Ticklish? Could it be...

The One That Got Away

“Uwaaah, I’m full!” Eunyoung patted her stomach. Seyong chuckled seeing her cuteness.

“How was the food? You liked it?” he asked as if he still needed an answer. Well, he didn’t, actually. He just liked to see her talk.

Eunyoung pointed her two thumbs up. “WANJON DAEBAK! It was so delicious!” she sincerely answered with her sparkling eyes. Seyong laughed a little that time.

“So, where are we going now? Home?” Seyong asked, as it was already around 5 PM and the sun was about to leave.

His question slapped her and brought her straight to reality. She realized, she couldn’t avoid the truth forever, and obviously he couldn’t always be there with her. She barely even knew him! The sparkles in her eyes slowly dimmed as the memory of N in front of Jiwon’s dorm engulfed her mind and heart.

Seyong, noticing her somber expression, became uneasy all of a sudden. “Uh… You know, it’s getting dark, and we’re far from the town… I thought you wouldn’t want to come home late…” Seyong stammered as he tried to explain.

Eunyoung still looked down, squeezing her own hands to calm herself—as if it would work. She then looked up at him and gave him the best smile she could, “It’s okay. Let’s go home.”

 As much as she wanted to stay a bit longer, she didn’t want to be a burden to him. He might have other appointments. Well, in fact he did, if what she overheard him talking on the phone was right. She raised and held her purse, “Come on.”

Seyong hesitated, but he eventually got up as she was already on the door. He sighed. He knew that smile on her beautiful face was fake. He tried to keep it in but he couldn’t. At least not that day, a very rough day for her—even though he didn’t know the problem. He was about to open the car door for her when he decided to turn at her. She was startled as he turned so suddenly.

“What is it? Did you leave something at the restaurant?” she asked.

“I don’t have anything to attend to, and I also don’t need to be anywhere. So, if you want me to take you anywhere, just say it. Thought you should know,” he said. He looked at her right in the eyes before he turned again to open the car door.

“Wait,” she stopped him by holding his arm. He turned his head to her only to find her bending her head down. “Just take me to the Han river. And then we go home,” she said n very, very low voice.

He smiled as he felt slightly relieved. “Okay.” That was his only answer. Both of them then got in the car and went to the Han river.

At Vixx’s dorm, 7 PM…

 “I’m home!” N said as he entered the dorm. s greeted him back, looking straightly to a bag he was carrying.

“What is that, hyung?” Hongbin asked, pointing the bag.

“Macaroons,” he answered briefly and put it on the table. “Help yourself,” he said as he went to his room.

The boys were confused, “Macaroons?” they said in unison. “Eunyoung noona brought you macaroons?” Hongbin still didn’t believe it. Why would she make him macaroons instead of kimbap?

N stopped his steps. He just remembered that he hadn’t told the boys about Jiwon’s invitation, and about the incident after that, of course. He released a sigh before he said, “Not Eunyoung, it’s from Jiwon.”

The members were even more surprised. N turned around before they could ask any question, “Not now. I’ll tell you tomorrow,” he said, and continued to walk to his room. The members looked at one another as they had no idea of the situation.

N threw his t-shirt to the laundry basket on the corner of his room. The next thing he threw was his own body, to the bed. He closed his eyes, trying to keep the balance in his mind. Today was an exceptionally rough day for him, but he wouldn’t dare to complain to anyone, as he knew that Eunyoung was hurting hundreds of times worse. He then realized that his phone had been very quite from this afternoon.

“Where is it?” he tried to reach his cell phone without opening his eyes. “Did the battery die?” he asked to himself again. He finally got his cell phone. He then opened his eyes as he pressed the main key on the bottom, only to find his home screen without any messages nor missed calls. His eyebrows creased. His bitter grin was curved on his face as he opened his inbox. Eunyoung was the one who kept sending him texts, even if it was a very simple one. ‘Don’t forget to eat’, ‘bring your vitamin’, ‘good luck on your show’, ‘you were great!’, ‘have you eaten?’, and so on. Those simple messages which used to get on his nerve at some point, ironically turned to be something he missed.

“I guess I really am a jerk…” he muttered before closing his eyes again.

At the Han River…

Eunyoung walked by the Han River along with Seyong. “Seyong oppa, I’m serious, it’s really okay if you want to leave now. I can get home on my own, you don’t have to stay,” she said for the second time already. Seyong just smiled without saying anything, just walking along with her.

Eunyoung kept looking at him, not understanding his thoughts. “If you’re worried that I’ll jump off and drown myself, it isn’t necessary. I won’t do anything stupid,” she assured her. That time, he let out a little laugh.

“And just what makes you think I would think of that?” he asked, with his gaze set on the river. Eunyoung gaped at him for a second before shrugging.

“Or maybe… do you not want me to be here? Because if it’s so, then I’ll leave right away,” Seyong stopped and looked at her. Eunyoung shook her head instantly.

“It’s good then.” He then carried on, as did Eunyoung. He hesitated for some moment, but he decided to tell her. “Eunyoung-ah… You can let it out, you know.”

Her eyebrows creased. “What do you mean?”

Seyong pointed out the Han River. “Go and yell, let your burdens out. I won’t say a thing. If you’re uncomfortable with me listening to it, then I’ll go somewhere else for a while. Just… let it out.” His warm, calming look was very clear in her eyes despite the dark sky.

Eunyoung vaguely smiled. “Okay. And you don’t have to go anywhere,” she said before taking a few steps to the riverside.

She beheld the long river in front of her. “Cha Hakyeon…” she whispered that only her ears could catch them.

She took a very deep breath, and… “YOU BASTARD!!” she yelled at the top of her lungs. Not once did she ever yell that loud before. With such force like that, two words were enough to make felt like burning.

Eunyoung let out a deep, heavy sigh along with her falling tears. Drop by drop, felt as if her heart was broken piece by piece. She surrendered to herself and cried her heart out. She fell on the ground as her feet were no longer strong enough to support her. A year and a half of her struggle for love… ended, painfully.

The image of her back, with her shoulder shaking fired Seyong up, without him understanding why. He felt his fists were already clenched, and his jaws were already hardened. He would really like it if Eunyoung could just spit out a name of someone who was responsible for all this. He would really like it to have the pleasure of beating him down for making such a kind girl miserable. Again, he didn’t understand why, but he also didn’t bother to think as he could barely keep his anger controlled.

By the time he managed to cool down his head, Eunyoung turned around with swollen eyes—but she smiled with a much lighter heart. “I finished it. Everything, all of it. Let’s go home now,” she said assuredly, even though her voice was still breaking.

“Are you sure?” for all means, Seyong asked. Eunyoung nodded assuredly. Seyong did the same, and they walked back to his car.

The road back to Two X dorm felt like a flash for them, as it wasn’t that far. They were already in front of her dorm before they realized it. Eunyoung felt a strange urge in her mind to ask him his phone number. She didn’t know why, but the only thing she was sure of at that moment was she still wanted to see him around. But that day was rough enough—even more than enough—for her, that it took all her courage away.

“Uhm… Thank you very much for everything, for today…” she said, almost like a whisper. She took a deep breath again, “Uhm… It’s uh… Your phone… Your phone number… Can I…” her voice faded out, as if it was loud enough to begin with.

“What?” Seyong bent her head towards her. Eunyoung flinched. Uh, of course he couldn’t hear… What to do? What to do?? Eunyoung was arguing with her own mind. She was brought back to reality when Seyong chuckled. She tilted her head to him. And then, only heavens knew how shocked she was when Seyong actually handed her… his cell phone.

“May I have your number?” There he was, with his warm eyes, and sincere smile. Eunyoung was stunned for a second until something tickled her. She thought to herself, don’t tell me… Butterflies?

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Chapter 9: AAAAAAA, this story was beautiful!!! I was cheering for Seyong the entire time Q^Q properly requited love is worth everything~
Chapter 6: Haven't finished yet, but I wanted to point out a phrase I really loved in this one ^^
"The zoo must be missing their butterflies because of me." I think it's really clever~
Chapter 9: It was lovely :)
I actually read Insoo's fanfic first, but it's ok, I'm glad I read them both :)
I'm looking forward to some new ff of yours :)
linneaholm #4
Chapter 9: Totally LOVED IT!!!
Chapter 9: God!! This fanfic was really cool!! i love it <3
the best eunyoung fic was this fic!!!!
Chapter 9: Omg ! This story is daebak ! Thank you author-nim . I really like this fanfic of eunyoung-seyong & eunyoung-n ! ^-^ <3
Chapter 9: Write more seyong-eunyoung fics please ! Ur fic is so awesome !
mizzkpop96 #8
Chapter 9: More seyong and eunyoung couple please
touchchandara #9
Chapter 9: Me too love eunyoung and seyong please make a comedy drama between them
RPWorldHahax #10
Good story c; Write more Seyong-Eunyoung fanfics ;~; PLEASE. :)) I already subscribed to your story ;)