Guilt and Regret

The One That Got Away

N headed to the campus cafeteria in quick steps. After exercising with the famous-cold-blooded choreographer, N could think of nothing but a pitcher of cold drink and kimchi fried rice with a pile of kimbap. He almost rushed his steps when he passed through the main garden, but he suddenly stopped when he saw who was walking ahead of him. A girl with long red wavy hair. A girl he always knew, Joo Eunyoung. It had been days since the incident in front of SPICA’s dorm happened, and she hadn’t talked to him since.

“Eun—” he almost called her when he choked. He sighed, regretting his being coward. Well, actually… Those kimchi fried rice, kimbap, and a pitcher of cold drink could only distract his mind from her for merely 5 minutes. She had been occupying his mind since that day, when… He turned her down. That was also the reason he couldn’t bring himself to talk to her. Logically speaking, if he was the one who turned her down, he should be the one with no burden on his shoulders, wasn’t he? But… When was heart ever logical?

“You’re sure one hell of a coward bastard, Cha Hakyeon…” he whispered to himself as he carried on toward the cafeteria.


Eunyoung walked down the stairs as she finished her Japanese class. She went to the cafeteria to buy a glass of orange juice before continuing her next class, Athletic. She paid for her drink and carried her way to the gymnasium, passing through the main garden. She was enjoying her orange juice when she saw someone walked towards the main garden. Someone with grey hair and skinny figure. Someone she could guess right only by seeing his back. Someone that broke her heart, Cha Hakyeon. It had been days since the incident in front of SPICA’s dorm happened, and she hadn’t talked to him since.

Actually… It wasn’t like she didn’t want to talk to him. She did want to, she wanted to at least keep their friendship. But it looked like things weren’t as simple as she wished them to be. In fact, it was much worse. Truthfully, she still watched him practicing with , still worried whether he’d had his meal, sometimes she even wanted to give him kimbap as she always did. But the nearly unbearable ache in her heart stopped her from doing so, even kept her afar. Logically, if someone turned you down, you shouldn’t care a thing about them, right? But again… When was heart ever logical?

She went back upstairs as she drank her orange juice, which suddenly felt tasteless.


Seoul University of Art, 8 PM…

Eunyoung threw herself on the gymnasium floor as her body was sweaty all over. She forced herself to the limit that day, as she tried to get rid of Hakyeon from his head. The athletic class had been finished for 3 hours, but she still remained there and practiced some of the dance moves. As soon as she stopped for a break, all of those memories of Hakyeon—mostly the painful ones—came right back to her mind. She kept herself busy until she realized it was already dark outside. She stopped and looked for her cell phone in her bag, and she found Jiyou’s messages. A dozen, probably, asking why she wasn’t home yet. She packed her things in haste. She should be home as fast as she could, or otherwise Jiyou would start panicking, and she would end up listening to Jiyou all night. She absolutely didn’t want that, for she needed a good night sleep.

She was about to dash out the gymnasium when her phone rang. Eunyoung flinched as she thought it was Jiyou. She took her cell from her pocket and looked the cell phone screen. She almost jumped when she saw the caller ID: Seyong Oppa. They both had exchanged texts several times, but not that frequent. That was the first time he called. Eunyoung tried to calm her heartbeat and cleared . Then she picked up the phone.

“Uhm… Yeoboseyo?” she stammered.

“Eunyoung-ah, it’s me, Seyong. Did I call in a bad time?” he asked, noticing her stammering.

“Ah, no, Oppa. What is it, Oppa?” she asked, and changed the topic at the same time.

“Where are you?” he threw another question instead of answering.

“I’m at campus. I’m just about to go home now. Why?”

“What?? You’re still at the campus? Don’t tell me you’re going home by yourself?” he said as his tone was raised without him realizing.

Eunyoung was slightly taken aback by his sudden high-tone but still managed to answer, “Yes, I practiced a bit more… I’ve gone home at this hour like this several times before, it was just fine,” she explained.

“Stay there. Just don’t go anywhere, okay?” he said, more like an order. But strangely, Eunyoung didn’t find it annoying, and she even obediently agreed before they ended the conversation.

Eunyoung was walking through the lobby when she saw someone was there, sitting on the stairs. She narrowed her eyes to make sure, and she realized that she was right. It was Hakyeon. He was sitting there with his head bent down. Eunyoung stopped for a good 10 seconds before deciding to approach him. She took her steps slowly towards him. N heard footsteps behind him, so he turned his head. There he found someone who was filling his mind just then.

“Oh, Eunyoung-ah…” he was startled, but still trying to keep his voice even.

Eunyoung curved an awkward smile. She then fished out a box from her bag, a lunch box. It was full of kimbap. She was supposed to eat it during the break time before athletic class, but thanks to the guy in front of her, she lost her appetite.

She put the lunch box next to him and said, “You haven’t had your dinner, have you? It’s getting late, you should eat some.” She couldn’t look at him in the eye more than two seconds. She stood up again and was about to say goodbye, when he held her arms and stopped her.

“Would you sit for a while? We haven’t talk for quite some time,” he said in a vague smile. Eunyoung hesitated for a few moments, but she eventually sat down next to lunch box.

“How was your day?” N asked, trying to bring up a topic.

“It was fine. How was yours?” Eunyoung replied awkwardly.

“Quite good.” He looked away as he said, “We’ve become people with nothing to talk about, haven’t we?” A bitter smile was curved on his face.

Eunyoung chuckled, just as bitter. “I guess so.” And then they both stayed silent, busy with their own minds. Thinking what should they talk about, or whether they need to pretend like nothing’s wrong, and many other things.

Her cell phone rang again, saving the dead-awkward moment. She immediately picked it up.

“Eunyoung-ah, I’m at the campus. Come to the lobby, I’ll pick you up there,” Seyong said even before Eunyoung greeted. And he already hung up the phone even before Eunyoung got to reply.

She put down her cell phone as she took a glance at N. He wasn’t looking at her, but she was sure that he heard the phone call. And she could tell that he wanted to know who the caller was. But somehow, she didn’t feel like telling him. She decided to just bid him goodbye.

“Oppa, I’m going first, then,” she said as she stood up and bowed. N nodded and reminded her to be careful.

Just right after that, a silver sedan came and stopped by the lobby. Eunyoung quickened her steps towards the car. Before she got to the car, Seyong opened the window and waved. Eunyoung bowed her head a little and waved back. She then got in to the car and they left the building.

N got a glimpse on Seyong, and he recognized him right away despite the dark evening sky. The lights on the lobby were more than sufficient to ensure him that he didn’t get it wrong.

“Kim Seyong? The guy who graduated early and debuted right after graduation?” he asked more to himself. He frowned, as he didn’t see any of it coming. How did Eunyoung happen to meet him?

He was about to reach for his bag when he touched the lunch box beside him. He took it and opened it. He almost smiled when he saw kimbaps in it. Just in a mere second, something his heart and suffocated his chest. They were guilt, and regret.


In the car…

“Woah, did you clean the whole building?” he was surprised when he realized Eunyoung looked dead-tired.

“Ha ha. If I did, you would’ve needed to carried me along the way to your car, Oppa,” she replied which made him laugh.

“I don’t mind, tho. It’s not like you’re that heavy,” he joked again. “Anyway, you must haven’t had dinner, right?”

Eunyoung nodded. Seyong smiled as he said, “Good! Let’s find something really nice to eat. Kalbitang? Samgyeopsal?”

“Hmmm… Samgyeopsal! I think I need meat. LOTS of meat,” she said as she made a cute hungry expression. Seyong couldn’t help but laugh.

He reached out his right hand and slightly ruffled her hair. She was startled, for that slight touch from him sent a jolt of electricity on her skin. But she quickly covered it with laughter, as she didn’t want Seyong to be suspicious. Suddenly, she felt something tickling her stomach—again.

“The zoo must be missing their butterflies because of me,” she mumbled.

“Did you say something?” Seyong asked.

“No, nothing!” she answered right away, hoping Seyong didn’t hear her mumble. Seyong’s lips formed ‘O’ as he nodded and concentrated on the street. Eunyoung unintentionally patted her chest, feeling relieved that Seyong didn’t hear.

“Okay, here we are! Let’s go, I’m hungry!” he said cheerfully as he turned off the engine. Eunyoung nodded happily and immediately draped her bag on her shoulder.

Suddenly, Seyong grabbed her hand before it reached the door. Eunyoung turned her head and looked at him.

“Ah, do you want me to call the zoo first? Checking if their butterflies are still there?” he asked with that innocent face of his.

Fire burned her face as it turned completely red. Her eyes goggled. Her jaw slightly dropped. She couldn’t react for two seconds before she shrieked and covered her face with her hands. Seyong laughed warmly as he took her hands.

“Hey, don’t hide that beautiful face. It would be a waste,” he said, trying to make her relax.

Eunyoung bent down her head even lower, feeling as embarrassed as she never was. Seyong lifted up her face by touching her chin, until she was looking at him.

“I stole their butterflies too,” he said with warm, mild eyes.

Her smile was slowly curved, and her face started to turn normal, only leaving pink tint on her cheek. Seyong chuckled when he gently pinched her nose.

“Come on, I’m really hungry,” he said.

She nodded and got out of the car. She still didn’t see it that 3 hours before, she needed to tire herself to death to keep N away for her mind, and 3 hours later, in that car, she barely needed a minute to do so.

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Chapter 9: AAAAAAA, this story was beautiful!!! I was cheering for Seyong the entire time Q^Q properly requited love is worth everything~
Chapter 6: Haven't finished yet, but I wanted to point out a phrase I really loved in this one ^^
"The zoo must be missing their butterflies because of me." I think it's really clever~
Chapter 9: It was lovely :)
I actually read Insoo's fanfic first, but it's ok, I'm glad I read them both :)
I'm looking forward to some new ff of yours :)
linneaholm #4
Chapter 9: Totally LOVED IT!!!
Chapter 9: God!! This fanfic was really cool!! i love it <3
the best eunyoung fic was this fic!!!!
Chapter 9: Omg ! This story is daebak ! Thank you author-nim . I really like this fanfic of eunyoung-seyong & eunyoung-n ! ^-^ <3
Chapter 9: Write more seyong-eunyoung fics please ! Ur fic is so awesome !
mizzkpop96 #8
Chapter 9: More seyong and eunyoung couple please
touchchandara #9
Chapter 9: Me too love eunyoung and seyong please make a comedy drama between them
RPWorldHahax #10
Good story c; Write more Seyong-Eunyoung fanfics ;~; PLEASE. :)) I already subscribed to your story ;)