CHAPTER 31: Happy Birthday Tiffany


It was a refreshing morning as the gentle sunlight strike inside the room, and Tiffany has just woken up from a deep slumber...

Tiffany yawned and stretched and was adjusting her eyes in a very unfamiliar room...

'What the?! This isn't our room... Where on earth am I!? Am I kidnapped!? OMO! ASHLEY!!'

Tiffany searched under the covers of the bed, and there was no sign of Taeyeon...


Tiffany then hurriedly get out of the bed to search for her wife, Tiffany took some slippers and hurriedly went for the door, when she noticed that there are some red arrows on the floor...

'Is this kidnapper stupid or what!? Is he trying to lead me to him?'

Tiffany then twisted the door knob, only to her surprise, there are still some red arrows, and as if on cue, she followed where the red arrows lead, in hopes of seeing her wife... Tiffany stopped at the last arrow and looked at to where she stopped... She stopped in front of a blue door, and twisted the door knob...

And to her surprise, the room was filled with pictures of her... All of it were neatly arranged, some are hanged and some are sketched, but most of it were pinned on the walls and everything was scattered, but one picture remained so ever beautiful... It was in a picture frame, it was a picture of them, on their wedding day... It was when they kissed in the altar... Tears started flowing on the latter's cheeks as she read some of the notes that were scattered on the table...



'Hey Tiff! Happy birthday! You forgot didn't you?! Well, I didn't, of course I won't! Best friends don't do that! Smile always sweetie, I love you! --Jessie'

'Ayo buddy! Happy birthday! Why so old!? Keke, sorry if we didn't greet you personally, you know I won't forget right!? Like who would forget it's your birthday!? I love you buddy, Happy birthday as always... Stay healthy and beautiful! ---Yul'

'Hey my beautiful cousin! Happy birthday! Don't you think we forgot, we won't! Anyhow, love you noonim! I hope for more birthdays to come and some healthy lifestyle for you! ---Baek'

'Happy Birthday noona... I still hate you >_< ---Chanyeol'

She read lots of notes and appreciated each and everyone of it, but hasn't seen her wife's note... Everybody wrote something for her, but how about Taeyeon? Did she even write something to her? Did she?

Unknowing to her, a petite girl was already watching her from behind, having a smile plastered on her face as she admired her wife smile at everything that she has worked for... That was then she started singing...

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you... Happy birthday dear Tiffany, happy birthday to you!" Taeyeon smiled at Tiffany who was sitting on the floor with all of the notes and pictures scattered everywhere... Tiffany, then ran to Taeyeon and hugged her as tight as she could...

"Ooompf! *chuckles* Easy there tiger, you're not gonna lose me...."

*smiles* "Thank you so much! This is the best birthday gift ever!"

"Would you like to eat breakfast with me gorgeous?"

*smiles* "I sure do!"

*smiles* "Alright..."

The two held hands as they made their way to the terrace, wherein everything was decorated in pink...

Romantic. Yes it was romantic.

Happy? Way beyond Tiffany imagined she could be.

In love? Maybe.

"Do you... Like it?"

"Oh my god, Ashley, I love it!"

*smiles* "I'm glad you did! Come, let's start eating..."

"Of course..."

Taeyeon and Tiffany went to the table and started eating what's on the table... Everything was going on smoothly, until Tiffany, started to notice something she forgot...

"Where are we Ashley?"

"We're at my house..."

"What?! But I thought Chanyeol and Baekhyun was staying here?"

"They've faked it, they're at your house today, they've actually helped me do all of this stuff for you..."

Tiffany blushed as she continued eating, "Oh, and also I would like to apologize for putting sleeping pills in your drink last night... We didn't want to ruin the surprise..."

"Ohhh... So that's why I already felt sleepy after drinking that orange juice..." 

"Hmmm... But still, I apologize... It was a bad thing to do of course... Anyhow, how was the room?"

Tiffany cocked a brow, "Hmmm?"

"The one that you saw earlier, how was it? Was it too much? Was it ugly? Was it very----"

"It was beautiful, thank you..." Tiffany smiled at her wife as she took another bite from her chocolate cake... Taeyeon watched her wife intently, oh how she would love this celebration even more if she was Taeyeon, but she was Ashley, and it hurts a lot... But to the very least, she could still be with the woman she loved, a little bit more patience, afterall, action speaks louder than voice, and Taeyeon could completely see those actions... Tiffany is already in love with her without realizing it... And all she has to do was to wait, it hasn't been that long anyway, moreover Tiffany would say it one day, her name, and she would make sure, she would love her more than she did everyday when she was Ashley...

"Hang on..."


"How come you don't have any note for me?"

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I mean, there were notes on the table, I've read some----" Before Tiffany could even speak, Taeyeon already took the latter's hand and put a pink envelope on her palm...

"My dear, never in my whole life would I forget to give you what you want, of course, a simple note is not easily forgotten... I'm your wife afterall, of course I wouldn't be missing in action, would I?"

Tiffany smiled at her wife lovingly, her wife was seriously being cheesy today, but it really touched her heart, deeply, that she would love to hear Taeyeon say those to her everyday...

"Permission to open?"

"Not yet..."

Tiffany pouted, "But whyyyy!?"

*chuckles* "Of course I'm still embarassed of what I've written in there! And besides, reading it now makes me feel more nervous of today's event..."

"Aha, I see somebody has prepared a lot!"

*blushes* "W-w-well, you see... Yeah..."

*giggles* "You're so cute Ashley-ah... I'm not gonna read it out loud, and of course, everything that you do is well appreciated... So cheer up sweet heart, this is really not embarrasing..."

"Then I'm just gonna turn around then..."

*smiles* "Then whatever that makes you feel more comfortable..."

"Thank you..." Taeyeon then smiled lovingly at Tiffany, then turned her back at Tiffany, as Tiffany started to open her "note" from Taeyeon...


To my dearest Tiffany,

   Happy birthday my love! It's been only a few months since we've got married and get to know each other, but I feel like you're the most special thing that has ever happened to me... I thank you for that... Even though we've gone through so much conflicts in the past before all of this, I'm still thankful that I spilled that coffee on your dress, giving me a chance to know someone who's really very kind at heart. I may hate you at first, but I've always been glad to make you mine...Tiffany Hwang, let's be together until the end, but of course, I have to make sure you've already said and know my name... But I know you're not ready yet, so I'll wait, no matter how long it takes. Tiffany, always remember that my love for you will never change, but would grow deeper than it did before.

You are, and always been, my dream Hwang Tiffany. Always.


Love always,

Hwang Ashley


And that's just it.

Never have Tiffany ever felt something so hurtful yet precious all the time... Waiting must have been very vain for Ashley, she didn't deserve it, but heck, if only she could she was brave enough like Ashley, it was just a name but what was she really afraid of? 

Tears started streaming on the latter's cheeks, being touched with everything that Taeyeon has just written...

"Sweet heart, are you done? Can I look at you now?"

That's it. Sobs slipped out from the latter's lips. And this made Taeyeon turn around quickly...

"Sweet heart!? What on earth is wrong!?"

Tiffany wiped her tears, "Sorry, it's nothing, really..."

"Sweet heart, stop worrying me, you know I don't like you crying..."

*wipes tears* "Sorry..."

"Sigh... Hey, want to tell me all about it? I could help if you----"

"Can you read this for me? Out loud? I just wanted to hear you saying it..." Tiffany smiled reaasuringly at Taeyeon, making Taeyeon sigh, and took the pink "note" from the latter's hand. 

She inhaled deeply, 'It's alright Taeyeon, you can do this... It's just reading...'

Taeyeon then smiled, and then started reading... She read like with so much compassion and love for the girl, it was the truth anyway. But those long and deep loving stare she gives Tiffany with each and every after one sentence sure did give both of them tingling sensations inside.

For the first time, Tiffany didn't deny what she felt at that time. She felt love.

And that was also the first time she felt hunger for the girl in front of her...

"Love always, Hwang Ashley..."

Tiffany stared at Taeyeon as how she was truly love struck with the woman, Taeyeon cleared , it caught her attention

"Are you feeling any better?" Taeyeon tilted her head side ways, oh how Tiffany loved how the way she felt at the moment...

"Sweet heart? You're being weird ag----" Tiffany put her finger on Taeyeon's lips, stopping the girl from saying something any further...

And without further ado, Tiffany leaned in and kissed her wife, more pasionately than they did before...



They were trashing the place, pushing each other on the wall, and of course, kissing each other like there was no tomorrow. Slight moans were heard here and there, and then it ended in one room, Taeyeon's room...

Taeyeon straddled Tiffany, pinning the girl's arms as she kissed her once more. Taeyeon pulled away as both catched their breaths.

Taeyeon kissed the girl's sweating forehead, "Hwang Tiffany, will you let me make love to you tonight?"

Tiffany smiled lovingly at the girl, "You may..."

Then without further ado, Taeyeon trailed butterfly kisses on Tiffany, from the girl's lips, to her jaws, and then stripped the woman completely and also not forgetting herself as the latter removed her clothes for her... 

They made love for the first time. After for a very long time, they finally did.



Morning came, as Tiffany once again, adjusted her eyes to the light. She couldn't forget what happened last night. Taeyeon and her finally did it, after for so many months of being together, they finally did.

And she could never be happier with the thought. 

The latter looked up as she saw a peaceful angel sleeping soundly. She rested on top of Taeyeon and lokked at the girl's features intently, she was beautiful, everything about her is, and then proceeded to listening to the latter's heartbeat once again.

'Is this really mine? Your heart? I hope that it would be mine forever. Now that I love you more than anything else.'

Tiffany couldn't wait any longer, she wanted to hear her wife's voice, and of course, she woke her up in the most sweetest possible way as she could...

Tiffany showered Taeyeon's face with light kisses, then to her neck, then to her chest, making the latter scrunch up her nose...

Taeyeon let out a groan, she sure did loved the way how her wife wake her up, but she was really exhausted after to what happened last night. 

"Sweet heart, wake up..." Tiffany still didn't stop kissing her, until Taeyeon held the latter's shoulders and smiled

"You're killing me woman..." Tiffany just giggled at her, "Alright, I'm up... What now?"

"Let's take a shower together!"

*chuckles* "Why so early? Besides I really feel sleepy Ppani-ah..."

"Oh pretty please?! Besides, the day is offering us fresh air, and all I wanted was a walk from my lovely sweet heart... Please Ashley-ah!? I promise to give you all the rest you need! Just give me this morning? Pleeeeaasssee?!?!"

Tiffany whined at her wife until Taeyeon kissed her just to shut her up... 

And it did....

Smiles were widely plastered on their faces as they started to get ready for the morning walk...


'I think I'm in love...'


Indeed, happy birthday Hwang Tiffany.


AYOOOO!!! It's been long right!? I know her birthday already passed, and supposedly this chap should be posted after the other one, but heck drowsiness took over and I fell asleep and then lost the ideas... And then, recently, after much thinking it all now came back to me... They shouldn't have done that yet, but I think it was already time, so basically yeah... They did 'it' and finally, in the next chappies I'll be focusing on BaekYeol more and YulSic also since they're losing some spotlight... 

I apologize, once again for not fulfilling my word... And that I've been busy for quite sometime, but frankly speaking, I've been enjoying college life though it gives me a hard time to study properly due to the 'uncooperative' members I have and that I only have one reliable classmate to go to and discuss the 'academic' stuff... For once, I just wish they'd feel how it is to feel like to be burdened with so much work and be stressed, wish karma would strike them sooner or later and know their lesson... Not being such a bad person, but they deserve it... For once...


Anyhow, thank you a lot guys! for subscribing to this virus! XD Please, feed with comments, I'm dying...


Kamsahamnida!! ^_^  

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Etincelle #1
does this story have a sequel author?? 🥺
chanelloo #2
Chapter 43: I really like this fanfic. They're so cute! Can you please re upload the pdf?
Chapter 42: I really love your story seriously and you even made me cry liked a river I swear my mom laughing at me went she see me crying in this story. And she made fun of me because I more focus to your story rather than focus to all of my reviewing papers to my up coming national assessment ❤
Chapter 42: I really love your story seriously and you even made me cry liked a river I swear my mom laughing at me went she see me crying in this story. And she made fun of me because I more focus to your story rather than focus to all of my reviewing papers to my up coming national assessment ❤
Cheesytaeny #5
Chapter 43: This is a really awesome story! ❤️
Chapter 42: Actually this is my second attempt in reading this but I'm still cry over and over again. How I'm not used to Happy Ending with a pinch of angst. Really author, I think I have Phobia actually if someone was to be leave alone like TaeYeon and I my phobia started to effect on me that I can't breathe haha! But author-nim ! Keep up the good work on how you made Tiffany as the dominant one! I request one story more !
Chapter 42: O my god author! You got me so much! I was looking for a story that Tiffany is the man and TaeYeon as the girl and you got it! I love also TaengSic and SooTae and plus my 3rd list of my favorite TaeYeon pairing, YulTae! First TaeNy then TaengSic then YulTae! You got it very much. And you know what author nim ? Because you're also shipping BaekYeol (cause you know how I hatee the love team BaekYeon) so I stick to BaekYeol and because me that, my have to Baekhyun lessen even for a bit. Please author make some more stories with the same. Still Tiffany as manlier and TaeYeon is girlish. I love yov author
Thank you for this wonderful story (: I really enjoyed every chapter.
bluepink111 #9
Chapter 42: OMO!!!! can i also have my destiny?? whahahaha LOL because of your story author i missed someone ^^ hehehehehe cause once in my life i found that love but unfortunately lost it at the same time :)) haaaaay~~ Great story TaeNy!! FIGHTING <3 <3 <3
Chapter 43: This fic was interesting. From Taeyeon being called Ashley to Tiffany not even knowing her name... very interesting! Plus it was a bit akward at first when Tiff was the "man" but you know.. you portrayed it well!~