
Idols and Such

So, um, hi. I'm not happy with this fic and I think I'll take it down soon, but not after I post everything I have already written for it. ^.^

Anyway, thought I should let you know that I actually have a story in mind right now. It embarrasses me to no end, but it's a Zelo/OC story with a little twist. I'm actually writing it write now on pages, but I don't think I'll be posting it anytime soon. T.T

If anyone who reads this is interested in taking over this fic, let me know!

thank you! 안녕!

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Typing 6th Chappie! Ugh, so tired...


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Chapter 5: I love this fics idea. Please don't drop it, if you want I can help you write or make ideas for it even! >< please dont scrap it
Chapter 6: cute story!^_^ please update soon~! hehe i loved reading it
caterinechizen #3
Chapter 5: if your going to drop it, then do it already I mean, you are making it more hard for us who read it.
BlueJoker427 #4
Chapter 4: Ahahahah "show off my English to her" ren is so cute
Chapter 3: Cool story ~
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 3: If u can make the font a lil smaller that'll be gresy. Good story so far.
BlueJoker427 #7
Chapter 2: Please update :D
JasmineSalvatore #8
Chapter 2: Please update
yuki-girl #9
Chapter 1: Looking forward to this story/ fanfic.. whatever you wanna call it