For you.

Empty Promises


[A/N: I suggest you listen to Everybody Hurts by Avril Lavigne or a korean song like BYG's I remember something thats sad... lol. It's much better I promise] THANKYOU Minyoungshii for helping edit this for me.. You da best gull! >< I LOVE YOUU! <3 



Luhan P.O.V

Finally, we finished our last rehearsal for the upcoming show. I was about to go the changing room until someone, he’s not even a someone anymore, caught my eye. Deep beautiful brown orbs, tousled chestnut hair, and the person I call perfection, Yixing. Zhang Yixing.

Not even tired can describe what he’s feeling, and not even pain can describe what I’m feeling. I walked over to him and gently patted his back hoping it would ease his pain a little.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to help you up the steps?" I looked at him with worried eyes.

He was bending down, one knee on the floor, trying to pick up his towel with shaking hands. He just simply waved it off saying it was fine. Lies. How many times more are you going to lie to me? I guess the first time wasn’t enough huh..

His legs were shaking violently as he tried to pull himself up. I knew after that incident, he could never trust anyone. I can’t blame him for that though. No matter how many promises I make to him, he never lets me complete them. Yixing you are strong, but not strong by yourself. When will you realise that when I say “Lean on me” I really do mean it, when I say “I’m here for you” I really am here, it’s just not empty promises like the ones you fell for before.

He sat there for a few seconds with closed eyes gathering up the little energy that he had left to stand up again. I didn’t like it whenever he was like this, no… I hated it.

I helped him get up and lean on me. Finally he can learn to trust again. I wrapped my arms tightly around him and he did the same. We finally made it… together.

Everybody hurts Yixing... and when you’re hurting, I’ll be here by your side.”

He was now resting on my chest, I wonder if he can hear my heart racing. His breath uneven, lips trembling, eyes closed tight and eyebrows furrowed. And then he whispered, gasping for breath between words.

"I-I'm so... useless. I'm.. causing.. so much....trouble... for the.. people I Love”.. “I-I'm sorry.. Lulu."

And then he cried. A lot. He tugged on his hair and screamed to let out the pain he had bottled up for years. I could only cry with him and hug him in hope to ease his pain.

After letting his anger out, he started coughing. Then he started to cough out blood. He held onto me tightly, his finers digging into my back. But this was nothing compared to the pain Yixing was enduring. My heart raced even more, the person I love is dying in front of me.


"YIXING! YIXING!!! KRIS GE!! TAO GET KRIS GE RIGHT NOW! YIXING COLLAPSED! QUICK!" I screamed to Tao no longer able to keep calm. I held Yixing to me closer afraid he was going to disappear.

"You'll be okay. You'll be okay.” I kept telling him and myself. Before I can lose him again, I sealed my lips with his, pouring all my emotions to what may be our first and final kiss. I want him to feel the emotions I have hidden for the 6 years. The emotions I tried to push away for 6 years. I want to give him everything now, I don’t give a damn of what people think anymore, I love Yixing and that’s how it is.

They pulled me away from him and took him away. He was still in so much pain.

"Luhan! What happened?!" Kris asked me after he was behind closed doors.

I didn’t know what to say; after all I was never there for him when he needed me.

“His temperature is extremely high! He needs to go to the hospital now!" I heard one of the staff say. More people came to take him away. The rest of Exo took me back to our dorm. I struggled against them but it was 10 against one. I couldn't stand a chance.

"YIXINGGGG!!!" I screamed. “NOO!! LET ME GO TO HIM! HE NEEDS ME! LET ME GO!!!” I collapsed onto the floor and broke into quite sobs which soon turned to whimpers, which then turned to cries.

Miahne Yixing-ah. I’m the useless one, not you.

This is time, he needs me the most..

And I can do nothing to help..

I guess my promises really were empty.





so did you guys like it???

You guys :



                  -----> JuzHia​ <-----







Please, give me a good fan name for you all.

EDIT(28th April 2013) : SHOULD I MAKE A SEQUEL? I WANT TO, BUT IT DEPENDS ON THE READERS, OMFG, PLEASE DO SPAM MY NOTIFICATIONS BY COMMENTING ON MY STORY, I WOULD LIKE IT IF YOU CRITICIZED MY STORY TOO. I WANT TO BE BETTER NEXT TIME BECAUSE i just don't like this story, well i like it but it doesn't have the power to touch the heart of the reader... omfg that was deep. ANYWHOOO

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LayHanbabyyyy #1
Chapter 1: MAKE A SEQUEL OMG~!
JuzHia #4
Chapter 1: Oh really? Im the first? O.o haha

And the story, its based on the time when Yixing's hurt back then cause I remember the fancam I watched >< Its kind of sad to see how much pain he was but still rehearsal ><

Is there sequel? I wanna see how its coming ><
I think you should call yours Riaders..Mine are called Minotics :)