and Yeon. They stir in their places, grinning like fools in the middle of the darkness.


“You’re an idiot Luhan.”


“We’re just the same Yeon.”


Then they laugh again.




“So you locked them together hyung?”


“If that’s how you interpret it, then it’s a yes.”


“I’m amaze on how you’re really intelligent hyung.”


“Try being the referee in between their fights, maybe you’ll know why I’m like this.”


“There’s nothing more I can say.”


Chuckling, Lay settled just in front of Suho’s table, sitting with a glass of juice in his hand. He shook his head, totally entertained by Suho’s curious face.


“Time is running hyung. They’ve been there for an hour and a half. Do you think Luhan wouldn’t have made a move on your sister?” Deciding to humor Suho, Lay just knew the right words to say. Secretly he smirked, noticing the sudden scowl on the latter’s face.


“He wouldn’t do that. Luhan is a respectful guy.”


“Exactly hyung, Luhan is respectful but he is a guy as you just said. And boys will be boys, specially with Yeon. Your sister is one amazing beauty.”


“Don’t use those words in front of me Yixing.”


“I’m just saying. Oh, but never mind, I wouldn’t be surprised if after another hour they’ll already be sticking to each other. Like a love sick couple.”


Suho’s lips then tightened and with a long drag of breath, he pressed the control button of the elevator.


“Oh damn you Yixing.”





Luhan: Please excuse her, she's going through a mental breakdown.

A/N: asdfghjkl...UWAAAAAA!!

Lay: Can you guys tell me what happened with our author?

Suho: I told her that Exo K will be going in the Philippines on September together with their Shinee hyungs.


      *dances to gimme, gimme*

Yeon: Momentarily breaking our author's crazy fit to thank you all for the patient wait.

Sehun: We hope you enjoyed this chapter!! *bbuing* *bbuing*

Tao: I'm AB style, Romantic Panda, Peacock gege, Tao!!!

Luhan: Errr..what was that about Zitao?

Tao: I just want to speak. A friendly greeting since Exo M won't be coming in the Philippines.

A/N: ............

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Chapter 15: ....OTL AN UPDATE XD.../squishes. Good update author nim ^^
Chapter 14: The gif is too precious I swear to god
ilysmfood #3
Chapter 13: Aw this was cyute :3
Chapter 13: LOL ! Damn you Zhang Yixing --''
Chapter 13: LOOOOOL AHAHA YIXING XD...those gifs are killing me lmfao thanks for the update ^^
Chapter 13: LOOOOOL AHAHA YIXING XD...those gifs are killing me lmfao thanks for the update ^^
Authornim >.< update soon! I miss reading this story!! ^^ hehe
abbe_28 #8
Chapter 12: OMG !!!!!!!!!! awwwww in the elevator ! omg !