tired of everything ......

Pretending Again and Again

Krystal POV


I stare at her. She is just lying lazily on her bed while watching tv. She didn’t even get out from her room. what’s wrong with her? What did she want from me?

“I’m bored”

She stare at me and blink twice. Not long after that, she yawn and stretching her arms.

“I wanna get out”


“hey! Stranger!”


I can’t see her face because she is facing her back to me. I crawl near her. I hear a light snore and I see her lips is parted.

“stupid lazy molester” I mumble and crossing my arms.

I roam my eyes trying to find a way out. Ah there’s the window. I grab the blanket and bring it with me. I walk near the window.

“ why did it have to be this high” I mumble again while checking the window. I got hesitate so I ripped the white curtains and tied it with the blanket. I grab some of her chlothes from the cupboard and tied it with the curtains.

I tied the blanket to the pillar of the window and I slowly get down from the window to the ground by holding on to the chlothes rope.

I look around and hurried heading to the gate.

“who are you??”

I saw a girl standing on my back while holding a box of cake and her other hand is holding a plastic bag that contains so many foods in it.

“none of your business”

I run towards the gate and opening the unlocked gate. Lucky for me that the gate is unlocked.

“hey wait!!”

She is chasing after me while still holding so many foods with her. I run as fast as I can and without knowing where did I go until I bump someone really hard.

“akh !!” I rubbed my shoulder

“SOOJUNG?!!!” that dolphin sounds. I must run.

“can’t talk unnie, emergency!” I run as fast as I can avoiding her, aiming nowhere again.



Jessica POV


That girl!! sooner or later you will aiming home and when you do, you’ll die, jung soojung. I mean it!! Umm..... I don’t really mean it but..... she cant do that to me!!!

I messed my hair with my hands. My sister is driving me crazy.

I stomp the ground but then I see someone in front of me. She is staring nonstop withe her jaw is dropping and full with something.

“ewww, disgusting” I take a step backward.



“i twougwwh angwwel doewwssn’t exwiiisshh”

“could you please close your mouth and swallow it first” I pointed at and showed a disgusted face. She is carying so many foods with her.

She swallow the food really fast while still staring at me.

“are you an angel?”

I look at her with a puzzled face. She come to me and touching my cheek with her indeks finger.

“yah!! What are you doing??” I slap her arms away from my face.

“oh my god... you look y when you’re angry”

“you’re mental !!!” I turn around and run as fast as I can.



Sooyoung POV


“hey wait!!!”

I chase after her but I turn to my back and grab my food first. When I about to chase her again, she is nowhere to be seen.

“damn!” I cursed myself and hung my head low. That’s when I see a single phone on the grass. Its her phone! Thank god she dropped it. I guess the god have a plans for us hehehe


I go back to my family mansion and then going upstairs. I kicked the door of my younger sister’s room open.

“hey lazy !! Wake up will ya?!”

She groan and her hands is searching for a blanket but when she didn’t find it, she hurriedly get up.

“where’s my blanket? Its freezing here!”

“there” I pointed at the blanket that was tied to the window. I open my potato chip and started to swallow it.


“oh she escape!” she hurriedly run to the window and widen her eyes. I guess that girl earlier is her victim. She runs towards her cupboard and struggling to find jacket and her gloves. This kid can’t stand the coldness outside, she easily sick when the winter or autumn comes. That’s why she is really lazy to go to school when autumn or winter comes.

She put on her black cap and leave me alone.

I lay lazily on her bed and turn on the tv while still enjoying my potato chip.


I slowly pull out a cell phone from my pocket. Hmm where is that girl could be? I haven’t asked her name. Stupid sooyoung.

I unlocked the phone and saw the wallpaper. Its her and her beauty smile. I see someone next to her. That someone is looking at my angel with that kind of look.. and I know what kind is that look means...



Krystal POV

I bent down holding my knee while still panting. I saw a bench and sit there while catching my breath.

“oh god where am I?”

I look around and find myself on the park near my house....... the place that I’ve been avoiding to.....

Why did I have to end up here....

And on the same bench just like the other day......




My eyes become teary and I cover my face with my hands. I cried silently......




A moment later, I wipe my tears and let out a deep sigh..

I look to my left....

I see the corner of the street.... a road where she should’ve appeared long ago...... my eyes never left that street.........

Why you never showed up, amber........ why did you do this to me? I want to be with you... what for did I live if it isn’t for you? where can I find a place to return to if I know you weren’t there?

It will not be the same, amber..............

It will never be the same............


I saw my tears falling to my thight. I cover my face with my hands again. My tears won’t stop falling.

I tried to wipe my tears away with my hands. My eyes never left that street. The corner of the street where you should’ve been appeared.

I stare blankly to that street waiting for you while my tears flowing unstopable....

Suddenly I saw someone....... wearing a black cap passing trough that street. My eyes never left her sight.


I run and came to her.....

All this time I’ve been waiting for you












“amber!” I hug her tight and cried out loud on the crook of her neck.


“hey hey, what happen to you? I’m not amber, skinny weak girl” she laugh awkwardly and patted my head.

That is when I realize........ you will never come back, amber josephine liu......

I cried loud covering my face with my hands. I’m tired of mistook her for amber.


“I hope its not you”


“I wish its not YOU who appeared there !!!! I wish her heart will never be mine !!!”

I hit her chest and run away.

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niconico12 #1
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
niconico12 #2
Chapter 23: 2021 fighting
hugo1476 #3
update please
nanny00 #4
Chapter 23: Update plss
Anakyl #5
Chapter 23: I hope that ert's name is Yiyun. Sooyoung...never failed to make me laugh xD
GEoRuth #6
Can't wait for the next one... I'm curious about what happen... Is it Amber?? Who knows? A miracle can happen...
Bo-Remi #7
Chapter 22: I know if Jessica see who with Krystal, she doesn't mind it. And I think everyone wih support her too. BTW what is her name?
Bo-Remi #8
Chapter 21: Oooooooooo yeeeeeeeey, I know it Tiffany's friend is gonna resemble Amber. The same face and hope she has everything as Amber.

What's her name? Yiyun? Eunyoung?
axel0048 #9
Chapter 21: IS THAT AMBER???!!!!:D