Chapter 60

Last Love (Sequel of Unexpected) [EDITING]


Eunhyuk P.O.V


YS: Since we are done with our part, we better go home now.

KH & RW: WHAT?!!! NO! *They object*

YS: Come on guys, we should not be staying here anymore. Let those two enjoy this night alone.

RW: Let’s stay here for a moment Yesung Hyung. Promise we won’t disturb Donghae shi and ______________________ shi.

KH: Ryeowook and I will be careful. We won’t let them see us peek.

YS: *scratching his hair* Eeteuk Hyung, how did you endure taking care of these stubborn dongsaengs? I’m getting crazy!!! *He exclaim*

KH & RW: MWOYA?!!!

The rest of the members chuckles

KI: Ryeowook ah, Kyuhhyun ah, stop being harsh with Yesung shi. Let’s all leave now. *He command*

SW: Let’s give the lovers privacy, understand?

KH & RW: Understand.

-Outside the Building-

YS: Kyuhyun ah, our dorm key is in yours right?

KH: Dorm key? *thinking* crap! *face palm* I forgot to get it from Donghae

YS: WHAT?! How can we enter our dorm if we don’t have key?! *He scold Kyuhyun*

KH: Stop scolding me Yesung Hyung. We can ask Eunhyuk Hyung to get it from Donghae

YS: I won’t let you ask someone to get it for you. Go, get it on your own. *He command*

KH: You don’t have to be fierce *distorted face*

EH: Yesung Hyung, I’ll come with him

YS: Don’t be long.

-Inside the elevator-

KH: Why does he have to scold me all the time?

EH: Come on Kyuhyun, this is the only time he scolded you and in fact it was really your fault.

KH: So forgetting is a sin now? Aish.

EH: *I chuckle* Just don’t make Yesung Hyung crazy.

KH & EH: *Get off the elevator*

KH: Hyung, can you get our key instead of me, please? *He asks* My feet is tired

EH: Fine. *I call Donghae*

KH: *He sits on the stairs*

EH: He is not picking up his phone

KH: Obviously Hyung, he doesn’t want us to disturb them. Just knock on the door and come inside *massaging his foot*

EH: I don’t have choice. Stay here ok?

KH: I understand *still massaging his foot*

EH: *I open the door and close it immediately*

KH: *He looks at me* Oh, why you didn’t enter?

EH: *I move away the door* Let’s wait for a moment.

KH: Why? You want Yesung Hyung to scold us? *He stood up and walked to the door*

EH: Kyuhyun ah, don’t open it *I try to stop me*

KH: *He opens the door and find Donghae and ________________________________________ kissing* What a nice scene *smirking*

EH: *face palm*

KH: Donghae Hyung is enjoying it *peeking*

EH: *standing still*

KH: Hyung, can I ask you? What does ____________________________________’s lips taste like?

EH: *I push his head* Stop peeking Kyuhyun ah. Let’s give them privacy.

KH: *Rubbing his head* They stop kissing. Just stay here Hyung while waiting for me *He comes inside*

EH: Aish Kyuhyun ah, why can’t you wait for a second?

KH: *Ignores me and close the door*

EH: *I lean on the wall and sigh*

KH: *After a minute, he finally comes out* Let’s go Hyung. *He walks*

-Outside the Building-

EH & KH: *walking towards the other members*

RW: Did you get it?

KH: *showing our dorm key* Where is Yesung Hyung? *looking for Yesung*

RW: He fell asleep while waiting.

KH: Is that so.

EH: *I walk towards my car*

KH: Eunhyuk ah,

EH: What?

KH: Can I ride in your car instead? I have something to buy in the bookstore

EH: At this late hour? You can buy it tomorrow.

KH: But I need it for my homework. Please *He beg*

EH: Fine

KH: Ryeowook ah, if Yesung Hyung look for me just tell him I’m with Eunhyuk ok?

RW: *He nods* Take care

KH: *He nods and runs towards the car*

The van left

KH: Hyung, can I drive the car instead?

EH: What makes you think I will allow you?

KH: Come on Hyung, I’m just being a good dongsaeng here. I know you are tired of what you did today.

EH: *thinking*

KH: I’m not a reckless driver like Donghae or Eeteuk Hyung

EH: Here *I hand him over the key*

Kyuhyun drop by at a bookstore to buy books he needed for his study. After he’s done, he begged me to eat before we go home. I agreed to it after all I’m also starving. We look for a food stall near the bookstore and let ourselves relax.

-At a food stall-

KH: Ajumma, can I have a two soju here *He asks*

Ajumma: Got it

EH: Kyuhyun ah, don’t drink too much. You have schedule tomorrow.

KH: I can handle myself Hyung.

Ajumma: Here is your soju *She places soju in our table*

KH: Thank you Ajumma *He bows*

EH: *eating*

KH: Let’s drink Hyung *giving me the other one*

EH: I don’t drink Kyuhyun ah.

KH: So? You have to drink Hyung. Soju can help you feel better. *His tone suddenly changes*

EH: What makes you think I don’t feel better?

KH: Come on Hyung, how long will you keep it to yourself? *serious*

EH: What do you mean? *clueless*

KH: The hurt you are feeling inside. Seeing ___________________________________ with other guy especially to a guy like Donghae makes you hurt

EH: I’m not hurt in fact I’m happy for them. I really do! *I defend myself*

KH: Really? Then tell me what the hell your reaction was when you saw _________________________ kissing other guy beside you? *raising his eyebrow*

EH: *I didn’t respond*

KH: See. You can deceive all members of SJ, Donghae and ____________________________ but not me Hyung. Tell me Hyung, do you still love ___________________________ shi?

EH: I do. I still do. *I answer him sincerely*

KH: Then what’s with your fvkin effort for making them together?

EH: I want them together because I know Donghae will never dare hurt _____________________ not like me. I don’t want ____________________________ feel hurt again because of me.

KH: So you are telling you have this intention to break her heart again?


KH:*scratching his hair* Hyung, does SECOND CHANCES exist in your vocabulary?

EH: I don’t deserve second chances. *I answer him without hesitation*

KH: Of course you do! Everybody deserves second chances to make things right. Instead of making up with __________________________ and start a new life together again, you decided to send her to other guy. What part of it is love?

EH: If it’s not because of what I did, she won’t feel happy like now. _____________________________ won’t open her heart anymore and will still hide from the dark place inside her heart which I build. If it’s not because of what I did, I won’t see her smiling again like I used to see before. I’m at ease if she is with Donghae because I know Donghae won’t hurt her like what I did. He will only love her. At least she is happy with the guy she loves. That is love Kyuhyun ah *I keep defending myself*

KH: Let me ask you this,

EH: *looking at him*

KH: Are you happy? Don’t you really regret blowing your second chance? Is it really ok with you to see _______________________________ happy with a guy she loves even though it is not you?

EH: You know what Kyuhyun, I already forgot the hurt I’m feeling until you brought up this topic again! I have convinced myself already that I’m happy for the both of them! I’m happy seeing _________________________ happy with the guy she loves even though it’s not me! I’m happy ok?!! *I explode*

KH: You’re really not. *calm voice*

EH:*I realized what I just did* I--- I am so sorry Kyuhyun ah. *I calm myself*

KH: Why it is so hard for you to admit that you are hurt? How long are you trying to keep it to yourself? I’m just worried about you Hyung. I want you to be strong but I also don’t want you to hide all the pain you are feeling. You better let it all out if you can’t take it anymore. You might die at the early age.

EH: It’s hard Kyuhyun ah. I have no right to complain about the pain I’m feeling after all I chose this. It hurts. It hurts that much seeing _________________________ with someone. You know what hurts me most? *I pause* I let her love someone beside me and that guy whom she loves is someone who I also love. It’s fine with me if he is others but he is Donghae. Donghae is my friend. He had done so many things for me and I can’t just let his heart broken.

KH: Did it never cross your mind Hyung that in the end, you are not the only one who will get hurt? Also __________________________ and Donghae. What if one of these days, both of them will found out that you still have these feelings? I know ___________________________ really loves Donghae but first love never dies. What is four years compare to one year? She spent her life with you longer than Donghae. She was so in love you before and time will come she might remember all the memories you had before. She might go crazy thinking of what she is supposed to do and what’s hard is she might choose between you and Donghae. And for Donghae Hyung, he will get hurt here the most. We all know how much he loves ______________________ that he is willing to sacrifice his love just for her. What if ______________________ realized that she still loves you and Donghae will know it? Like what I said, he is willing to sacrifice everything just to see his lover happy. He is just like you, he is also an idiot when it comes to love. No wonder you’re best of friends.

EH: Kyuhyun ah, please keep this a secret between us. *I beg*

KH: I will but you think time won’t come that they will figure it out?

EH: It won’t. As long as I can hide this it won’t be reveal.

KH: The question is how long you can hide it? You will surely feel jealous. What if jealousy reaches your limit and because of it you burst out and tell _______________________ you still love her?

EH: Then I will avoid them to prevent it from happening.

KH: They might have an idea once you start avoiding them.

EH: Then I will endure it.

KH: How long can you endure seeing the girl you love with someone whom you consider as your best friend?

EH: *I didn’t respond*

KH: You are trying to be a hero to others but in the end, you will be the one who will be save by them. I know it hurts that much Hyung but there is nothing you can do now. You chose this path and you have no choice than to accept it.

EH: I know, I know. You don’t have to tell me how stupid I am.

KH: *He drinks his soju*

EH: *silence*

KH: *sigh* I guess I have to take back what I said before*He mumbles* I will let you cry on me Eunhyuk Hyung.

EH: Cry? Of course I won’t cry. *I chuckle*

KH: Is that so? Then how will you explain those tears keep falling from your eyes since we talk about ____________________?

EH: *I touch my face and feel the tears Kyuhyun was telling* Ah this, it’s just sweat caused by the heat of this pan.

KH: Hyung, the pan is not on.

EH: Is that so? *I chuckle* What’s wrong with these sweats? It keeps falling *I place my arms over my eyes for Kyuhyun not to see me cry*

KH: *looking at me*

EH: *sniff* I’m just fine Kyuhyun ah, don’t worry about me.

KH: I know, you are really fine.

EH: *crying*

Kyuhyun found out that I still love _______________________________. How can he? My love for her never changes. I still long for her care and love. I still want to have the times I used to have with her where we are both happy and only care of making fall in love with one another. I still want to build new memories with her. But because of being stupid, it won’t happen again. I always convinced myself that letting her go is the best decision I’d ever make. I always believe myself that it’s fine with me once she found a new love. I ready myself from getting hurt once she found a new love. I thought I won’t get hurt seeing ______________________________ with other guy but I am so wrong. ___________________ sharing me her feelings regarding Donghae hurts me so much. She is so happy and deeply in love with him. I just can’t take her away from him because I know she will get hurt. I thought I can stand seeing them celebrating their anniversary but when I saw ________________________ kissing someone beside me, my heart suddenly explode and breaks. I feel jealousy and regret. I only want her to kiss me nobody else. I want those lips to touch mine only. I feel so regretful for letting her go. For blowing my second chance and chose this stupid friendship relationship. I tried to forget my feelings for her but I always fail. Whenever she will looks at me and gives me a sweet smile, I can’t help but to remember how I love her. I want to stop my feelings for her so I won’t get hurt. But aish! If I can just teach this stubborn heart to stop beating for ___________________________ I won’t feel hurt like this. If only right to say her how much I still love her so I can take back the time I used to have before, I might tell her but I won’t. She might get confuse and Donghae might get hurt. Lee Hyuk Jae you are so stupid and selfish one! You chose this path so you have no choice than to accept this! It’s you who want to get hurt! But just like what Kyuhyun said, how long I can endure this pain I’m feeling inside? How long I can stand hanging out with ________________________ and Donghae together? Can my heart take seeing them falling in love with one another?

-End of Eunhyuk P.O.V-


End of Chapter 60

Mind leaving some Violent Reactions?

Oh I have some announcement, since I already wrote this part, this FF might end soon. It’s around ten chapters more I think? Anyway, thank you for keep supporting this simple ff ^^ And yes Eunhyuk in this FF finally admit he still loves you :”> Good news isn’t it? J But I don’t think so L Sorry for making Eunhyuk hurt. I just love seeing him hurt. JUST KIDDING! I love this guy so much and just like you I can’t stand seeing him hurt. Anyway, stop this drama. Please look forward for the next update.

Sorry for all my mistakes and Thank you for reading J

All pictures are NOT MINE. CREDIT to the REAL OWNER.

God Bless


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Chapter 81: Update please! The cliff hanger is killing meeee xD
careun #2
I miss this story! :))
careun #3
Chapter 81: Oh my gossssshhhhh!!!! I really want to know what happen after this chapter!!!!! Hyuk Jae ahhhhh, just confess to ___________! Please update soon author nim! :))
Chapter 81: Its a twist. Will hyukjae tell when he comeback??
careun #5
Hey there author nim! I'm still waiting for the next chapters in this story! I really love your story! Please update soon! Hwaiting!!! :)))
rugrats #6
Chapter 65: Sino parter nung girl dto? So eunhyuk or donghae?
angel_monkey #7
Chapter 79: The whole story boreds me..sorry!
Chapter 79: I hope Eunhyuk can find a place in his heart to forgive Sandra..
careun #9
Chapter 79: FINALLY!!! I know how hard it is for them! Hwaiting! Please update soon!!! :)))