huh? (SU) part 1


Just to let y'all know; * is ure pov/thought...


"So, can I...."


"can i have your number?" (lol idk what to write act.)

you looked at him startled but was able to regain your composure pretty fast. *Doesn't the fans are the one that usually ask for the celebrity's number? Is he playing around or something?* 'well, this is a different situation though... I'm not his fan" you mumbled. *oh,crap did he hear that* You quickly looked at him, beaming; "oh, my ride is here! bye"

Taemin looked at your retreating figure ,stunned. No, he wasn't playing around with you. Yes, he was sincere in trying to get to know you. *woah, what was that. Aish! Luckily nobody saw this or my reputation is ruined! I'm still not giving up though. * he smirked." Well that was unpleasant. " he mumbled looking around still staring at your back.

~ @ Your mansion~

As soon as you arrive all your maids, butlers, assistants & other that you-never-care about was in line greeting you. It is normal for you though. It is like a routine watching them bowing 90 degrees when you pass by them. You just walked pass them casually without giving any acknowledgement to their greetings & went straight to your room. You headed straight to your bathroom & took a hot shower. Even though you're blood type B, you are still a hygienic person. You will never crash on your bed without taking a shower first or you wouldn't be able to go to sleep.After you had finish with your shower, you climb on your huge bed and spaced out.

You stared thinking of all the possibilities of why SHINee taught your group the dance moves for your debut. It just doesn't make sense. Why would they do that. It's not even them who choreographed the moves. After a whole hour thinking you came up with 3 most possible reasons after ruling out the others.

1- It was a punishment from the choreographer - you're not sure if it makes sense though -____-

2- It was a prank - you felt that this is the most likely as they looked like they are bored & have nothing better to do ^_O

3- They are erted boys - after all they are boys.. O_O

Soon you fell asleep~~

~at SHINee's practice room~

Taemin: Onew hyung, it's already 2 a.m! Let's go home!

Minho: Yeah. Hyung, we've been practicing for such a long time already..

Onew: No way! We're not going home until we could do this dance more perfectly than ______! Arasso?

Key: Hyung is right she was better than us so we have to practice..

Jonghyun: Yeah it's a good thing we did that..  Though she's the only one in her group who was able to memorize the steps. But                     don't you guys think she's just so hot when she dances?

Taemin: Hyung for goodness' sake she's only 16. Don't hit on her!!!


This is part 1 !~ ^_^ part 2 will be up shortly!~

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loveisfree #1
taemin!!!!!! lol
14 streak #2
Awwww sweeeeet!!! Love this story!!!!
Update soon!!
jjinbbangbbang #3
This fic is cheesy... but I like it.
Update please!
update soon! :)
HAHA . Can I have your number ? Good one . Will never think of that . <br />
____ dance better than SHINee ? Woah . Onew is soo jealous . HAHA . <br />
Aigoo . Go and update la . HAHA .
nammys #6
@xFlyHigh: haha... lolz i'll soon~!!
xFlyHigh #7
xFlyHigh #8
What the xD I go for the erted one xD For Jjong at least :]<br />
Update doon ^^
nammys #9
@SHINeelulu: LOL, i'll think about it... ^^ haha but taemin is still the main though.. yup.. he's competitive alright...I'll soon. ^_^!~
LOL Jjong is so cute <333 i want him to hit on me !<br />
but Taemin's cute too so i don't know if i want him too ~<br />
Onew .. he seems like Minho here XD the competitiveness (i dunno if that's a word XD)<br />
anyways , update soon ~ ^^