Chappie 4

Idols and Such

You Pov

Oh! I guess none of you actually know who I am. Well, hello, I'm ___ and I'm a new trainee.

Tiffany and I met two years ago on a movie set. I was a VERY minor character in the film, but people paid attention to me because of my accents and understanding of language. Tiffany had overheard me singing bits of her group's song, Gee, and we started talking and fangirling and you can guess the rest. I showed her some of my dance moves at one point and she told me that I should definitely learn Korean and stay in touch.

We kept talking as time went by and she told her boss about me after 2 years. I got a call about an audition, went to the audition, year later and BAM, I'm now in Korea.

Now, back to reality.

The dance room was great! After collecting my belongings, I headed back to where my room was. I started to get worried as I thought about who would be living near me. I mean, I'm living in a dorm with celebrities!

I wondered around a bit before finally entering the dorms. The dorms were big and there were many different living spaces within the building. After asking around, I finally made my way to my new room. Of course, what gave it away were the bags outside the door. I took out the key and dragged my stuff in.

Because I was going to be living by myself, the little, yet spacious dorm room wasn't too big, but it was cozy. Because I'm underage, I have to live here and will get an allowance.

I headed over to my room and began to unpack. I hung up the few dresses I owned, my jeans,  and my jackets in the closet. I tucked away my undergarments, shirts, shorts, swimsuit, and socks into the drawer. I set up my desk and finally placed my alarm clock on the side table.

I finally placed my pillow on the bed. I know, I know, I brought a LOT of stuff, but now it felt much more like home. After organizing everything, I went into the kitchen/dining area. There wasn't a lot of food in the fridge, but it was enough to last me a day or two.

I spent another hour cleaning up, there being some dust here and there.


Ren Pov

Everyone was being loud and boisterous as we were watching TV like always. They were all gossiping and talking about the new trainee. I mean, I was excited too, but I didn't show it. I was using my computer and practicing the little amount of English I already knew and trying to at least learn a little bit more. The grammar is what got me the most confused. As I was trying to pronounce 'coffee' with the correct sound, Baekho burst into the room.

"All the bags are gone!" He grabbed Aron, practically dragging him out of the door," Let's go introduce ourselves!" At this point, everyone had gotten up and were walking out the door. I was nervous, thinking that she might have already forgotten about me.

"Ok, remember the bet now," JR just said, pushing Minhyun towards the door, urging him to knock on it. Of course, he was a little shy, so it took him up a moment to gather up his courage and to actually knock on the darn door. We waited in silence before we heard the shuffling behind the door and heard it unlock. The door finally opened to reveal ___. Of course, I knew EXACTLY what JR was thinking.

Everyone was gaping at her while she just stared back at us, unfazed. Then she noticed me.


You Pov

I was watching TV when I heard the knocking on the front door. Confused, I turned off the TV and went over to the door, unlocking it and opening it to find a group of 5 guys in front of me. They looked a little surprised to see me and just stared at me as I continued to stare at them. I recognized them, but I just couldn't put my finger on where. When I saw HIM, I got a feeling of where.

Turned out, the same guy I had met at the airport was with them, smiling at me. Awe, he looked to cute! I know, they were all handsome, but I couldn't place where I had seen them until it hit me. Oh, they're that new group, NU'EST I think. Honestly, I really love their music. Better introduce myself before we continue this staring contest.

"Hello, I'm ___ and I'm a new trainee here," I introduced myself and bowed respectfully. They began to finally relax and smile at me. "Hello, I'm Ren, the maknae and visual of NU'EST. I believe we met at the airport," Ren said in English and shook my hand. I was practically screaming on the inside, not letting my fangirling become known. I smiled, hearing his heavy accent, but still understanding the words. The other members soon introduced themselves as well.

"I'm not that great at Korean, so please bare with me," I said in Korean, just to let them know. They all just simply laughed and nodded. As everyone else was leaving, Ren came up to me.

"I'm also working on English so that talk better to you," he said with a smile. I giggled and blushed a little. He noticed what he did and began blushing,"I-I hope we will get a-along." He ran back into his dorm room and closed the door.

Awe, he was embarrassed! How cute. Closing and locking the door, I decided it was time to go online and do whatever I wanted. Tumblr, here I come!


Apologies for the EXTREMELY late update. Issues and such were bad, but hey! New chapter! I'm trying to write the fifth chapter right now, so please be patient. Thank you all!

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Typing 6th Chappie! Ugh, so tired...


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Chapter 5: I love this fics idea. Please don't drop it, if you want I can help you write or make ideas for it even! >< please dont scrap it
Chapter 6: cute story!^_^ please update soon~! hehe i loved reading it
caterinechizen #3
Chapter 5: if your going to drop it, then do it already I mean, you are making it more hard for us who read it.
BlueJoker427 #4
Chapter 4: Ahahahah "show off my English to her" ren is so cute
Chapter 3: Cool story ~
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 3: If u can make the font a lil smaller that'll be gresy. Good story so far.
BlueJoker427 #7
Chapter 2: Please update :D
JasmineSalvatore #8
Chapter 2: Please update
yuki-girl #9
Chapter 1: Looking forward to this story/ fanfic.. whatever you wanna call it