CHAPTER 33: The Closer, The Farther


Thank you manhid23 and volans28 for upvoting thy fic... (was that even correct!? LOOL! IDK who to thank anymore.. XD)




Taeyeon hissed as she spilled another cup of coffee to a customer...

'No, not again!'

Taeyeon bowed and apologized continuously to the man... It was her fault that she wasn't herself today and that she spent all night finishing all of her work.

"It's okay my child, lift your chin up..." the man only smiled at Taeyeon, but Taeyeon still bowed her head down and continued to aoplogize...

"Sigh, look little girl... Could you just help me instead of you keep bowing down on me? I get it really, I forgive you, so at the very least help me with my clothes, is that okay?"

"D-dae...*turns head* Eunji, take my shift for a while, I have to take care of something..."

*smiles* "Dae, Taeyeon-unnie..."

The two people went outside to look for a pair of new clothes for the man...



"Ahjussi, is it really okay for me to tag along? I mean, aren't you angry of some sorts?"

"Taeyeon-sshi, correct?"


"I'm not angry of some sorts, I'm just looking for someone to talk to..."

"Not to be rude ahjussi, but, don't you have any friends? I mean, I really need to work..."

"None... Cause they all hate me..."

"Why is that?"

"Cause I crushed their business down..."


*chuckles* "No, I'm just kidding, they're all dead by the way, due to old age..."

"Ahh, haha, that's too bad..."

"I know... Oh, here, maybe they sell good clothes here..."

Taeyeon's face looked up as she and the mysterious ahjussi went inside the store...

It actually took them half an hour to look for a good clothing to fit the man, since the man kept bickering about the quality of the fabric, Ít should be this, it should be that, or maybe, this one? or that one?' It seriously upsetted the latter, but nevertheless, she was at fault so she has no right to complain, but still...


"Is there something wrong little girl? You seem restrained?"

*shakes head* "Ani, the clothings are just really flashy... So have you taken your pick ahjussi?"

"Ahh, of course! Now all we have to do is to pay..."

"Alright..." Taeyeon smiled politely at the man as she waited for the ahjussi to be done and go back to the things they were... The man finally got his change and went back to where Taeyeon stood...

"Ahh, little girl, I'm just going to change, please wait for a little more okay?"

"Dae..." Taeyeon smiled politely once again, and waited for the man to get finished as she waited for a few minutes more... Fifteen minutes already passed and finally the man came out...

"Sorry, I've had a hard time fitting the clothes correctly, my eyes betray me..."

"Oh no, it's fine sir... So, can I go now?"

"Oh no, you can't for now little girl... You have to go somewhere with me first..."

That's just it, Taeyeon couldn't take it anymore, "OH COME ON AHJUSSI!! I'VE BEEN WAITING IN HERE FOR LIKE HOURS! CAN'T YOU JUST GIVE ME A REST?! GOD!" Taeyeon slumped herself on the seat once again, as she pouted sadly at the man, the man couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's actions... It was way too childish for a woman like Taeyeon, but then again, she is so young looking that no one would bother to know what her real age was...

"I'm sorry, I'll just treat you some food, would that be okay?"

*grunts* "What can I do anyway?! Sigh... Let's just go ahjussi, we're wasting time..."

*chuckles* "Alright..."



The two sat on the park bench as they ate their ice creams in silence... Both couldn't help but admire the scenery, though it only looks like people running here and there, children buying sweets, and a cool breeze that was blowing onto their faces...

"Taeyeon-sshi, correct?"

"Dae ahjussi?"

"If you could turn back time, would you do it, or would you not?"

Taeyeon bit lightly on her ice cream before answering the man, "Yeah, maybe I would..."


"I would like to stop my father from giving me up in that orphanage..."

"You're an orphan?"

"Dae, they said that my father gave up on me due to bankruptcy... But, I guess, people have to sacrifice something to live, don't they?"

"Yes they do..."

"But that doesn't matter now, it's because I already am happy with my current state... I'm happily married, my brother's doing well in college, and I have a family I have always wished for... Besides, turning back time would just bring back so many bitter memories for me... How about you ahjussi? Would you turn back time or would you not?"

"I will..."

"What would you like to bring back?"

"My daughter..."

"Why? Did she die or something?"

"Like your scenario, I just gave her up for money..."


The man inhaled deeply as he tried to begin his statement, "It was twenty years ago after my wife gave birth to our one and only child. The first time she came out to this world was the most happiest moment I could never forget, but sadly, my wife died after giving birth to my daughter... So I now only have her..."

"Why give her up?"

"I was desperate... I don't have anymore money to have my daughter live, she was dying... I have no choice but to give her up in an orphanage... And I did..."

"What happened next ahjussi?!"

"Hmmm... After that, luck was on my side, I was able to revive the business... After that, I finally have enough money to get my daughter back... But I guess..."

"But you guess?"

"Luck wasn't really on my side... I came back years later, just to know that my daughter was already adopted and that she also left with a little boy... I was so pissed and sad with the fact that I was already too late to get her back... Don't get me wrong but, I really tried my best to look for my daughter, but there were no good leads... The orphanage was also no help for they refuse to reveal the true identity of the one who adopted my daughter..."


"I'm still looking for her, but I guess, fate wouldn't let me get to her... If you don't mind... Could you come with me and go back to the orphanage where I last saw her?"

Taeyeon couldn't help but just symphatize with the man, so of course being a good girl she is... She agreed...

"Sure thing ahjussi..."

After that, the two of them finished their ice creams, and procedded to go the said orphanage...



Taeyeon couldn't help but feel some tingles inside her stomach, she felt overly nervous, and excited that everything was just so mixed... Everything felt like a mess inside her... She felt pressure as they got nearer to the orphanage... Everything felt so painfully familiar...

As soon as they got out of the car, pain suddenly strike Taeyeon's heart... It was Safe Haven... Her not so Safe Haven at all...

"A-ahjussi, are you s-sure that it was here?!"

"Yes... I'm perfectly sure... Why?"

"Nothing... Let's just go and ask once more shall we?"

"Of course..."

The both of them went inside the orphanage with heavy hearts... Both of them are having painful memories striking right through their heart... 

An old woman greeted the both of them as they were instructed to go the office... And after ten minutes of walking and turning they've finally arrived...

"Ahhh, Kim Taehyung... What a pleasure to see you once again... How have you been?"

"Still keeping the hopes up... Don't you still wanted to tell me who adopted my daghter? It's been years now, I demand an answer!"

*chuckles* "Taehyung oh Taehyung... The man you are looking for is dead, and perhaps, the person you've been searching for is already in your hands, you just haven't realized it..."

"What the f--- No, Give me an answer Minah! it's been twenty years, and twenty years filled of false hopes, YOU GIVE ME THE DAMN ANSWER NOW!"

*chuckles* "How have you been Taeyeon-sshi, it's been a while... Say, you've grown into such a beautiful woman, as expected from you, you've been beautiful ever since you were a kid..."

*bows* "Good afternoon Ms. Minah... Thank you for the compliment, I've been doing good lately..."

"That's good to hear, anyhow, Taehyung, wait for your turn..."

"What the hell Minah!"

"Say, Taeyeon-sshi, what was your surname my dear? I believe you are in the right age to claim every bits and pieces of your memories here..."

"K-kim, Ms. Minah..."

"Aww, still scared aren't we? I apologize in behalf of Ms. Cho... She's a mad woman, and she hurt you, nevertheless she died recently so nothing to fear now Taeyeon-sshi... Wait here will you? Oh, and please take a seat..."

The two nodded and took their seats... One was pissed off while the other one was feeling relieved since the monster she's always feared of died... Nothing to fear, nothing to fear anymore...

"So this is where you were you ended up in?"

"Y-yes ahjussi... So this is... Where you gave up your daughter in?"

"Sigh... Yes..."

Before anyone of them could speak, the miss could already came back with a clear book in her hand...

"Ahhh, Taeyeon-sshi, I believe you deserve everything of what's in here..."

"T-thank you Ms. Minah..."

"Yah, Jung Minah! Wh----"

"Patience Kim Taehyung, I want to see Taeyeon-sshi's reaction here..."

Taeyeon looked to the miss, and the miss just smiled at her, with eyes taunting her... Taeyeon couldn't help but fill in the curiousity that has built in her for the last few years...

Taeyeon flipped every page, each of it filled with her childhood memories... Until...  She just suddenly closed book...

"Wh-what is it my child!? What did you see?"

Taeyeon, with tears forming in her eyes tried to choke out the last few words she would never expect she could say in a very long time...

"A-ahjussi, wh-what's your name again?"

"Kim Taehyung... Wae?"

"Ahnyeonghaseyon, Kim Taeyeon-imnida... and I am your lost daughter..."

The room was only filled with silence, with the other one crying and the other one, mixed emotions...

"What did I tell you about patience Taehyung? Wasn't it worth it?"



"Ms. Hwang, the president wants to see you..."

"Ahh.. Dae..." Tiffany put down the files she was reading and stood up from her seat and finally headed to her dad's office...

Tiffany was having weird feelings inside... Something isn't right... Would never be right... 

Tiffany inhaled deeply, as she turned the knob and went inside the office.

"Yes, I will tell her. I'll call you again later..." Mr. Hwang put the phone down and looked at his daughter intently

"You wanted to see me?"

Mr. Hwang breathed in deeply, "Yes, Miyoung, take a seat first..."

"Dae..." Tiffany took a seat in front of her father's table and looked at him intently once again...

"I'm sorry to say Miyoung, but you are to leave for London next week..."

"No..." Tears started to flow from the latter's eyes, for she knew, the time has already come...

Her grandmother's dead. It's time to say goodbye already...



I'm going too fast am I?! Well, I'm about to end it anyways... It's actually raining crazy here in my country, so to my fellow Filipinos out there, please stay dry and safe... Don't you dare swim that freakin' flood like others do! XD LOL! You're going to get sick if you do that! So please, don't do it... But, if it's what you really want... It's your choice.. XD Just a friendly reminder how not to get sick... ^_^

Thanks to the new subs... 


Kamsahamnida!! ^_^ 

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Etincelle #1
does this story have a sequel author?? 🥺
chanelloo #2
Chapter 43: I really like this fanfic. They're so cute! Can you please re upload the pdf?
Chapter 42: I really love your story seriously and you even made me cry liked a river I swear my mom laughing at me went she see me crying in this story. And she made fun of me because I more focus to your story rather than focus to all of my reviewing papers to my up coming national assessment ❤
Chapter 42: I really love your story seriously and you even made me cry liked a river I swear my mom laughing at me went she see me crying in this story. And she made fun of me because I more focus to your story rather than focus to all of my reviewing papers to my up coming national assessment ❤
Cheesytaeny #5
Chapter 43: This is a really awesome story! ❤️
Chapter 42: Actually this is my second attempt in reading this but I'm still cry over and over again. How I'm not used to Happy Ending with a pinch of angst. Really author, I think I have Phobia actually if someone was to be leave alone like TaeYeon and I my phobia started to effect on me that I can't breathe haha! But author-nim ! Keep up the good work on how you made Tiffany as the dominant one! I request one story more !
Chapter 42: O my god author! You got me so much! I was looking for a story that Tiffany is the man and TaeYeon as the girl and you got it! I love also TaengSic and SooTae and plus my 3rd list of my favorite TaeYeon pairing, YulTae! First TaeNy then TaengSic then YulTae! You got it very much. And you know what author nim ? Because you're also shipping BaekYeol (cause you know how I hatee the love team BaekYeon) so I stick to BaekYeol and because me that, my have to Baekhyun lessen even for a bit. Please author make some more stories with the same. Still Tiffany as manlier and TaeYeon is girlish. I love yov author
Thank you for this wonderful story (: I really enjoyed every chapter.
bluepink111 #9
Chapter 42: OMO!!!! can i also have my destiny?? whahahaha LOL because of your story author i missed someone ^^ hehehehehe cause once in my life i found that love but unfortunately lost it at the same time :)) haaaaay~~ Great story TaeNy!! FIGHTING <3 <3 <3
Chapter 43: This fic was interesting. From Taeyeon being called Ashley to Tiffany not even knowing her name... very interesting! Plus it was a bit akward at first when Tiff was the "man" but you know.. you portrayed it well!~