Chapter 71

Last Love (Sequel of Unexpected) [EDITING]


Your P.O.V
"Welcome to China!" A lady welcomes me as I give her a bow and smile. Yes I am in China right now because of wanting to see my boyfriend again. It's nearly two months since the last time I saw Donghae. He's been busy with his movie shooting, CF promotion and SJ-M activities. Because of how busy he is with all these schedules, he seldom gives me a call. His wicked schedules that is always keeping me and Donghae apart. As much as I wanted to call him, I wouldn't because I'm aware of how extremely exhausted he is. I rather choose not to call him so he can have time to take a rest. But I really miss him. I badly wanted to see him so I decided to follow him here in China and surprise him. No one knows my arrival even the other members. I wanted to see Donghae's reaction once he sees me. As soon as I got in this fancy hotel, I walk my way to the reception and made an arrangements. I head to my room and prepare myself. Donghae was too engrossed in his works so I guess he has rights to recieve a reward. I want to give Donghae something special so he can regain all his energy. Making him relax and happy is not enough for all the things he had given to me. 
After preparing everything, I head to the restaurant here to grab my lunch. As I were enjoying my meal alone, someone taps me from behind while I turn to face him.
"Kyuhyun ah!" I grin at him
"It's really you! How come you are here?" He asks in surprise
"It seems like you are not happy to see me." I pout
He shook his hands and head "Oh no, don't get me wrong. I'm just surprise I saw you here while you enjoy eating your meal." He explains as I laugh at him
"I'm just kidding. Come on, join me." I motion him as he sits next to me. "Why are you alone? Where is the others?"
"They went to our schedule." He answers before taking a bite of his sandwich
"Then why are you here? Why you didn't join them?" I wonder
"I just went back from Seoul last night because of my musical and result, I oversept and missed our activities for today."
"Aw. It's too tiring for you isn't it?"
"Yeah." He nods while pouting "Too bad I can't participate with the members activity. But at least I can have time to rest and relax."
"Just make it up with your fans."
"Yes I will. But what are you doing here? Are you not busy with your work?"
"I am but I did overtime last week to finish all my works so I can have a vacation."
"Oh I see. Love can really turn impossible things to possible." He amazed as I laugh at him "Do Hyung know you're coming?"
"He didn't. I want to surprise him that's why I decided not to inform my arrival. Can you please not tell him I'm here?"
"Of course. I'll keep it a secret." He smiles
"Thank you." I smile
"So, what are you planning to do for him?"
"Hmm.. It's not really something elegant or extravagant, just a simple bonding time with him."
"I see. It doesn't matter anyway how simple your plan is what matters is the fun you will both share. Spending your day and time with the person you love can already be elegant and priceless."
"After all, Hyung doesn't mind staying with you while doing nothing. Just to see and let himself feel how much efforts you exerted just to fly and see him is what he thinks special." He smiles as I smile at him too "I am sure Eunhyuk Hyung will be happy to see you." He surprisingly said
"Eunhyuk?" I frown
"Did I say Eunhyuk Hyung?" He frowns while I nod at him "Oh sorry. I mean Donghae Hyung." He scratches his hair and laugh a bit "It's just I'm still used with you and Eunhyuk together." He tries to laugh 
"It's ok." I laugh
"Oh, hey ____, you want to watch their interview? As what I know, they will broadcast it live. He stand up from his chair "Come with me," He invites me as he grabs my hand. What's wrong with Kyuhyun? Having a mistake is not a crime. Why he's being hysterical because of it?
Kyuhyun turned the television on and looked for the channel which will broadcast SJ-M interview. As he finally found it, he sits next to me, trying to calm himself. Kyuhyun being hysterical and feel sorry is perfectly cute. I just wanna squeal in front of him and it also makes me want to squeeze him. How come they always said that Kyuhyun is a brat? If they only know how caring and lovable Kyuhyun is, no doubt, they will definitely swallow all the things they've said about him. 
When it hits me the show is starting, I turn my gaze at the television and anticipate to see them especially Donghae.
"Good Afternoon Everyone! Kuan-Yin here to bring you another exciting and unforgettable time." The audience applaud "Wow! So many fans come here today.The studio leave no space and sits. You all do love our guest for today huh?" He said as the fans scream in excitement "So I won't make you wait for another minute anymore, let's give a round of applause for our special guest for today, SUPER JUNIOR M!!!"
Each of the members comes out as the fans welcomes them a cheer. First one who appears is Ryeowook, followed by Sungmin, Henry, Siwon, Zhou Mi, Donghae and last is Eunhyuk. Donghae looks so sleepy. Did he sleep last night?
"We are Super Junior M. Hello everyone!" They bow in unison
"Wow." He claps his hand "You've finally come back. Please introduce yourself" He motions
"Long time no see, I'm Ryeowook." He waves his hands smiling
"Hello everyone, I'm the clever Sungmin. Thank you for coming just to see us."
"Hello everyone, I'm Henry."
"Hello everyone, I'm Choi Siwon."
"Oh, our handome Siwon is here." The MC said, "Next, Zhou Mi"
"Hello everyone, long time no see. I'm Zhou Mi."
"My dear babies, I'm Donghae. I'm very happy to see you all. Thank you." He smiles
"Babies? You're babies are waiting for you so long ago. They are so happy to see you again." The MC said
"Donghae Hyung always call ELFs his babies." Kyuhyun interrupted "Doesn't he think it makes us feel like he is owning all of our fans?" He said as I laugh at him.
"Then why don't you call ELFs babies too?" I said
"If I do then it means I can call you 'my' baby too? Since you are an ELF." He teased
"Then I guess you have to stick of how you address us." I laugh
"Happy New Year. Hello everyone, I'm Eunhyuk." He said lively
"I'm glad he is back being lively again." I said
"Pardon?" Kyuhyun looks at me
"Oh, I meant Eunhyuk. I don't know but I felt he was down these past months."
"Is that so, just don't take it seriously. Eunhyuk Hyung was just exhausted and uneasy because of his schedules that's why he looked down. And also he even took the responsibility of being a leader though we never agreed on it." Kyuhyun explains
"I see."
"Oh by the way," The MC said "Where is Kyuhyun?"
"Sleeping. He had a musical yesterday in Seoul and he is very tired. He just went back last night and sleep when he got here." Zhou Mi explains
"Oh~ You guys are really that busy. Well Kyuhyun I hope next time you can also visit us."
"Yes I will surely come." Kyuhyun responds
"Oh, have a seat." He motions SJ-M. "First of all, thank you for coming with us today. Your fans are overwhelm to meet you again. It's been years since you had an activity in China. How does it feels like?"
"We've been waiting for our come back so long and we feel so excited when we were informed SJ-M are having a new album this season." Siwon said
"The weather outside is cold so if you want to get warm, listen to our song. It is hot." Eunhyuk added
"Yes, all our songs included in SJ M album are hot. Especially the singers." Ryeowook laugh at him
"You heard him, if you want to feel warm and hot just listen to their song, right Eunhyuk?"
"Yes. We are hot." Eunhyuk answer, laughing a bit
"You guys are staying in a hotel right? Are you sharing rooms or you have own rooms?"
"Each one of us have our own room if we are staying in a hotel." Siwon said
"But sometimes, we prefer to share rooms." Henry said
"Sharing rooms huh? It only shows how close you are to one another."
"Yes we are. We don't mind sharing things to one another like for example Euhnyuk and Donghae. Whenever we do concert tour, Donghae will request our Manager to share with Eunhyuk." Siwon said as Donghae nod in agreement
"Yes he is. He always asks me to share rooms with him although I have told him a million times I want to be alone." Eunhyuk said
"So you don't like sharing?" He asks as Eunhyuk laughs because of contradicting what Siwon said
"It's not I don't like sharing it's just I really want to be alone sometimes so I can compose songs." Eunhyuk explains carefully "But at the end, Donghae will still ended up sleeping with me. The only thing I don't want to share is my food. If you want to eat the same food as mine, go buy one not share with me." He laughs
"He is greedy with his food." Sungmin said
"Is that so." He laughs "Since you are staying in a hotel, are you ordering a room service whenever you got hungry after the hectic schedules or you all go outside just to grab snacks?"
"Ryeowook is our saviour whenever we face problems like this. He will cook for us." Sungmin said
"He will even feed us." Henry said
"You feed them?" 
"Yes he is. He would rather choose to feed us than join us in eating. He is like a mother to us." Zhou Mi said as Ryeowook laugh in embarrassment
"So you are the mother."
"I just don't want them starving theirselves." Ryeowook laughs
"You guys are lucky to have Ryeowook with you."
"Yes we are." They said
"Speaking of food, I remember Eunhyuk said before that speaking Mandarin is as easy as eating, so how is your Mandarin now?"
"I guess it's getting better. Zhou Mi helps me to improve my speaking."
"So how do you find learning Mandarin now?"
"It's hard. It's not as easy as eating anymore."
"HAHA! Aren't you guys feeling lonely? I mean, all of you are single right? Did it ever cross your minds to have a girlfriend? You Donghae?"
"You were right. I've been feeling lonely lately. I want to have a girlfriend." Donghae said
"Will you want to have a Chinese girlfriend?"
"I do. I just wanted to have a girlfriend right now."
"So if you meet your ideal girl here in China, without any hesitations, you will date her?"
"Yes I will. If I will see my ideal girl." Donghae said
"What's your ideal girl anyway?"
"Just a simple girl who can make me feel important." He smiles
"Who knows you might really see her here."
"I hope so." He chuckles
So Donghae was feeling lonely lately. I felt guilty after hearing him said it. Why I didn't think of he will feel lonely for not giving him a call? I feel like I lack as his girlfriend.
"Earlier, we asked our viewers here to write down their messages for you. Here is the basket of their messages. Please do the honour Sungmin."
"Yes, thank you." He picks one "Dear SJ-M, we are happy to see you again. Good luck on your new album. Fighting! Love love love.
"To our dear SJ-M Oppas, breakdown is awesome! You've done a very impressive job again." Ryeowook reads
"Oppas, I had my exam yesterday and I'm not confident enough if I can pass it. I'm too scared for the results but after seeing all of you, I feel calm and happy. Thank you always. Anyway, breakdown is great! Fighting Oppa!" Henry reads "Don't be scared to see your exam result instead anticipate for it. You will do fine." Henry added as he smiles
"I'm happy for SJ-M comeback! Fighthing! Ps. Siwon Oppa, I'm starving, can you please buy me food?" Siwon frowns before speaking again "Sure I will buy you." He exclaims as they laugh. Siwon passes the basket to Eunhyuk as he picks one note. 
"Oh, it's from my fan." Eunhyuk said "Eunhyuk Oppa, I  am so happy and greatful to see you again. You know when I heard that SJ-M is having a comeback, I jumped and scream nonstop which made my friend to blow my head. Huhuh it hurts but it's ok because I can see you soon again. You are so cool in breakdown and your chinese is getting more impressive. You always work hard just to give us an awesome performance. Oppa Choigo! Thank you so much! Because of it you made me forget my worries. Oppa can I ask for an advice? I know I shouldn't ask you something like this but you are the only one who can make me think the best solution I can do." Eunhyuk keeps reading it as his eyebrow is slowly raising "I have this very loving best friend by my side since grade school. We shared so many things and solved problems together. Recently, we had a fight because of a guy whom happens her ex and our friend too. She confessed to me that she still have feelings for him who is now my boyfriend. I feel so mad yet guilty at the same time. I feel like I'm not a good friend to her. What will I do? Should I fight for him or sacrifice him so my best friend can have him again? Or can we just share him? Is it ok? Oppa, I really don't know what to do! I don't want to lose one of them. Please help me TT____TT" Eunhyuk stops reading
"Sounds miserable." The MC gives his comment
"Well," Eunhyuk speaks "If you really love your boyfriend then fight for him. Don't send him away from you if you are only confuse of your feelings right now. You might only regret it at the end. And as for your best friend, talk about it. Tell her in a nice way that you both love and cherish them it's just you really can't give her back what she already gave up. I know she will understands you after all, you two are best friends." He smiles "Don't share him. He laughs "Because it can cause him to get confuse once you share him and also he might end up getting hurt."
"What's wrong with sharing him? Donghae speaks as the rest of the members look at him in surprise "If you really feel guilty then share him with your best friend." Donghae jokes
"What Donghae meant is try not to lose the friendship that you three build. Don't let your argument ruin your strong bond." Eunhyuk explains
"May I ask something," the mc interrupted "Did something like this happen in your group?" He wonders
"No. It never happen and I'm not wishing for it to happen." Eunhyuk said as he laughs
"How lucky Eunhyuk hyung to pick a message with a love problems noted on it?" Kyuhyun mumbles
"What did you say Kyuhyun?" I ask him
"Oh?" He looks at me in surprise "Oh~ Nothing. I just thought Eunhyuk Hyung can even give such an advice like that."
"Ah~ But that is terrible isn't it? She is torn between friendship and love. She doesn't want her best friend to feel lonely and hurt whenever the two of them are around. She doesn't want to see her best friend lonely but at the same time, she doesn't even want to let go the person she loves. It made you confuse of what you are supposed to do. Trying not to hurt any of the parties is what makes the situation hard to solve.
"What if it happens to you _____?" Kyuhyun suddenly asks
"Me? Why me?"
"Since you are the only one who has a boyfriend here? Let's say Eunhyuk Hyung has feelings for you but he is not just confessing it because you are already Donghae Hyung's girlfriend. What will you do? Will you still stay in Donghae's embrace or you will come back to Eunhyuk's embrace? Who will you choose?"
"Why asking me all of a sudden?"
"I'm just curious."
I sigh deeply "Simple. I'll stay with Donghae because he is the person I love now." I answer
"I see. Anyway, thank you for answering me." He smiles
Why did Kyuhyun ask me like that? I know he only wants to know my opinion but even so. Why would something like that happen to me?
Donghae P.O.V
"Thank you for coming with us." The MC said thank you and bows at us.
"Good Job guys," Manager Hyung said as he turn over the page of his planner. "You only have two activities left so you guys want to hang out after?"
"We just want to take a rest Hyung." Siwon said
"And besides, Kyuhyun is not here. We can not just make him wait for us. He might feel lonely." Sungmin said
"I see. So let's go now"
"Hey, are you ok?" Eunhyuk taps my shoulder
"Yes I'm fine. I just feel a bit tired."
"You should have stay in the hotel to rest."
"It's ok. After all, we only have two activities left."
"But if you need something just tell me, understand?" Eunhyuk said as I nod at him
We head to our schedule right after. I sigh. I feel so lonely. It's been two months since I saw ____'s face and heard her voice. I never had a chance to give her a call because of our activities. And I'm seriously getting insane! I just hope all our business here will end. Like what we decided, we went home after our activities. I head to my room as I saw Kyuhyun laying on the bed while reading his book.
"Oh Hyung you are here." He set his book down on his chest as I sit on his bed.
"How's your stay?"
"I got time to rest. I can join you all again tomorrow."
"Good." I stand up and walk to my bed.
"Are you going to sleep Hyung?"
"Yeah." I rest my back against the bed
"Ok. Sleep well."
I'm so tired because of our activities and all I want right now is to sleep and ignore the emptiness I'm feeling caused by being apart from ______.
[1 hour later]
"Donghae ah."
_____ called me as my stares were lock at her, watching all her moves and gestures she do and adoring how beautiful she is. I walk to her, held up her hand as she intertwines mine. Here in my dream, we are in a paradise and wait for the sunset. We share sweet smiles and priceless laughters to one another as we are both satisfied with each others embrace. My dream seems so real and it makes me want to sleep longer. I don't wanna wake up yet because if I do, ____'s will be gone again.
"Donghae ah."
___ keeps calling my name as it gives me warm. She knows how I love listening to her sweet and gentle voice whenever she says my name. 
"Donghae ah," She calls again but this time, it sounds so real. I feel like she is only here right by my side. 
I keep my eyes shut as I feel someone wraps an arms on my waist. Perhaps it's one of our members. He rest his chin on my shoulder as he hugs me tighter. As I smell this scent, I realized he is not a one of the members, but her. I quickly open my eyes and tilt my head to see her.
"______?" I widen my eyes in surprise and disbelief
"Surprise" She smiles at me, showing her wonderful sparkling eyes at me
"Ho--how come you are here?" I sit up on bed to face her
"Looks like you don't want to see me." She sounds upset
"OH NO NO NO, don't get me wrong. I'm just surprise you are here."
She giggles "I know. I want to say sorry to you but I won't."
"What's that supposed to mean? Did you just make fun of me?" I frown
"Sorry I can't help it." she laughs "I was wondering what will your reaction be once you see me here right in front of your eyes."
"I hate you!" I turn my back at her as she moves closer to me and hug my waist
"I'm so sorry for having an intention of making fun of you." _____ keeps laughing
"Don't say sorry, you're not even sincere." I look at the wall
"Aren't you happy to see me?" She titled her head to look at me as I kept fighting not to look at her.
"Donghae yah!" ____ squeals and gently shakes me. I keep myself solemn as she stops from shaking my body and removes her hands on my waist. "Then I guess you are not really happy to see me." She sighs before standing up "Well just see you around." She said cheerless.
_____ makes her way out as I grab her hand all of a sudden and pull her against me. She stumbles and falls over the bed with me.
"Hey!" ____ screams in surprise
"Now we are even." I smile at her as she blows her hand on my chest
"I hate you!" She laughs while I look deeply in her eyes
"I love you too." She stares at my eyes too and stops laughing before giving me a smile. "Thank you for coming here. It really means a lot to me."
"I miss you so much Donghae. Days without you had been tormenting for me. I can't no longer wait for the day to meet you again."
"Same goes with me."
"I wanted to call you every night to hear your voice but because I don't want to disturb you, I didn't try. I'm so sorry for making you feel lonely."
"Do you think I will still mind it after you exerted all your efforts just to see and be with me? You make me feel important don't you know that?"
"Really? So you forgive now?"
"Why would I even give forgiveness to someone who isn't guilty of anything? All the loneliness and emptiness I'm suffering lately were all gone now because of your efforts. Having a girlfriend with so much eagerness to see her boyfriend is what I care the most because I can be certain that I am really special and important to her. You are the sweetest girl I've ever known. Thank you so much." I said blissfully
"I feel so happy and proud to hear everything what you just said to me. I miss you so much Donghae."
"I miss you too." I give her the sweetest smile I could ever give.
"I miss that smile." She giggles "I miss everything in you."
"Me too."
"Really? Then, hmm.." She looks upwards before looking back at me again "How much you miss me?"
"I can show you better than I can tell you." I hug her waist and pull her closer to me, leaving an inch away from our faces. ______ gives me a smile, knowing exactly where this is going. I gently brush my lips against her as she kiss me back and runs her fingers on my hair.
"I miss you." I speak against her lips
"I miss you too." She answers as she slowly opens her eyes.
I pull away from the kiss and look at her deeply and passionately in the eyes. "I love you _____." I kiss her nose tip
"I love you too Donghae."
I miss this girl so much that I badly want to give her another sweet kiss and enjoy the moment together. But before I can do my plan, she sits up on the bed, giving me an apologetic look.
"Kyuhyun might sees us if we continue kissing."
I sigh in disappointment. "You are right. Let's have our dinner instead." I said as she laughs at me.
Expect the unexpected, the saying was right. It never crossed my mind even once that ____ will go down from Seoul to here just to see and spend the days with me again. She makes me feel love and special in her life. One call from her is enough to wash away all the loneliness I'm suffering but what she did is more valuable and blissful for me. I'm so lucky to have her and it makes me want to fight for her no matter what.
Eunhyuk P.O.V
I am seriously practicing my parts in breakdown when Kyuhyun walks in.
"Can I stay here for the meantime?" He sits on the bed
"Sure. Just don't disturb me." I repeat the song as Kyuhyun lay on the bed.
"Thank you Hyung."
Yeah huàtí dōu shífēn pǔtōng wèihé xīntiào yìcháng xiōngyǒng
Yījǔ yīdòng zài nǐ miànqián quán bèi qīngsōng kàntòu 
Yīnwèi wǒ míshī zài nǐ yǎnshén dì hǎi 
Kyuhyun sings his part as I pause the song and look at him "Why are you here by the way? Is Donghae got mad at you?"
"No he didn't. They just need a privacy." Kyuhyun explains while throwing a pillow in the air
"Oh." He looks at me "______ is here."
"Really? When did she arrive?"
"Before lunch."
"Oh I see."
"Donghae Hyung is lucky right? _____ flew her way down here just to be with him although she has a lot of works in Korea too. Oh, let me rephrase it. She gave all her efforts she can just to see Donghae because of how much she miss and long for him."
"Yes, Donghae is really lucky." I slightly smile as Kyuhyun replies me a teasing stare
"You're a jealous."
"Here we go again. Don't start Kyuhyun, I'm trying to move on."
"Can you?"
"I said I'm trying."
"Hmm, you can't."
"Of course I can!"
"No you can't."
"Am I not mistaken, you are the one who keeps forcing me to move on. Then why are you doing this to me?"
"If you are really sincere of moving on then you shouldn't be defensive of whatever I will say. You will just ignore me."
"How can I ignore if you keep blabbering it?"
"It's because you are not willing. If you really wanted to forget _____ then you should start not to get affected whenever someone will talk about her."
I sigh "You're just making my situation worst. I don't wanna listen to you anymore." I walk out
"Where are you going?"
"Some place where I won't see your face!" I shut the door
"You will really move on."
Aish Kyuhyun, he is just making me confuse! I told him I will try to move on but he doesn't want to believe me. He keeps saying I can't although I can still try.
I walk to the pool to unwind and to forget the discouragement which Kyuhyun gave me. Aish. I look up the sky to see the moon. There's no stars tonight but the dark sky is still bright because of the moon. Staring at the moon makes me feel envy. Eventhough there are no stars, the moon can continue to give a warming and light shines to the sky. It can overcome the loneliness and emptiness that darkness caused which in my case is so hard to do.
I close my eyes and feel the fresh and cold air. Whenever I will close my eyes, there is always be one person who will appears in my dream.
"Yes?" Someone answers as I quickly open my eyes in shock.
______ was standing right beside me, greeting me a smile on her face. My heart starts to pound as if it will explode.
"Oh, you are here." I said calm
"Yes I am. By the way, why did you call me?"
"Did I? Maybe you've just misheard me."
"I see."
"Where is Donghae by the way?"
"He went to buy drinks. I saw you walking here so I decided to approach you while I'm waiting for Donghae. Anyway, how are you? I mean your injury. Does it still hurts?" She asks worried
"No, it's fine. You don't have to worry anymore. Look," I act limping
"I can see you are ok now." ____ chuckles as I smile
"You miss Donghae huh?"
"The reason why you are here."
"Ah~ Yes I did. I just wanted to see him badly that's why I came."
"Then that's good. At least you two are happy to see each other again. I said as she nods in acquiesce.
"You really love him and I am happy for the both of you, I really do."
She chuckles "Why you sound so insincere?"
"Do I?"
"Yes." She chuckles "If you feel lonely, why won't you find a girlfriend?"
"I don't want a girlfriend right now."
"Why?" She stops from laughing
"It's because.." I pause as she looks at me. "I'm still not over you."
"I told you, you're gonna regret of letting me go." _____ laughs a bit
____ thinks that I'm only fooling around but everybody knows even the moon and sky that I'm not.
I laugh "It's too late when I realized I still love you." I laugh fake
"That's life. Ah~" She stretches her arms "I dreamt about you last time."
"Looks like someone is also not over the past."
____ laughs "I found my dream amusing."
"What was your dream about? I wanted to know because it concerns me."
"Then I'll tell you. We were both in a room and it was so completely peaceful. You were watching me sleeping as well as singing me a song. I don't understand every single lyrics you were singing but you told me the meaning of it. It is like some words you are afraid to tell me. Words you've have never said again. Words you might never be able to say again."
"What is this words?"
She looks at me "That you like me."
I don't know or what to react of what _____ said to avoid getting caught. If I answer her right away, I might stumble over my words but if I keep my mouth shut, she might get confuse.
"But of course dream is a dream." She starts "Sometimes things you see in your dreams is the opposite of what happen in reality. It will only remain a dream." She looks at me, smiling.
"Aren't you bothered of it?"
She shook her head "It's impossible. Yes you like me but not like before. You only see me as your friend now and I already accepted it wholeheartedly." She looks at the sky and keeps her smile on her face.
___, you only thought you are a friend to me but the truth is you are still my girl whom I want to call mine.
I sigh "Maybe the reason why you dreamt such a ludicrous dream is because you miss having me in your life." I boast as she laughs at me
"So much confidence Hyukjae ah!" She laughs as I laugh too.
"_____" Donghae calls as we both look at him. "Oh Eunhyuk ah." I give him a wave.
"Go now. Donghae is waiting for you."
"Are you not coming inside?"
"I'll just stay here for a moment."
"I see, then see you around. Good Night Hyuk." She smiles
"Good Night _____." I smile as she walks her way to Donghae.
"And Good Bye too My Love."
Yes, Good Bye. I better start and try to move on from my past. It's so hard and painful to say goodbye at you _____ because I still love you. It's so painful to think that your heart and mind already owns by someone, not me. But I have nothing I can do than to say goodbye. From now on, I will stand on my words and do what is supposed to do.
End of Chapter 71
Thank you for reading, for waiting patiently, for subscribing and for leaving comments.
Sorry for the late update, for my grammatical errors, for typo errors and for not improving.
God Bless
All Pictures are NOT MINE. CREDIT to the REAL OWNER.


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Chapter 81: Update please! The cliff hanger is killing meeee xD
careun #2
I miss this story! :))
careun #3
Chapter 81: Oh my gossssshhhhh!!!! I really want to know what happen after this chapter!!!!! Hyuk Jae ahhhhh, just confess to ___________! Please update soon author nim! :))
Chapter 81: Its a twist. Will hyukjae tell when he comeback??
careun #5
Hey there author nim! I'm still waiting for the next chapters in this story! I really love your story! Please update soon! Hwaiting!!! :)))
rugrats #6
Chapter 65: Sino parter nung girl dto? So eunhyuk or donghae?
angel_monkey #7
Chapter 79: The whole story boreds me..sorry!
Chapter 79: I hope Eunhyuk can find a place in his heart to forgive Sandra..
careun #9
Chapter 79: FINALLY!!! I know how hard it is for them! Hwaiting! Please update soon!!! :)))