Hideout [complete chapter]

The Red House' Doll

Here's the complete chapter!




It was about lunch time, and Sungmin had forgotten to brought something to eat. He was starving. He had found a calm place to stay, hidden in the library, in the old poetry section.


Nobody came here, it was his little hideout. He always came here when he was cutting classes, when he was sleepy, or during lunch.


Now, he was hungry, and he didn't wanted to go buy something to eat -he didn't have the money to, anyway- but he didn't wanted to be near people either. If he had had to choose, he would never had came to school. But it wasn't up to him.


It was the manager and bartender of the club, Hang Geng who conviced the boss to make him go. Hang Geng wasn't a bad guy, he did that for him and always kept saying that one day, Sungmin will need it for his future life, when he will be free.


Sungmin was feeling bad when Hang Geng was saying that. How could he ever had a normal life? Or get a normal job? He had never dream of a normal life since his life turned to hell.


He wasn't angry to Hang Geng for making him go to school, he didn't hate learning -it was people that he hated. He couldn't stand the look other were giving him when they saw him after a sleepless night or a full schedule. Or how some teachers watched him with lustful eyes when his uniform's shirt wasn't properly closed.



He hated this place. He hated those people.



''I want to go away '' Sungmin though before drifting to sleep.






After HeeChul's call, Kyuhyun headed the school he had been told. Since he had time to waist before lunch time, he decided to walk there, and grab something to eat, for HeeChul and himself.


The school wasn't that far, just a few bus' stop, so Kyuhyun had plenty of time before his meeting. He found a bakery to buy lunch - HeeChul had luxurious tastes. He ordered some salty pies, a chocolate cupcake, and a strawberry one, and two slices of pumpkin cake.


He'd always loved pumpkin cakes, it was his favorite since childhood. He'd ate it with HeeChul for his birthdays and it only brought him happy memories, so maybe this pumpkin cake will made his day a good day.


Light blond hair and doe-like eyes were still filling his mind, he couldn't earese him from his though, he even hoped to see him again.


His look was so different from those which other people gave him, and himself looked at this boy like he'd never looked to anyone, not even his ex-girlfriend. She wasn't even the half of a beauty that this man was. Strangely, the boy was more beautiful than any men he had ever met - than any women too.


''I want to see him again'' Kyuhyun thought ''Just once, just to know his name, just to know him a little more.''


He needed the job HeeChul proposed him, he needed to distract himself from the blond boy who hunted his mind. Hopefully, HeeChul would helped him for that, and maybe his party won't be that hard to bear.


It was nearly 12 when Kyuhyun arrived to HeeChul's high school, still it was too early for his appointment, and to eat too, so he decided to walk around the bulding. All the empty corridors, he saw no living soul, and it look exactly like in one those horror movies that he liked so much during his teenagehood.


It will soon be lunch time, and this place will be full of young people, that was what Kyuhyun was affraid of. He wasn't a coward, but he wasn't ready to face a full bunch of hysterical schoolgirls on his birthday, so the most simple choice him was to hide in the librery until Heechul called him.


This was an old and dirty place, full of dust and untouched books; a secretary sitting at a desk was giving him a wide smile, full of suposition. Kyuhyun ignored her, she was looking too much like his ex -pretty girl, with more make up than clothes on her- and found a table, hidden from the girl, where he could text HeeChull in peace.


He was lost in his mind when he heard someone open the door.


''Weird'' he thought ''It lunch time, nobody is suposed to eat here''.


But when he saw who make the noise, his heart stopped beating. It was the blond boy that hunt his mind. Without looking around, the boy walked to and hidden place, where Kyuhyun could'nt see him.


And it took few minutes for Kyuhyun to realized that the boy was nowhere to see. He tried to follow the boy, and once he get near an old section, he saw the boy again. Kyuhyun decided to hide, and look at the boy from afar. Soon, he saw that the boy was drifting to sleep, and he could clearly heard the loud growl the his stomac made.


''This boy is looking like an angel.'' Kyuhyun thought ''God, I will be abble to see him every day if I worked here.''

Once he was sure that the boy was in a deep sleep, Kyuhyun came closer to him. The boy's lips where so attractive that Kyuhyun could'nt stop himself to touch them, like his soft blond hair in which he put his hand through. He could heard the younger's soft moan while he was doing those things. Kyuhyun coul'dn hold himself any longer at this sound, and pressed his lips against the youger's.


He was disturbed by his phone, with an incomming call from Heechul. He peck the boy's lips one last time, and before heading to the exit, Kyuhyun put a slice of pumpkin pie next to the sleeping boy.

''Goodnight Angel.'' He said, and went to Heechul.


So, this is the complete update! The next one will be about the real uncounter between Kyuhyun and Sungmin! (I'm writting it now)

I'm so sorry for not updating for so long, but I hope you'll enjoy!

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little-dreamer #1
Chapter 3: i love this! oh my god! they would meet in club and kyu would be min's teacher! what a fate...
Sweet-Angel- #2
Chapter 2: so kyu's gonna be min's teacher?!?
and also meet him in the club?!?
hihi can't wait to see x3
Sweet-Angel- #3
Chapter 1: Can't wait for kyuhyun and sungmin to meet!! :3
And I can't wait for the next chapter~
Chapter 1: update.. maybe in the next chapter kyuhyun will able to see sungmin...

the plot itself is so unique....keep it up
Chapter 1: wow what an interesting story you got there author sii ^^
can't wait for the next update,
update soon author sii ^^