I'm not gay!


He was not--, he couldn't be gay! He was straighter than a ruler! At least  that's what he thought until he met a certain male.

His voice was strong but soft. His eyes where sparkling when he talked. His hair was perfect without he fixing it. His hands where so manly but at the same time beautiful. And his rosen red lips sprayed music everytime they opened. With other words, he was perfect.

He couldn't take the eyes of him everytime he swayed his perfect little piece called . And when the other male lifted his shirt, he would go crazy inside.

But he wasn't gay, it was only him he would go crazy over.

The sad truth was like nail making their way to his heart, ripping it to small pieces.

He wasn't gay.


I woke up by the damn alarm that told me it was time to step out of bed and go to practise.



I hate practise!  I  thought

Don't get me wrong, I usally like practise but lately there have been some lover birds around that's making me wanna throw up!

Yes, Eli and Kevin have been worse than ever. Once they were close to kissing but the manager started to "cough".

I went to the kitchen to get me some bteakfast. There were nobody there.... It was weird Kevin and Eli always woke up before me and they use towake me up... but not today.

I cursed and grabbed a banana and startes to run to the practise since somebody took the var.

When I arrived I was late, of course! 

"Why didn’t you wake me up?" I asked breathing heavy.

"We tried but you didn’t wake up and we didn’t have much time...." Kevin started to make an excuse, not that it was true. I was a light sleeper and if you tried to wake me up I would 9 times of 10.

"Fine" I hissed and started to walk to the studio where my composing teacher were.

"AJ! S' up" my teacher greeted me.

"Sorry I'm late.. my alarm clock didn’t ring on time.." I rubbed my neck.

"It's fine, It's fine" He waved his and to tell me to sit down.

"You look bothered, what's going on?" He lookedat me with conserned eyes

"Nothing really...just tired" I lied, obviously. Usually I could tell him everything that was messing with my mind, but I never told him about me and Kevin it was just me... and Eli who knew.

"Let's get started shall we?" I smiled, he shrugged and started the lesson.


~After practise~

I walked out from that room and started to head to the dance room where Eli and Kevin would be.

And there they were, chatting.

A bit too close.

Just a centimeter or two and thir faces would crash together.

I shooked my head and walked in and greeted them.

"S'up guys" they barely lifted their heads from the...whatever they were watching and discussing.

okay so it at this level now, huh? Not even a proper hi?

Anger was boiling in me. I could feel how it was on it way out,  but I Capistrano let Tagus happen, right?

Practise started and it was like always, me staring at Kevin, Kevin staring at Eli and Eli dancing.

~At the dorm~

Kevin asked if we Eli wanted to watch a movie. So we did. It was boring like heck!

Eli's p.o.v

"kevin I can't do this anymore! Please stop!" I tried but he wouldn't listen, like always. Just one more week, day,  hour he would try and failed for it, every time 

"Let's watch a movie!" He knew that I would say yes he knew it, and ge used his power to get thw aswer out from my throat.

He got the power to make everything his. He knew how to. He knew that I wanted him, so badly. But it was too late, Kevin had me and him already around his finger. I was his puppet for now on. Buy what choice did I have? None. He had the one I loved so there was nothing I could do.

Kevins p.o.v

I knew it was wrong, I knew it was bad, but I couldn't stop now could I? 

I wanted him so bad but he didn't want me he only wanted him.

He didn't want me now, but soon he will.

I hope....

I was dirty now... but he don't have to know right? You're right he would find out soon anyway...

Aish what should a do? There's nothing I could do. 

I'll just wait. .. he'll be mine soon... 



Hi guys I'm so sorry for not updating!!  ~T_T~

It feels like I'm making Kevin to the mean one, but do not fear I will not make him a bad guy!! 

It'll be sad...I don't know...but Im in a angst mode! O.O

ANYWAY hope you like this chapter!! Please comment so that I know if you're still alive, (you must have thought that I was dead... (・へ・)

Anyway this time it wont takes so long okay? X3

See ya ~ 0^◇^0)/



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xdiana #1
ah I was almost fooled into thinking this was an elvin story... sees jaevin... runs far and aways
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 3: Oh your back!

I wondered in the beginning of the chapter was that Soo talking. Also is Eli talking about Soo or Kevin?. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 1: Awww, poor AJ. I already hookand can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
Chapter 1: Hahaha this chapter was adorable. I liked the daydreaming scene the best. It made me laugh so hard. xD
IHeartEli #5
Sounds interesting! Update soon ^^