Chappie 2

Idols and Such

You Pov

“Thank you so much!” I shook his hand and went my way. I don’t know what it was, but he looked familiar to me. It’s on the tip of my tongue… He was wearing some expensive clothes, so maybe a model or designer? Oh well.

I turned left and looked around the baggage claim. I found Tiffany a few minutes later with our luggage. It seems as though she changed out of her sweat pants and baggy shirt into a pair of jeans with a designer shirt on top. She always looked stunning no matter what she wore. Lucky…

“___! I was getting our bags when I realized you weren’t here anymore! Oh, here’s your bag,” she handed me my bag after giving me a squeeze. Because Tiffany is like my unni, she treats me as though I was a little sister.

“So, where were you?” she asked as we were walking out with all of our stuff.

“Well, I was wondering around, then I bumped into this dude-”

“Oh! Was he cute? Did you get his number?” Tiffany kept nudging me.

“What? No! I bumped into him and apologized. He told me where the baggage claim was, so I thanked him and went on my way,” I concluded.

“Oh, so you ‘bumped into him,’ huh? A likely story,” she giggled as she hooked her arm with mine. “Isn’t that how we meet all guys?” She gave me a funny look and I almost burst out laughing. She left me with all of our bags as she walked away, calling her company to let them know we had arrived. As I sat on the bench, my thoughts drifted back to the stranger. He WAS really cute and looked to be around my age… Damnit, I’ll never see him.

??? Pov

After she left, I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Why did she cut her hair? She looked a guy! She was only 6 cm shorter than me. But she was kinda cute with a boyish charm. Maybe I should follow her to make sure she doesn’t get lost. She was going over to the baggage claim, right? Right as I was about to turn around and follow her, JR comes over with a smirk on his face. That smirk might work on the ladies, but it sure as hell doesn’t work on me.

“Hey Ren, who was that, your gay lover?” He chuckled, pointing at the girl. Did he seriously just say I was homoual? This bisch!

“None of your business, JR,” I shrugged him off, walking back to the rest of the group. He liked to bug me, but he sometimes went to far without even noticing. I knew he could be a little stupid, so I had to forgive him.

I put my headphones on and my music. It started to play Girls’ Generation’s “I Got A Boy.” I really liked this song. I slung my bag over my shoulder and followed the other group members. After we all got into the van, I stared out into space, but when I focused in on what I was really looking at, it was the girl from earlier! She had some Beats on and was totally tuning out the rest of the world as she mouthed the lyrics to whatever song she was listening to. I took this chance to really look at her.

She was wearing a big, bagging dark grey hoodie and some black skinny jeans. The jeans were ripped in ways that you couldn’t buy from a designer; they were ripped naturally. She was also wearing some blue roundhouse instinct men’s shoes. They couldn’t possibly be hers, they were rather big for a girl’s foot. Maybe I should call her out.

You Pov

I was mouthing the words to BAP’s “Coffee Shop” when I heard someone yelling. I took off my headphones and looked up to see the guys from earlier in a black van, waving at me. Awe, he was so cute! I waved back, yelling a thank you in Korean at him. He bent down and when he reappeared, he had a camera and shot a picture of me! What?! I couldn’t help but blush and look away.

When I turned back, the van had already driven away. Darn it, I wanted to know his name. As I stared at the spot was, I heard a squeal and turned around to see a VERY excited Tiffany.

“OMG! ___, was that the boy you told me about?” She questioned me. I started to blush and she giggled some more. “Don’t worry, you’ll definitely meet again, especially after you debut!”

Just then a car drove over and Tiffany told me we would take it over to the company. We loaded our bags and got in. My first day in Korea and I’m drained!

Ren Pov

As we drove away from the airport, the guys wouldn’t stop pestering me about who the dude was. Guess they didn’t look at her eyes. Throughout the rest of the ride, I kept staring at the picture I had taken. She looked gorgeous in this shot. I bet she’s just a tourist though, which means I’ll never get to really talk to her. Well, my main problem is JR at the moment, thinking that I have a gay lover. Ugh!


Update! Finally!!!!! 

I am just so happy!!!

But anyway, I will update more, I promise! I just have a lot going on, plus my natural ability to procrastinate and to be lazy....

I'll try to update more! I actually have a lot written already, just in a small notebook...


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Typing 6th Chappie! Ugh, so tired...


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Chapter 5: I love this fics idea. Please don't drop it, if you want I can help you write or make ideas for it even! >< please dont scrap it
Chapter 6: cute story!^_^ please update soon~! hehe i loved reading it
caterinechizen #3
Chapter 5: if your going to drop it, then do it already I mean, you are making it more hard for us who read it.
BlueJoker427 #4
Chapter 4: Ahahahah "show off my English to her" ren is so cute
Chapter 3: Cool story ~
jessicalm145 #6
Chapter 3: If u can make the font a lil smaller that'll be gresy. Good story so far.
BlueJoker427 #7
Chapter 2: Please update :D
JasmineSalvatore #8
Chapter 2: Please update
yuki-girl #9
Chapter 1: Looking forward to this story/ fanfic.. whatever you wanna call it