A Bracelet and A Heart That Were His

The One That Got Away

“Woah, it’s already 10 PM! I have to get you back home. I bet your leader must be pissed off by now.” Seyong sipped his beer one more time before calling the waiter for the bill. He asked the waiter to bring it fast as he was in a rush.

On the contrary, Eunyoung—which was actually someone who should be concerned about her leader—seemed reluctant to leave. Unlike Seyong, she tidied up her things slowly. She put them in to her bag one by one—literally. In fact, she moved too slowly that Seyong noticed.

 “Eunyoung-ah, quickly tidy your things up. We need to get going,” he said as he put his wallet back to his pocket. He was already standing when Eunyoung—finally—finished.

“Ah, yes…” she answered along with a sigh, which made Seyong frowned.

“Eunyoung-ah, are you okay? Are you sick?” he touched her forehead with one hand, and touched his own with the other. “You’re not,” he muttered.

Eunyoung realized she was being weird, so she quickly covered it with a wide smile. “Ah, no, Oppa. I’m completely fine. You just bought me two sets of meat, didn’t you?” Eunyoung bulged her cheek and patted her belly.

Seyong couldn’t help but laughing. “Come on.” They were in front of the car when Seyong’s cell phone rang. It was from Chaejin.

“Yes, Chaejin-ah?” Seyong said as soon as he picked up the phone. While he was on the phone with his maknae, Eunyoung stared at him, more than she wanted to. She never noticed that Seyong had moist eyes. But she always liked the sincere look in them. They were so mild that she felt as if those eyes could stop her tears and block them of ever coming again.

“Okay, okay, I’ll buy it for you! You rascal,” Seyong joked as he raised his tone, which brought Eunyoung back. She was startled as she realized how much she had been staring at him. Scratch that, how much she had been admiring him.

As she tried to bring her sense back, something caught her eyes, which was the accessory hanging on his cell phone. Instead of a pendant like she used to see on people’s phones, it was a bracelet. The pattern was very simple, but very elegant. Its sapphire blue color was very captivating.

“It’s Chaejin,” Seyong said as he hung up the phone. He turned his head to her and found her eyes were on him, too.

“Oppa, that accessory is very cool,” Eunyoung frankly praised. Seyong looked at his phone and lifted it up.

“Ah, this one? It’s a bracelet, actually,” he said which Eunyoung nodded.

“Where did you get that? I would like to buy something like that too,” she asked. Seyong eyebrows rose.

“Well… Actually this was a gift from someone I met in the restaurant that we went to the other day. She made it for me,” he told her.

“We met out of coincidence, it was 2 years ago. I happened to her few times there, then I found out she was a frequent customer. One day, she was making a bracelet, other than this. The pattern was so unique that it caught my eyes. So I asked her to make me one. She said she would, and she really did bring this bracelet when we met again after that,” Seyong opened up.

Eunyoung was sincerely listening to him, but she couldn’t help but to feel curious—if not jealous—about that girl. She intended to keep it in, but that curiosity was very… itching.

“What happen to her now?” she blurted out. She looked away to hide her nervous eyes from him.

“She went to London to study law. This bracelet was her farewell gift. Silly, isn’t she? She’s the one who left, how come she was also the one who gave me a gift?” Seyong chuckled. “I’ve never heard again from her since,” he said.

“What does she look like?” betrayed her, which she bit her own tongue as punishment.

“Pretty. If I were ever to have a little sister, I always imagine she would've looked like her,” he said while looking up at the sky.

Eunyoung took a glance at him when she heard him saying ‘little sister’, and felt relieved more than she thought she would. She felt her heart racing—again, for the nth time since Seyong picked her up at campus.

Suddenly, Seyong took his cell phone and took the bracelet off. He smiled as he saw it on his hand, before handing it to her. “Here, take it.”

She was surprised. “What? Why? You said it was a gift from your friend.”

“You said you like it,” Seyong replied. He saw she didn’t look like she was going to take it. He explained, “She wanted me to give this to someone. Seriously, I didn’t lie. Since you like it, I’m giving it to you.”

Eunyoung hesitated. She unintentionally narrowed her eyes as she looked at him. When Seyong didn’t pull back his hand, Eunyoung accepted the bracelet. She took a look at it closely. The more she looked at it, the more she fell in love with it. Seyong smirked as he saw her admiring the bracelet. He then remembered what his friend said to him when she gave him the bracelet, and suddenly the smirk left his face.

“Eunyoung-ah,” he called. She turned her head to him.

“That wasn’t all she said that day,” he uttered. Her forehead creased.

Seyong took a deep breath, “She told me to give it to… the owner of my heart.”

Silence took over. She couldn’t move. Nor think. Her eyes caught his orbs, as she tried to find a slightest sign of lie. But all she found there was sincerity.

Seyong stepped forward, closer to her. He took the bracelet from her hand as he said, “I’d been keeping this because I was the owner of my heart. But since now it’s no longer mine…” he put the bracelet on her wrist, “Then the same goes for this bracelet.”

He looked up and met her gaze. He smiled that mild, gentle smile. A smile that took away all of her doubts. At that very moment, Eunyoung knew her heart wasn’t wrong. She lifted her hands and cupped his face. He slightly flinched as he didn’t expect it from her. She felt her eyes tearing up, but still managed to look closely at his.

“Thankfully, you give me your heart. Because mine just ran away there,” she touched his chest with one hand. “I thought I would die for having no heart beating. You saved me,” she said.

Seyong couldn’t say a word for a couple of seconds, until he leaned forward and embraced her. She put her hands around him as she returned the embrace.

The night wind blew, caressing their faces. The stars twinkled, as if they were happy to see another love was born to give more warmth to this world.

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Chapter 9: AAAAAAA, this story was beautiful!!! I was cheering for Seyong the entire time Q^Q properly requited love is worth everything~
Chapter 6: Haven't finished yet, but I wanted to point out a phrase I really loved in this one ^^
"The zoo must be missing their butterflies because of me." I think it's really clever~
Chapter 9: It was lovely :)
I actually read Insoo's fanfic first, but it's ok, I'm glad I read them both :)
I'm looking forward to some new ff of yours :)
linneaholm #4
Chapter 9: Totally LOVED IT!!!
Chapter 9: God!! This fanfic was really cool!! i love it <3
the best eunyoung fic was this fic!!!!
Chapter 9: Omg ! This story is daebak ! Thank you author-nim . I really like this fanfic of eunyoung-seyong & eunyoung-n ! ^-^ <3
Chapter 9: Write more seyong-eunyoung fics please ! Ur fic is so awesome !
mizzkpop96 #8
Chapter 9: More seyong and eunyoung couple please
touchchandara #9
Chapter 9: Me too love eunyoung and seyong please make a comedy drama between them
RPWorldHahax #10
Good story c; Write more Seyong-Eunyoung fanfics ;~; PLEASE. :)) I already subscribed to your story ;)