The Intensity..

The Zombie and I

" i ..." Sehun said.

Luhan turned to look at him..

Their eyes meeting...


Luhan blinked as his doe liked eyes looked straight into Sehun's eyes.

" its... okay... i dont..( looks at sehun ) expect you to r..." before Luhan could complete his sentence...

Sehun stepped forward as he reached out for Luhan, 

Then Luhan's cell phone rang.. 

Luhan lightly smiled at Sehun as he picked up his phone..

" hello.." he answered..

Luhan walked towards the kitchen as he picked up the phone..

" luhan.. It's me.." the guy from the cafeteria spoke..

" yea?" Luhan said..

" do you mind if you come over now and like work till tomorrow morning?" the guy asked.

" oh? why whats up?" Luhan asked.

" we suddenly received a major call to bake like 300 muffins by tomorrow 10 am... " the guy spoke.

" wow. that many?" Luhan asked.

" yea.. it's crazy.. i wouldnt want to call you but i can't stay tonight.. and only two of our bakers with one full time and another new worker are able to stay only.." the guy replied..

" wow.. well.. i don't mind." Luhan replied.

" really?! that's super.. thank you so much!" the guy replied.

" haha. no worries. so do i go over now?" Luhan asked.

" yeap! thanks alot man! " the guy replied..


As Luhan hung up, he sighed as he turned to face Sehun.. 

" i have to go back to work.. working till tomorrow morning.." Luhan replied.

" why?" Sehun asked.

" haha. they received a call all of a sudden to bake 300 muffins. they need more help so they called me. " Luhan replied.

" you won't be coming home till tomorrow then?" Sehun said.

" yeap." Luhan said as he looked into Sehun's red eyes..

There were moments of silence..

" i.." before Sehun could finish..

" okay.. i better get going.. see you Sehun ah." Luhan spoke as he waved and headed to open the door..

Sehun blinked as he watched Luhan close the door behind him..

Sehun sighed as he turned to see the little deer keychain standing on the table by the sofa..

Sehun walked towards the keychain as he held it and looked at it..

" luhan.." he uttered..

( at the cafe ) 

" hey " Luhan smiled as he opened the door.

" hey.. sorry man to have called you back on your first day as well." the guy said.

" haha. no worries. " Luhan said.

" well, let me introduce to you our new friend who has just joined.. " the guy said. 

Luhan smiled.

" Tao.. meet Luhan.. Luhan meet Tao." the guy said.

Luhan eyes widened..

Tao smiled.

" you two know each other?" the guy asked.

" well.. sort of." Luhan chuckled as he touched his hair.

" thats even better.. Haha.. sorry to make you two work so hard on your first day of work." the guy replied.

" no worries.. " Tao said.

Luhan smiled.

" okay.. just work with the two bakers and our full time alright.. i have to go for now! will be here by 7 am to help again! thanks and sorry guys!" the guy replied as he dashed out of the cafe.

Luhan chuckled.

" so you just joined as well.?" Luhan asked.

" well. because i liked their drinks here." Tao cheekily replied.

" haha.. you know how to bake?" Luhan asked.

" well.. a little." Tao laughed.

" i am counting on you then" Luhan laughed as the two headed to the kitchen.


( back at home ) 

As Kai walked in , he saw Sehun on the sofa looking dazed.

" sehun?" Kai called.

Sehun turned as he smiled.

Kai looked around.

" where's Luhan?" Kai asked.

" he went to work." Sehun replied.

" what? at a time like this?" Kai asked.

" he said they needed people to bake overnight so he went off to help.." Sehun answered.

" ah.." Kai replied.

" muffins for you by Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyung on the dining table." Sehun said.

" oh. thanks.." Kai replied.

Sehun nodded as he sighed.

Kai looked at Sehun..

" sehun ah. can we talk.." Kai asked.

Sehun turned to Kai.


( Back to the cafe ) 

" Ahhh... " Luhan said as he watched the baker demonstrate the second time how to do the muffins .

Tao nodded.

" okay.. i shall try." Tao said.

( Song : EXO M - XOXO. )

" haha. yours look like a rock." Luhan laughed as he looked at Tao's muffin shape.

Tao gave a pout as he looked at Luhan's one.

" your's doens't look that good either!" Tao joked.

" yah..." Luhan laughed..

" haha. you've flour on your cheek" Tao said.

" eh?"  ( using his sleeve to wipe it off ) Luhan said.

" haha. let me help you." Tao smiled as he wiped it off ..

Then Tao's eyes met Luhan's eyes..

Luhan smiled as he said thank you.

Tao smiled..

" so that's the reason why Sehun fancies you isnt it.." Tao thought as he smirked..

" Tao ah.. can you pass me the raisins." Luhan said.

Tao smiled as he handed it to Luhan.


( Back at home ) 

" you like him don't you.. " Kai asked..

Sehun turned to look at Kai.

" you know who i am referring too.." Kai spoke as he place the cup down and turned to face Sehun..

Sehun looked at him.

" don't break his heart .. i can tell he likes you as well.." Kai replied.

" Luhan hyung has grown up with me.. I had taken care of him all the while i know what he's thinking.." Kai spoke.

" he likes you Sehun.. " Kai added.

" so ... don't break his heart.. IF you do.. ( looking straight at Sehun's eyes ) "

A short silence pause...

" i will break yours." Kai spoke, in a dead serious tone.

Sehun looked at Kai.

" i can't be the one beside him.. i know that... and i know the only person who he can see is .. you.." Kai said.

Sehun looked away.

" Luhan will be very hurt if you do break his heart.. and i don't want that." Kai spoke.

Sehun looked at him.

" run to him , if he needs you.. Protect him, if he needs it.. and.. be by his side always " Kai added.

Sehun gulped as he clutched the little deer in his fist


( Song : EXO K - Black Pearl ) 

Sehun dashed out of the house as he ran and ran..

Kai sat there as a tear strolled down his cheek..

Sehun ran and ran as he stopped all of a sudden and leaped to a nearby tree..

" omg.. did that guy just jumped to a tree?!" a little girl said to her mum.

" where ( looks around ) aiish .. daughter you have been watching too much drama's.." the mother replied..

Sehun huffed as his eyes redder then ever.. 

" luhan.. luhan.." he uttered as his eyes scanned the area ..

" there..." Sehun uttered as he zoomed in to the cafe where Luhan works..

"... TAO.. " Sehun spoke as he saw the guy beside Luhan..

" what is he doing there... " Sehun thought as he looked...

Sehun jumped off the tree as he adjusted his collar and walked as his red eyes burning red then ever...

He held the deer keychain as he walked to the cafe where he saw Luhan... 


( at the cafe, around 4 :30 am.. ) 

" yawnn... i am so tired.." Luhan laughed as he slumped onto the seat..

" water?" Tao offered.

Luhan smiled.

" thanks guys.. i cant thank you enough." the full time worker said.

" no worries" Luhan chuckled as he slurped his water...

" it's raining..." the baker said.

Everyone turned to look.

" oh ya.. i didnt notice it earlier on." The full timer spoke.

Luhan looked out..

" i wonder if Sehun is asleep.." he thought..

Little did Luhan expect..

There below the tree, there was one guy squatting down , getting drenched was waiting for him..

Tao looked out..

He instinctly saw Sehun with their special eye sight..

He smirked 

" Luhan." Tao called.

Luhan turned as he walked to Tao.

Tao put his arm around Luhan's neck.

" lets take a picture !" Tao smiled.

" what?! haha not now. we all look so tired." Luhan laughed.

" but you look very adorable now" Tao smiled.

" haha. am i?" Luhan blushed.

" come one " Tao spoke.

From the tree, Sehun could see it all...

He gritted his teeth as he looked at Tao getting all close with Luhan..

After taking the photo..

Tao smirked as he stood by the door and waved the phone to Sehun.. 

Sehun gritted his teeths..

" i know you can see this Sehun.. i won't let you win this round.. He is .. ( smirks at Sehun ) mine.." Tao spoke through his mind .

" grrrr... " Sehun replied through his mind .

" haha. go on getting jealous bro.. it's not going to help.. Once i set my eyes on something it is going to be mine.." Tao replied.

" keep your dirty hands off what's mine" Sehun growled as he stared at Tao .

The two talking through their minds.

" aww.. someone is jealous.." Tao teased as he smirked..

Then Luhan came and pat Tao from behind.

" Tao , lets go in and continue baking." Luhan smiled.

Tao turned and smiled ..

" yea. sure.." he replied as he turned to smirk at Sehun before heading back into the kitchen..


( Song : EXO K - Let out the beast ) 

Sehun gritted his teeth as the rain falling hard on him..

His eyes burning..


( back at the kitchen ) 

" ah.. i forgot to tell Kai to not to cook my breakfast tomorrow " Luhan thought.

Luhan walked out to the dining area to get his phone..

Then as he took his phone..

" sehun?" Luhan thought as he saw a guy whose face can't be seen with hair so wet..

Luhan walked towards the door as he looked at the guy outside..

" Sehun?" Luhan asked as he lightly pushed open the door.

" sehun ah... why are you.." before Luhan could continue what he was saying..

Sehun hugged him as he hugged Luhan so tightly..

Luhan blinked..

" Sehun ah.." Luhan uttered, shocked.

" you .. are.. . mine... not anyone's else.." Sehun uttered..

Luhan's eyes widened..

( Song : Exo K - let out the beast ) 

" sehun ah.." Luhan uttered...



OKAYYY!!! HAHA sorry for the late update! XD HAHA!! 

okayyy! SO HOW WAS IT?!!

so yea, Sehun indirectly confessed in such a fierce way..

i think it was quite manly, don't you think so?! HAHAA 

The mind talk between Tao and Sehun was kinda intense as well! HAHA! XD

and, awww Kai was such a sweetie don't you agree?! ~ HAHA

So....!! HAHA

till next chapter ;)



HAHA! the look on Sehun's face in this pic is like 

" hey honey, hands off whats MINE!" XD


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kpopislife555 #1
Chapter 20: Pwease updateeee I just read this entire fanfic right now.
Hunhan07 #2
I want to know wad happened. Please update soon.
hunhan_chunjoe #3
Chapter 21: Omg luhan mum and two half boys XD
What will happen next CANT.WAIT.ANYMORE ;D
Update soon!
chokochipp #4
Chapter 19: >< Luhan in running man^^
hunhan_chunjoe #5
Chapter 19: Omg luhan is he okay!
Your fault sehunA!
hunhan_chunjoe #6
Chapter 18: OMG what will happen next I read all the chapter in this fan fiction and I like it soo damn much u gotta update soon I wanna see luhan and sehun reaction to Kai confessing
Fighting for the next chapter I know it will turn out great!
Chapter 17: Please update! I fell kinda bad for Kai :(( hope he finds kyungsoo ;)
shinee_fan69 #8
Chapter 15: pleace update!!! i really wanna read this!!!!
Chapter 13: I really love this story :)
Chapter 12: Please update! :)