

Beep beep beep


The annoying sound of the alarm clock woked one of the rappers in uBeat

AJ groaned as he stretched his arm. It was another morning just like everyday, or not... AJ's heart felt heavy, like someone stuffed it with stones instead of  love

Did Eli really forget what he told him before? should he tell him again? He didn't know he was lost.

AJ looked at the corner of his bed. There was a teddy watching him with its round eyes. It wasn't just any bear it was a special bear from a really nice fan



'''AJ oppa!! please take this bear as you and Kevins lovechild, please!!'' A fan at the fanmeeting begged AJ to take a TEDDY as his and Kevins LOVECHILD,. Well AJ couldn't complain, he really wanted a love child together with Kevin.

''Ah, thank you! Have nice day!'' AJ gave the girl a hand  shake, before she went running to her friends, giggling.

Our love child huh? It would be nice having a love child with Kevin.... AJ , lost in his thought, didn't see another fan coming up to him, so Soohyun nudged his side.

''Huh!?'' AJ looked around confused. When his eyes fell on the tiny little blushing girl infront of him he imedently smiled warmly. But when the girl opened his smile disappeared.

''I don't want to be rude or anything but can you please stop trying to ruin the Elvin couple, please?'' She looked right into his eyes with her big eyes. Her eyes, who were innocent, was full with flames.

''Pardon'' AJ couldn't believe what he just witness.

''Stay. Away. From. Kevin.'' She hissed frew grittned teeth.

The scared male wanted to ask why but didn't get the chance when the other fan, the nice one, came from behind and pulled the other girl's hair

''How dare you say so? What if he wants to be with Kevin? What if Kevin wants to be with him? Have you ever thought about his feelings?? I guess no, you.-- you b*tch!'' The two girls started to fight, hitting and pulling everything that they could reach.

''Girl, GIRLS!! STOP IT NOW!'' AJ tried to get between them but he only got pulled away by the fighters.

''Enough!'' A deep strong voice echoed from a close distant. It was a guard. The fans glanced at each other but stepped away.

The guard yelled at them for being so rude to each other.

''S-sorry..'' The girls looked down ashamded of their act. The guard watched them closely before walking to his post again.

AJ mouthed a thanks to the first fan. She only smiled and nodded, as if saying you're welcome.

The fan signed  went on, without any fight only some glances and some comments, but it was minimum.

Flash back end

''Eli~ Stop it, it tickles'' Kevin voice could be heard from the kitchen

''Why I like it and I know you do it too~''

What are they doing? AJ got all kind of wild thought, but instead of imagine he walked down or rather crawled, he didn't want to be seen of some reason.

''Eli don'--Ah!'' Kevin-- moaned? AJ got curious, and peaked from a wall only to his dissepoint.

Eli was snuggling his nose againts Kevins bare neck, and backhugging him at the same time.

E-Eli? What are you doing? We're friends right?Friends doesn't do things like this!  AJ felt his chest tighten.

No! Take a hold of yourself Jaeseop! You're not weak! Even if it's your bestfriend and crush!

AJ backed a few steps, only to walk forward again, and yawning the loudest he could so he would get notice and-hopefully- the erhm...couple? would stop cuddling


Eli hold only got tighter and Kevins small adorable face got red and not the cute pink shade.

''W--what are you doing?'' He wanted to run away, he didn't want them to say it, he didn't want to be on earth, he wanted to fly away so he couldn't hear the answer.

''N-nothing..'' Kevin got out from Eli's big arms. He walked over to the counter and  started preparing some breakfast.

''Are..'' Should I? I want to know but at the same time I don't... What should I do?

''Are?'' Eli looke at AJ,  his expression strong and confident.

''No, nothing'' AJ mumled.

Was the Elvin couple real now or what? Jaeseop didn't know what to do anymore. He was like a lost boy in the big forest, scared of the wolves howling. But instead of a wolf it was a big maskuline pidgeon. How could a pidgeon be better than him, huh?

Kevin came with the food, and they ate in compleatly silent.




Annyeong! Sowyy! It's a short update but I promise I have some great ideas that will be written in some few days!! ~^,^~

Hope you like the chapter even if it was short!! :D

Don't forget to subscribe and comment, cause I'd be really happy, jinjja!! :D

See ya soon in the next chpter!! :D

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xdiana #1
ah I was almost fooled into thinking this was an elvin story... sees jaevin... runs far and aways
Kyung1Ari #2
Chapter 3: Oh your back!

I wondered in the beginning of the chapter was that Soo talking. Also is Eli talking about Soo or Kevin?. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Kyung1Ari #3
Chapter 1: Awww, poor AJ. I already hookand can't wait to read more. Please update soon.
Chapter 1: Hahaha this chapter was adorable. I liked the daydreaming scene the best. It made me laugh so hard. xD
IHeartEli #5
Sounds interesting! Update soon ^^