Lonely Day

The Red House' Doll




  Kyuhuyn was waken up by the first light of the day passing trough the widows he d forgotten to close the previous night. He groaned, walking out of his bed to close them, but once he had looked to the sun outside, he decided it was no use to go back to sleep and since it was almost 6:24 a.m, he could take a walk into the awaking city.


  He took a shower, before going outside, his face hidden by the [hood] of the shirt he wearing, even if the rain had stopped. He was strolling around the city, taking the first pass that crossed his way, without caring where he would ended. He wanted to walk, just to get ride of the strange feeling that he had since he d waken: he was home, but alone.


  He had come to a point of his life, were he was alone. His parents were traveling around the world for their job, his sister was married and lived with her children in the other half of the world, he'd lost the contact with all is friend -except Heechul- after traveling, and he'd just break up with his girlfriend. He was alone, walking in the disreputable streets of the city.


He was alone, he was lost.



He was lost in the street for walking without aim.


''. I'm really lost now.''


  When this trough crossed his mind, he bumped into a guy who was running to take the bus a few meter behind. The guy fell on the floor along with his belongings.



Kyuhuyn was stunned when the man's looked at him with his beautiful big doe-eyes. He couldn't move, couldn't breath properly.

This little guy was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen: milky white skin, which seemed so soft to touch, blond locks, falling messy around his face and styled in a little loose ponytail, pinky cheeks from his race, perfect red m-shaped lips slightly parted to breath, and his eyes. Kyuhyun had fallen into those deep brown doe-eyes, sparkly from anger.


While Kyuhyun was staring, the boy had gathered his belongings, and starts running toward the bus, get in, out of Kyuhyun's sight.


''Damn... I'm lost.”


Kyuhyun thought as he recalled the boy's face in his mind.




  To Sungmin, Today was a Bad day.

  He had woken up late, so he didn't take breakfast nor prepared himself properly for school, and go out with a messy ponytail and a creased uniform. He had to run to have his bus to, and even bumped into someone. This someone scared him with his intensive stare, as if he wanted to eat him. Sungming didn't take the time to say sorry, and runaway from the man, still on the ground.



'', I'm really late'' Sungmin thought once in is bus

''Even more because of this mute Guy. Quite handsome .''


Sungmin was annoyed. The man intensive eyes never leaved is mind, so beautiful, and that was what annoyed him the most.


Never in his life he though that much about a man, and he had seen a lot of handsome men in his four years of work, but none of them had ever has


That look in their eyes, That sweet soft light in this man deep black orbs.


''Stop, stupid. Eyes are eyes. Stop thinking about it. He wasn't looking at you, he was just surprise that you bumped into him without saying sorry.''


Sungmin said to himself while looking at the sky. Some clouds were their, bigger and more gray than when he woke up.

''It's going to rain...''






  Kyuhyun was waiting for the rain to stop in a small cafe that he had found near to the spot where he bumped the blonde guy. He was now staring at his black coffee, the image of the blonde still hunting his mind.


  He couldn't help but think about those beautiful M-shaped lips, so kissable want his phone rang from an incoming call, the screen showing him that it was no one else than -HeeChul-.


Good Morning Kyunnie! I ave a great news for you! Since you're lazy was probably to occupied by your precious Starcraft to look for a job, a got you an interview where I work. I know, I know, you love me so much.”

“Wow. Hyung, that great, but it's early you know, I've just came back yesterday, I could have look for a job in a few weeks. Anyway, thank you HeeChul, you're the best.”


Of course I am. Your appointment is about lunch at the high school office, so grab me something to eat. And, for tonight, I'll be at your apartment by 8 pm, just text me the address, and be clean before I arrive. Bye bye Old Kyunnie~”

And he hanged up before Kyuhyun could say goodbye to him.


“It's gonna be a long day...” Kyuhyun thought, as is mind get back to his lovely blonde boy.



Hi! I hopre you will enjoy!


So, I realised that I made a little mistake with numbers in the first chapter; to be clear, Sungmin is about 18 and Kyuhyun is 23.

I'll try to update soon!

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little-dreamer #1
Chapter 3: i love this! oh my god! they would meet in club and kyu would be min's teacher! what a fate...
Sweet-Angel- #2
Chapter 2: so kyu's gonna be min's teacher?!?
and also meet him in the club?!?
hihi can't wait to see x3
Sweet-Angel- #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for kyuhyun and sungmin to meet!! :3
And I can't wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 1: update.. maybe in the next chapter kyuhyun will able to see sungmin...

the plot itself is so unique....keep it up
Chapter 1: wow what an interesting story you got there author sii ^^
can't wait for the next update,
update soon author sii ^^