Difficult much?


Your POV: (inside your car with your chauffeur)

 Woah, i'm really exhausted from my flight.I had just gotten back from LONDON but i have to go straight to practive. Haish, sometimes i wonder if i'm making the right choice of becoming a singer. 'Yah!_______ of course you made the right choice you're talented, pretty like what celebrities should be like. Plus, your parents doesn't care' i tried to convince myself repeating the same thing over & over again. I must had been too busy convincing myself that i didn't realized that i had actually arrived in front of SME building.

             "Miss, we're here" my chauffeur announced. I mumbled a thanks and got off.I was still deep in thought when i entered the dance studio only to meet a few pairs of eyes giving me weird looks. I snapped out of my thought and saw that the few pairs of eyes belongs to no other than SHINee. too many thoughts ran through my mind at that moment. I quickly bow and went out. i looked at the door, there was 'dance studio room 5' written on it. I'm pretty sure now that i hadn't make any mistake. I'm 110% positive that that room is my group's practise room. I went back in and looked at SHINee's leader; Onew right in the eyes and

                         "This is MY group's practice room"

End of POV


Taemin's POV:  "This is MY group's practice room." Woah , that must be her, The other member of this rookie group. I waited 5-6 seconds. Aish, why isn't onew hyung replying. Well, i can't blame him, that girl is pretty.

                             "You must be ___________. hi, i'm taemin! & Yes this is your group's practise room but it seems that your manager had forgotten to tell you that we SHINee will be helping you with your dance move." I explained. I guess she must still be confused as she raised her eyebrows. "to be more accurate, we actually had specially choreographed for your group's debut song". She nods and asks "Where's the rest?". "They are taking a break but YOU will stay here to learn the dance moves as your other members had already learned half of it. It will too difficult for you as you always miss classes so we cannot waste time"I had finished talking all those just in time to meet with her deadly glare. What the hell is her problem? We stared at each other eyes for a few seconds before she speaks out "too difficult, huh?"

End of POV


heheh 1st chap is up.:) do tell me if  there's anything wrong like grammar,spelling mistakes or anything. i'll gladly edit all those mistakes:) Do comment!

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loveisfree #1
taemin!!!!!! lol
14 streak #2
Awwww sweeeeet!!! Love this story!!!!
Update soon!!
jjinbbangbbang #3
This fic is cheesy... but I like it.
Update please!
update soon! :)
HAHA . Can I have your number ? Good one . Will never think of that . <br />
____ dance better than SHINee ? Woah . Onew is soo jealous . HAHA . <br />
Aigoo . Go and update la . HAHA .
nammys #6
@xFlyHigh: haha... lolz i'll soon~!!
xFlyHigh #7
xFlyHigh #8
What the xD I go for the erted one xD For Jjong at least :]<br />
Update doon ^^
nammys #9
@SHINeelulu: LOL, i'll think about it... ^^ haha but taemin is still the main though.. yup.. he's competitive alright...I'll soon. ^_^!~
LOL Jjong is so cute <333 i want him to hit on me !<br />
but Taemin's cute too so i don't know if i want him too ~<br />
Onew .. he seems like Minho here XD the competitiveness (i dunno if that's a word XD)<br />
anyways , update soon ~ ^^