The Other Party

The Zombie and I

" Sehun ah.. .." Luhan uttered as his hands dropped to his side..

Sehun whp was soaked breathed heavily as he hugged him closely..

Sehun just hugged him tighter..


( Song - Infinite : Still i miss you * chorus*)

" Luhan.. be mine will you.. .." Sehun uttered as he opened his eyes slowly to face Luhan..

Luhan's eyes widened...

" what.. ." Luhan replied..

Sehun looked at Luhan straight in the eye.

He took out the little deer which is wet now as well..

Luhan looked at it then to Sehun.

Sehun passed the little deer to Luhan.

Sehun then smiled as he looked at Luhan.

" it looks like you.." Sehun chuckled as he flipped his wet hair up.

Luhan looked at him..

He lightly touched Sehun's wet hair.

" you are soaking wet.." Luhan added.

Sehun held Luhan's hand as Luhan lightly touched Sehun's hair.

" it doesn't matter.." Sehun spoke,

( A few silent minutes )

" guess you still need to work.. i better go." Sehun finished as he smiled lightly to Luhan.

Sehun smiled as he walked under the rain again.

" Sehun ah." Luhan called.

" don't worry. i will be fine." Sehun smiled as he turned his back.

Luhan looked at Sehun's back as he clutched the little deer..

Luhan bit his lips as he sighed and went to grab his bag and pack getting ready to dash out.

" hey.. where are you going?" the full time staff asked.

" sorry. i have something urgent to attend too.. so sorry.." Luhan spoke as he hurriedly packed and dashed out..

He turned and he still could see Sehun's back..

Luhan ran in the rain..

" Sehun ah.. " he thought..

He then went forward and backed hugged Sehun..

Sehun stopped for a moment as he blinked..

" don't go... wait for me.." Luhan said, his head hung low as he backed hugged Sehun.

Sehun blinked as he paused..

" i... i. " Luhan utterd..

 Before he could complete his sentence. 

Sehun turned and kissed Luhan's lips..

Luhan eyes popped as the rain fell onto them,,

" am i dreaming.. " Luhan happily thought..

His eyes smiled as he closed them and returned the kiss.

" i think i am in love with you as well.." Sehun spoke as he cupped Luhan's face..

Luhan smiled as he hugged Sehun.

" Let's go home Sehun ." Luhan smiled.

Sehun smiled as he held Luhan's hand. 

The two walking hand in hand under the rain.. 


As Luhan opened the door to their house..

Sehun smiled to him, their hands still entwined.

As the door opened.

" Kai,," Luhan spoke..

Kai gave a light smile as his attention turned to their entwined hands.

" er." Luhan uttered.

" we are together now" Sehun spoke.

Luhan turned to Sehun..

" it just happened." Sehun added.

Luhan gulped as he turned to Kai.

" happy for you two.." Kai spoke as he walked to the sofa.

Luhan turned to look at the dining table.

" kai.. " he uttered, as he un-twined their hands and headed to the dining table.

Sehun looked at him.

" Have you been drinking?" Luhan asked as he held the can up.

Kai lightly smiled.

" Kai.!" Luhan called as he went to the sofa.

" it doesn't matter you anyway." Kai spoke.

" what?.." Luhan said.

" you are my closest friend.. how does that don't matter.." Luhan said as he looked at Kai..

" Go and Date sehun.. just leave me alone." Kai said as he stood up and head for the stairs.

" what.. Kai!" Luhan shouted.. 

He followed Kai up the stairs but was stopped by Sehun.

" let him be.." Sehun spoke.

Luhan sighed as he nodded..

" Sehun , why don't you go and bathe first.. i will bathe after you." Luhan said.

" ( shakes head ) you bathe first.. i am strong . haha you should bathe first before you catch a cold " Sehun smiled.

Luhan chuckled.

" no you bathe first , " Luhan cheekily said.

" ( shakes head ) no you.." Sehun answered.

" yah.. you.." Luhan replied.

" ( sly smile ) how about we both bathe together ? " Sehun spoke as he went to tickle Luhan.

" HAHA.. stop tickling me.. no! " Luhan laughed.

Sehun chuckled.

" alright i will go and bathe first then " Luhan said.

Sehun nodded.

As Luhan walked into the shower room..

" is Kai alright.." Luhan thought..

He sighed and sighed..

( in the room ) 

Sehun was blowing dry the little deer. 

He smiled as he thought of the kiss.

After about 10 minutes.

Luhan walked in with a towel over his neck.

He smiled.

" your turn to bathe " Luhan spoke.

Sehun nodded as he placed the little deer on the table.

" are you hairdrying the little deer?" Luhan asked.

" ( shakes head ) i am hairdrying little Luhan." Sehun chuckled.

" ah. ( picks the deer up ) in what way does this look like me?" Luhan spoke.

" in Everyway." Sehun finished as he took his towel.

Luhan laughed.

" go bathe" he said.

Sehun nodded walking out.

Luhan took his handphone out.

" they must be mad for me at leaving.." he thought..

" Hey. Where did you go?" A message sent by Tao.

" sorry.. i had something urgent to deal with.. are they mad ? D: " Luhan replied.

Minutes later.

" it's alright. they aren't mad.. :) and oh ya! the full time told us to just rest tomorrow so there's no work?" Tao replied.

" really?! " Luhan texted.

" Yeap!! :) so just rest. no worries ! ^^ " Tao replied.

" alright.! thanks! :) " Luhan replied.

Luhan smiled as he locked his phone.

" i wonder if Kai is okay.." Luhan wondered..

He stood up and walked to Kai's room..

Luhan turned the knob of the door.

" kai.." he uttered..

Kai who was sitting by his table with the little lamp on.

Luhan could hear sniffles..

" kai are you crying." Luhan asked as he walked closer to Kai.

" don't come any closer.!" Kai spoke. Tears streaming down his cheeks.

Luhan stopped as he gulped.

" hey." Luhan said.

" dont.. please dont.. " Kai utterd as he covered his face.

" hey... i am your closest pal... are you not going to tell me what has happened.." Luhan spoke..

" ( sniffs ) nothing... its nothing." Kai replied.

" yea. if not you wouldnt be drinking.. you only drink when something serious happens " Luhan added.

" you wouldn't understand.." Kai cried.

From outside , Sehun who was walking passed Kai's room, saw the door open. he was about to open the door when..

" why wouldn't i..?!" Luhan spoke..

Sehun eyes looked in..

" you wouldn't" Kai said.

" yea i wouldn't. if you don't tell me!" Luhan said.

" kai!" Luhan spoke.

" .. .. because you aint me.. .." Kai replied.. 

Luhan paused for a moment..

" you won't know how i am feeling now Luhan.. you won't know or will you ever will." Kai replied.

Luhan could sense the seriousness in Kai's tone this time..

" just go.. i will be fine." Kai added.


( From outside...)

Sehun overhead the entire conversation..

Sehun lowered his head as his hands dropped to his sides as he walked back to the other room.

He knew he has indirecty hurt Kai's feelings..


" Fine... if this is what you want.. Kai .. i am your closest friend.. " Luhan teared as a tear rolled down.

Kai cried even harder..

" just go.." he uttered.

Luhan wiped his tears as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Luhan wiped his tears as he walked back to his room.

He closed his room door as he leaned against it.

Luhan cried.

Sehun approached him.

" Kai is crying Sehun ah.. My best friend is crying. and. i .. can't even help.." Luhan uttered..

Sehun looked at the crying guy ..

He went forward to hug him.

" he would always be there for me Sehun.. He was always there .. but when he is down.. i .. i can't even do a thing.. " Luhan cried.

" it's fine.. it's fine. Don't cry.." Sehun said as he lightly Luhan's back .

Sehun could feel Luhan's tears on his shirt.

Luhan hugged Sehun as he cried and cried..


( In Kai's room ) 

Kai knew Luhan would be crying as well.. 

But for now.. His heart ached even more..


" get some sleep .. you have work tomorrow as well. "  Sehun smiled as he covered the blanket over Luhan.

Luhan who was playing with Sehun's shirt.

" i can't sleep " he said.

Sehun hugged Luhan.

" try too then.." he smiled as he looked at Luhan.

Luhan lightly smiled.

" thank you " he smiled.

Sehun gave Luhan a peck on the forehead.

" Silly, i am here. you can rely on me." Sehun replied.

Luhan was obviously pleased with that sentence couldnt stop beaming..

He cuddled Sehun as he smiled.

" At least i have you.. tomorrow will be better won't it ?" Luhan asked.

" of cos.. it will.. " Sehun nodded.

Luhan smiled.

" now try to sleep alright." Sehun asked.

Luhan nodded as he closed his eyes.

" good night Sehun ah." 

" nights my little mr silly." Sehun spoke,

" hey i am not silly." Luhan chuckled.

" yes you are.." Sehun replied.

" haha. then you are an idiot." Luhan added.

" am not!" Sehun spoke.

Luhan laughed.

" sleep . sleep." Sehun said. 

" yes yes mr silly's SILLY. " Luhan chuckled.

" what.. " Sehun laughed.

Luhan playfully hit Sehun as he closed his eyes.

Sehun chuckled as he cuddled Luhan tighter.

The two finally going to sleep..


( The next day ) 

" Morning." Luhan greeted.

Sehun smiled as he stretched.

" what time is it." he asked.

" 9." Luhan chuckled.

Sehun hugged Luhan.

" i have to get up . i want to make breakfast." Luhan said.

Sehun looked at him.

" for Kai.." Luhan added.

Sehun blinked.

" and you" Luhan added, chuckling.

Sehun smiled.

Luhan got up as he got changed and headed down stairs.

" Kai isn't up yet.." he thought.

Luhan thought he would cook Kai's favourite omelette rice.

Luhan heated the pan as he cracked the egg.

He warmed the left over rice as he started slicing the sausages and tomatoes.

About 20 minutes later...

" here.. this is yours." Luhan smiled as he handed a plate of omelette rice with tomato sauce making a frown face on it.

Sehun looked at it.

Sehun then looked at Kai's omelette rice.

" why does he have a heart and mine is a.. frown." Sehun asked.

" because that frown looks like you! " Luhan chuckled.

Sehun frowned.

" see! you're frowning again" Luhan laughed.

Just then , Kai was walking down.

He stopped as he saw Luhan and Sehun by the dining table.

" oh. Kai!" Luhan waved.

" i am leaving for work." Kai said.

" wait.. you don't want to eat breakfast first? i made your favourite omelette rice~" Luhan grinned.

Kai paused as he walked to the door.

" no thanks . Enjoy your breakfast.. bye " Kai spoke.

" hey.!" Luhan called as he walked to Kai.

" ( passes the bag to Kai ) at least take that. " Luhan smiled.

" eat it for lunch. i know you love my omelette rice the best " Luhan said.

Kai looked at it as he dropped the bag on the floor..

Luhan looked at him.

" i don't need that. " Kai said as he walked to the door.

Luhan bend down to pick up the bag.

The box has opened and the rice has fallen out.

Luhan sighed..

" Hey!" Sehun called as he stood up.

" aren't you going to eat.. Luhan even woke up early to make it for you.." Sehun spoke.

Kai ignored it.

" hey.. i am talking to you." Sehun added.

Luhan grabbed Sehun's hand as he shook his head.

The main door closing behind them .

" it's okay Sehun." Luhan gave a light smile as he went to throw the bag in the bin.

While, Kai at the outside of the door, He bit his lips as he resisted the tears that were about to fall again..

" Luhan.. " Kai uttered..


OKAY!!! So Kai is majorly upset :((((( makes me also wanna 

bcos Kai is like Luhan's little bodyguard since young and is always silently there.. TT  but Luhan only treats Kai as a really good good pal.

And! i find the part where Sehun is like silently there for Luhan is really sweet.~ ^^ don't you?

Also, Sehun calling Luhan silly was really cute. and the part when Luhan replied him 
" yes mr silly's silly~" was equally C U T EEEE! :DDDDD


and it's quite sad to see the two guys friendship. could tell Luhan really loved Kai as a great great friend.. TT 

But Kai is just too upset over the fact that Luhan likes Sehun . sigh.


TILL THEN! ~ <333

** Will Kai confess? or just silently be Luhan's bodyguard as always.."




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kpopislife555 #1
Chapter 20: Pwease updateeee I just read this entire fanfic right now.
Hunhan07 #2
I want to know wad happened. Please update soon.
hunhan_chunjoe #3
Chapter 21: Omg luhan mum and two half boys XD
What will happen next CANT.WAIT.ANYMORE ;D
Update soon!
chokochipp #4
Chapter 19: >< Luhan in running man^^
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 19: Omg luhan is he okay!
Your fault sehunA!
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 18: OMG what will happen next I read all the chapter in this fan fiction and I like it soo damn much u gotta update soon I wanna see luhan and sehun reaction to Kai confessing
Fighting for the next chapter I know it will turn out great!
Chapter 17: Please update! I fell kinda bad for Kai :(( hope he finds kyungsoo ;)
shinee_fan69 #8
Chapter 15: pleace update!!! i really wanna read this!!!!
Chapter 13: I really love this story :)
Chapter 12: Please update! :)