
Star-crossed meeting. Meant forever?

Jonghyun's POV.


I stand in front of the two siblings, staring at the girl in front of me. I don't know why I was so drawn to her. When she looked up at me, her eyes locked contact with mine, causing me to cough suddenly.

"Yah, Jonghyun!" Key ran up to me to pat my back in attempt to make my coughing stop. I only stopped coughing when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, causing the two in front of me to squint at what I was getting.

I pulled my phone out, unlocking it and reading the text Key had sent me only a minute ago. I quickly ran my fingers over the screen, sending a text back to him before putting it back in my pocket. I glared at Key who was just behind me.

"what?" He was trying to act all innocent in front of the other two.

"Bastard" I mumbled through my teeth.

I turned my attention back to Momo and Taemin. "So.. You guys don't have anywhere to stay?" They stared at me like I was speaking Chinese.

Taemin was first to speak up, "That's right" Momo only nodded to his answer.

"Are you even from around here?" I asked.

I saw Momo shake her head, answering me with a no.

Key elbowed me in the side. "Idiot, do you think they're from around here?"

"I was only double checking. And watch yourself, I'm not an idiot." I reverted my attention back to Momo and Taemin. "Then how about we all go for a day out.." I stated an option.

"That's not a bad idea coming from an idiot" I heard Key make a remark causing me to send him a glare once again. "Are you guys up for a day out?" Key asked the two.

"That sounds okay with us" Tarmin spoke for himself and Momo. I was beginning to wonder if Momo could even talk. 

"you can't go out looking like that!" Key exclaimed while making a loud clap sound. "Jong, stay here. I'm going to pick out the clothes for them today." 

Sighing, I nodded as Key pushed the two down the hallway and back to their rooms. 

' I wonder if she was the one I saw last night..  It couldn't be right? I saw a golden color..' I sat at a stool next to the counter waiting for them to return so we could leave.

I heard doors shut and footsteps approaching towards me. Key stepped forward first, followed by Taemin who wore simple black skinny jeans and a white v- collared shirt. Surely the girls would like seeing this. Then there was Momo who was directly behind Taemin. She wore a black dress with a golden necklace. Her long hair was slung over her shoulders perfectly. The dress wasn't too short but it complimented her long legs, body curves and complexion perfectly.

Clearing my throat nervously I diverted my attention and smiled, "shall we go?"


something told me this would be a long day..















-Hey guys I'm finally back and starting to update. If you like my story ease please subscribe ;p I will love you forever.

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Chapter 1: O.O its so interesting... . WANNA MORE AUTHOR-NIM!!!! >////<