Chapter 8: What Am I Going to Do?

[HIATUS] A Complicated Kind of Love.

Sooyoung  glanced at her watch...7 o'clock.

She had sworn that he said that they'd meet at that why was he not here yet? She recalled him sternly staring into her eyes constantly trying to remind her --7'oclock, not one minute earlier not one minute later.


...An hour later, Sooyoung continued to comb through her long locks with her fingertips. Entangling every little messy strand on the top of her head. No Minho.

...Two hours later, Sooyoung continued to pace back and forth aimlessly on the crowded sidewalks and yet among those hundreds of faces, Minho's was nowhere to be seen.  

Again, the girl glanced at her watch. She had been waiting for hours now; something that normally she would have never tolerated. Today, she was unknowingly patient.

Did she hear it wrong? Was it possible that they were to meet another day?

She headed to the nearby payphone booth to retrieve the answers. Upon her fingers she held up a ruffled piece of paper with digits roughly printed. Minho had slyly snuck his number into her jacket pocket that one fine day. Being able to pull off something so casually was his forte, like a serial killer's ability to leave behind no trace of evidence.

Sooyoung remembered finding the paper later on that day feeling somewhat violated...what else did he know how to do without her knowing? Such a question bothered her in an odd way, yet she kept the paper  within her possession, yet she was still willing to wait there.

She gently pushed the numbers in accordance to what he had written, but only to be met with a voice recording indicating his absence.


In the background music boomed through the speakers of a slick black car as it drove down the streets of Seoul. It gradually became more distinct, getting closer and closer. The noise of tires screeching along the asphalt loudly marked it's spot near Sooyoung. She didn't bother to look up at the commotion as she continued to try reaching the absent boy.


"Minho, it's Sooyoung. I'm here at the place we agreed to meet at. Weren't you hungry? ahahaha hurry ok? Noona has been waiting for a while now. did say 7 o'clock right?"

Just then an index finger reached forward from behind her and pushed down on the dial, causing the line to hang up.

WTF kind of random incompetent person doesn't understand that they should wait their turn???

She was fuming with annoyance as she turned around.

Her eyes traced the individual's arm, leading to their face. Shim Changmin.

He always appeared out of nowhere, like a rabbit from a magic hat. If only I'm able to come up with a trick to make him disappear forever...


"What the hell are you doing here?"

Changmin smirked at the feisty girl before him.

"From your random phone call I could have sworn that I wouldn't be hearing from you again..after all I AM 'ONE OF THEM' right?" She placed her arm on her hip as she raised her eyebrows at him.

""In case you couldn't distinguish my voice...although I doubt that anyone wouldn't know, I'm here to personally tell you..."

"kekeke" Sooyoung cut him off, letting out an awkward giggle as a smile that matched placed along her face.

"Choi Sooyoung," He seriously said as he leaned a little closer to her in the tiny phone booth. "Don't smile at me. Don't stand in front of me."


"Don't come to me with tears flowing down your face, with alcohol stained along your breath --- don't ever show up before my eyes anymore." He brought his arm down and looked into Sooyoung's eyes.

"Got that?" he whispered at her.

In a flash her smile; although, an awkward one, disappeared.  She lowered her head down.

So this is how it's going to be?

"....then I should leave now..excuse me." She replied back to him softly.

She tried to squirm her way out of the small booth that held both of them inside as Changmin took one step back and out.

Sooyoung slowly walked closer towards the booth exit as she grazed along Changmin for a split second.


He caught a whiff of her fragrance. The scent of her honey almond lotion applied along her body and the fresh shampoo that filled her hair.

He caught a glimpse of her natural beauty. The slight touch of her arm along his sent odd shivers down his spine.

Changmin watched her take steps further away from the corner of his eyes as he stubbornly refused to turn his head.

The sound of her footsteps gradually began to pick up as she headed past him and off down the road.

There it was again, pounding like a hammer in his heart.


He felt like he was on some kind of high, as if Sooyoung was his drug...he needed to get her. No matter at what cost, he needed her.

He ran after the slender figure.

Firmly, he took hold of Sooyoung's wrist, holding it tightly as she finally came to a stop.

He looked at the back of her head that stood a few steps away from him. Everything about her silhouette was perfect to him. He brought his eyes back down to the floor as he struggled to fnd any words to say.

"What am I going to do?" he muttered at her in a deep tone.

"..." Sooyoung finally turned around slowly at the sound of his voice. Oddly, this time she wasn't squirming away from him and his hold. It's because I became accustomed to it...that's why I'm not wasting my enrgy trying to get away...  she convinced herself that  that was indded the reason.



"I like you."


Those three words never felt more natural in his life. Escaping his mouth freely as his heart fluttered.

He finally understood it.  The sensation in his body, the rollercoaster ride his thoughts played on him, he was into his emotions...his emotions towards her. He wasn't going to deny it anymore.


Sooyoung's eyes widened as she battered her eyelashes in disbelief. She was completely dumbfounded by what was going on.


Changmin looked up at Sooyoung once again, this time staring more deeply at her.

"What am I going to do?"

He walked closer to her.

"I--I like you."

....closer.  He now stood directly in front of her, still holding onto her wrist as he fixated his gaze to this girl that came out of nowhere and landed her place in his heart, obtaining it entirely.   




"I, Shim Changmin like you."




A/N: I appologize for the short update...and any corny cringe worthy lines that I used which may have caused any of you to throw up lol.

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Chapter 25: please update soon
hi author-nim!nice to see you online...
are you back?are you going to update this story?
just wanna know...if your still on hiatus i will still wait for you^^

it's justbthat i miss reading this...
Chapter 25: U left us readers hanging ^_^ come back author nim
hello author-nim!!!
i would lie to inform you that i'm already missing this story...
please do update author-nim^^
Really miss your GORGEOUS update <3<3<3
When will you comeback author-nim?
Please, come back T_T
Woaaaaaaaah~ its been a long time, glad you're back~ :DDD

and WTH just happened??? NOOOOOOOOO~~ :((

Please please update soon ^_^
omg i swear i subbed this before and maybe because of all those upgrading thingy it lost *sub again* and please update again ^^
shineeluv4eva #8
Yah upfated! more please
you updated again^^