Loving Luhan

Loving Luhan


It’s so easy to love Luhan, Yixing thinks. It’s so easy, and natural, almost like breathing. It didn’t take much time, no denial, no hesitation, it’s happened just like that, somehow without anyone knowing, but at the same time, everyone had expecting it.

 “You two fits so much together, it’s really endearing in one side and disgustingly cute on the other side. However, it’s so hard to not notice it, because it’s so real, well, at least to us.” Xiumin said one night when all the other members were sleeping except the two of them who still enjoying their cup of hot chocolate.

It was all started one day, years back, when they were still trainees and they met for the first time. The first impression he had for Luhan was that Luhan is so beautiful. With angelic smile, small frame and delicate, like a doll, almost fragile. Later, he realize, that his small frame was so that he could fit perfectly in his arms, with both of his arms wrapping him, protecting him from nightmares, the cold weather, or even from the fatigue caused by harsh schedules. He could see the brilliance in his eyes, his eyes were bright and clear, his smile was confident but warm at the same time.

“I’m Luhan! Nice to meet you!” And a hand shoved to his face before he accepted the friendly gesture and a welcoming smile. Luhan, he repeated the name inside his brain several time, admiring how perfect his name rolling through his lips.

It didn’t take that much time for him to completely fall for the older male. He didn’t remember exactly when he fall, but must be in between the times they spent together, late at night, at the park near their office building, isolated from the world that not theirs. They would talk about everything and nothing, about dreams, and secret wishes they share just between them. He loved how Luhan’s face would turn bright, embellished with a wide smile, when they talked about future. He himself didn’t know for sure how his future would be, but one thing he knew with a hundred percent certainty, he wanted Luhan to be a part of it.

There are times when they wouldn’t talk about anything, simply escaping from their daily routines, and enjoying each other’s company, sharing a bag of chips and staring at the stars. He didn’t complain, but instead of the star far away, his eyes were busy stealing glances to his side, where his star was.

Luhan is like a rubic cube, Yixing realized later, having different sides with different colors, complicated but interesting. Luhan is a weird mix of brilliance and clumsiness in one physic. In one side, he’s so smart, and organized, but can be clumsy as hell on the other side.

“I hate my life..” Luhan said one day with teary eyes, as he cleaning the mess caused by him, when he accidentally dropped Sehun’s birthday cake they bought together.

He smiled affectionately to the nearly crying male squatting in front of him before helping him with the mess and saying, “It’s okay... We can buy another one, we still have one more hour before the party.” In which, Luhan looking at him with wet cheeks from tears and mumbling a short “Thank you.” The party went well, and Luhan never leave his side the entire time, clinging to him like a baby chick, and he didn’t mind.

Opposites attract. That’s what people said, and he finally understood what that means when he met Luhan. Luhan and him were different to say it simple. Whether it’s movie preference, breakfast choices, or ice cream flavors, you can safely say they never agree to each other. Frustrating? Not really. Because it’s how they work it together that matters. Luhan loves strawberry ice cream, sweet and sour, while he prefers vanilla ice cream, soft and simple. So instead of buying a pint of ice cream, they went to an ice cream date whenever they could. He loves horror movie, Luhan hates it whole heartedly, but they both agree, action movie wouldn’t kill. Personality wise, Luhan is a bubbly deer, while he is more like a quite bunny, Luhan talks more, enough for both of them while he listen well. It’s just those small things they are willing to sacrifice for each other.

But it’s not like they have nothing in common. They have similarity in fashion sense, so they can share most of their clothes and having couple items. There are times when they finished each other sentences, and they often move in synchronization.

“Aren’t you annoyed that your boyfriend always got paired with other members all the time?” Kai asked him one day, they were having lunch together at a nearby restaurant, few blocks away from their office building. He understood completely what Kai meant. Luhan always got paired with the other members, Sehun is the most common, a lot mentioned Xiumin too.

Does it matter? He thought. However they’re one team, so, there’s not that kind of jealousy, because at the end of the day, when all the schedules ended, when Luhan was just being Luhan, not EXO’s Luhan, he would still belongs to him. His name would still the first thing Luhan shouted once he came back from different schedules, he’s still the one who has the privilege to sit beside him on the car and airplane, he’s the one who got the morning kiss from the older male, and he’s also the one who hugged him close when the deer prince got a fever and refused to sleep alone. And the list goes on, so he shook his head, he looked straight to Kai’s eyes and said “Not really.” Where Kai can only shrugged his shoulders, not really understand about it.

“Don’t you want to hear people talk about LayHan instead of HunHan or Xiuhan all the time though?” Chen asked further. Of course he wanted to, but it’s just, how should he explain this? It’s just that he’s not that desperate to show off to people about them.  It’s more than enough for him having Luhan by his side, and knowing that the other male loves him just as much as he does. He feels like he didn’t need people’s approval. Besides, it’s their fans, if they want HunHan or Xiuhan and it could make them happy, let them be. “Really, it doesn’t matter.” He said.

Tao is a curious panda, he asked a lot of things to a lot of people, but Tao is adorable so people wouldn’t mind. One day, at dinner, it was his turn to be the target of Tao’s curious nature, when the younger boy shot him a question, “I still don’t get it!” the younger boy started with his mouth full of rice. “What is?” he asked. After swallowing his rice, the magnae continued, “Like, you and Luhan are just too different from each other, and the fans only talked about HunHan and Xiuhan all the time! How could you.... just... how?”

He smiled at the boy in front of him, “It’s love Zitao.” He said as he stood up from his seat to wash his dishes.

Tao turned his head towards Kris who was reading a magazine beside him, “Just... that?”

From the kitchen, he could hear Kris closing his magazine and talk with a soft tone towards their oldest magnae, “Love is a magical thing Tao, it makes you strong, it makes you happy, it makes you willing to understand the person you love. When you fall in love differences is not a problem, differences is just a tool to make your love stronger with how both of you encounter the differences. Luhan and Yixing don’t need approval from other people too, because the already have approval from each other, and that’s enough.”

He smiled to himself, yeah, it’s love, just that easy, loving Luhan is easy. Just right when he finished washing his dishes, he could hear the front door opened, and his smile grew bigger when he heard another voice, “Yixing! I’m home!!” and he walking to the source of that voice with open arms ready to catch a boy jumping into his hug.


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Chapter 1: This is so cute!! I felt like this is really a behind relationship of EXO and LayHan *^* Your writing style is great but I could see some grammar mistakes although somehow in my opinion it doesnt ruin the mood of the fic! ^^ Thank you for writing this~
Chapter 1: awwwwwww this is soo sweet~ ^^ imma puke rainbow out if i re read this for the 5th time XP
Chapter 1: Sweetest. LayHan. Fic. Ever!
Chapter 1: Cute and adorably sweet!
bby_tigz #5
Chapter 1: this was a super cute Layhan fic~ ^^
Chapter 1: This is really cute! omg, I don't ship Layhan but in this fanfiction Lay is really cute and I like the storyline and your writing style ;A;
keep writing~ *^~^
This is so adorabley cute <3
Thanks for sharing~!
Chapter 1: This is super cute arghh you make me wanting to know how it feels like having yixing as my boyfriend but everyone knows how it will end up as so... criessssss.

Hahaha putting that aside, im glad I read this! What a nice way to end the day. Thanks and Goodnight ^^