Love or Dream

Love is Something That I Feel


- Someone like you always like this

You leave me again

Even my painful love already send you away

I'm still standing at the same place-



One day after that, on a day off

Donghae was busy preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Kyuhyun went out to buy some food that had expired. Donghae want to go along initially, but Kyuhyun forbade him to stay. Donghae set the plates on the table, he is in a very good mood. Been a long time since he and Kyuhyun did not see each other due to their busy, these days they have time together.

The bell rang. Donghae glanced at the door wondering whether kyuhyun or not. But if it's Kyuhyun, for what he rang the bell. Donghae walked to the door and opened it. He saw Changmin standing there.

"Hi, Donghae"

"Changmin" stunned Donghae

"I want to meet with Kyuhyun, what is he busy?"

"No. He went out for a while. Come on in, he'll be back soon "donghae invited changmin to enter.

"What did you have breakfast? I just finished making breakfast, let's eat together "Donghae with a friendly offer. Changmin looked around the room, and stared at the dining table was filled with food which he said was not suitable for a Kyuhyun.

"I don't believe. Kyuhyun could live in a place like this "Changmin complained.

"You really live in a place like this?" changmin Asked donghae being added on a plate on the table. Donghae just nodded in reply.

"But why?" Changmin does not believe the fact that he saw.

Donghae does not like the way Changmin looked strange to their apartment. He knew this place was small and not worth the possible. But he rented this place with their own money, and it should be rewarded not so low in value that way. Donghae tried to resist the urge to get angry even though he was a bit annoyed and did not like to Changmin.

"Donghae, I'm back" Kyuhyun comes with two plastic filled with groceries in hand. He was surprised to see Changmin. Changmin smiled and stepped closer to Kyuhyun, and hugged him.

"Why are you here?" Kyuhyun said after withdrawing from changmin hugs

"I want to see you, and wants to give you tickets" Changmin issuing tickets from his jacket he was wearing and gave it to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun shocked. He screamed very happy.

"Changmin. This, indeed. Where did you get this. you know I really want to see, Oh god "Kyuhyun's eyes filled with rays of happiness. He almost forgot that Donghae stepped closer and took two plastic in kyuhyun hand, and returned to the kitchen.

"I get it from my uncle, he gave the two tickets. So we can go together tonight ". because it is very happy, kyuhyun hugging Changmin and thanked him.

Donghae saw it.

And he did not like what he saw

When the three of them were at the dinner table. Kyuhyun and Changmin was busy talking about something that Donghae never know. So Donghae just shut up and let them talk to each other. Donghae pouted in his breakfast, Kyuhyun was not even introduced him to Changmin. Even though Donghae already know, but just politely introduce changmin to donghae. But because it's so happy, Kyuhyun  even forgot donghae that was there. They talk about music, a pianist who donghae could not memorize his name, concert there and here, none of those conversations that Donghae understand.

"Donghae, you ... allow to kyuhyun go with me tonight, right?" Changmin Said, Kyuhyun as if remembering something. He looked at Donghae with confused.

"Oh god, Donghae. I forgot to introduce him ... "

"I know. We've introduced myself yesterday "Donghae replied quickly. Originally Kyuhyun did not understand, but he smiled.

"How Donghae?" Changmin asked once again. Donghae nodded and smiled enthusiastically.

Lie. Donghae want to say 'no'

But his lips just refuse to say 'no' and ends with a 'course'


"Listen to me, Donghae. from now on. If you feel annoyed, jealous and did not like what I'm doing. Tell me. Don't just keep it and hurt your own heart. I was your boyfriend, I want you to depend on me. Difficult as any, tell me. You, have to promise me "


Kyuhyun given Donghae utterance. if only he had told Kyuhyun that he did not want Kyuhyun to go tonight. possible Kyuhyun will be here with him now. If he asks Kyuhyun did not go tonight, could it be Kyuhyun will listen. But if it's possible. Kyuhyun look so happy, and full eyes twinkle with happiness. if it's possible.

Donghae does not want to be selfish.

But he could not throw his mind, that he was afraid.


Donghae started to feel fear, anxiety and worry. Since the day he knows Changmin, Kyuhyun change. He did not forbid Kyuhyun go with Changmin, but he always seemed to go even forget Donghae. Though Kyuhyun always ask donghae, ask for permission to Donghae and Donghae can't say no to Kyuhyun where his boyfriend was very excited every time he has an appointment with Changmin. Donghae knew there was no relationship whatsoever between Kyuhyun and Changmin. But, how changmin approach kyuhyun every day like it would be Kyuhyun away from him. Make Kyuhyun forget him, even every time Kyuhyun promised to donghae take me out again, always failing because Kyuhyun is more interested in the offer changmin to go to a concert, or meeting with famous pianists that Donghae did not know.

Like today

Changmin came again and again to visit Kyuhyun in the apartment. Donghae opened the door and with a sense of curiosity he asked Changmin.

"Why are you here?" Donghae said

"I have an appointment with Kyuhyun. we will go to see concert pianist who will be in Seoul this afternoon "Changmin excited. But Donghae surprised. He then lets go with Changmin hesitated. Donghae lost his mind, he looked up at Changmin. Carefully he spoke.

"Changmin-ssi, can you not see Kyuhyun again" finally, Donghae always wanted to say this to Changmin. But he was always defeated by fear. Kyuhyun was taking a shower at the time, so Donghae dared say that to Changmin.

"You want me not to meet with my best friend? do you know how long we are friends. Even before you meet with Kyuhyun, I've known him long before that. And now, you're asking me to stay away from him? "

"No. Not like that. However, please don't take him away every day. I did not even have time with him "Donghae worried

"So you want to go out with him. You know Donghae. Kyuhyun wants to be a singer or a pianist. This is an opportunity for him. Just because jealous of me, you make Kyuhyun will lose his dream "

"No. I did not mean it like that. I just don't like it, you take him away from me "

"I thought you believed in Kyuhyun" Changmin scoffed

"I believe in Kyuhyun. it's just you ... "Donghae broke off when he heard Kyuhyun came.

"Changmin" Kyuhyun had just finished a shower, when he heard someone in the room.

"Why are you here?" Said Kyuhyun

"You forget, today we are going to meet a famous pianist". Reminds Changmin, Kyuhyun just mumbled 'ah, that's right'. Changmin then open up the sound again.

"You know Kyuhyun, what donghae just said to me?"

Donghae looked up. Glared at Changmin, asked him to be quiet.

"He told me, to get away from you. I think he does not like me "Changmin said clearly. Donghae getting irritated, he stared at Changmin with emotion.

"Donghae-ah, you don't need to worry. I and Changmin had been friends for a long time "

"I know. So, you're going to go with him again today. when you tell me that you're busy, but do you have time for him. It's weird, Kyuhyun " without hearing kyuhyun answer, Donghae ran out. He could not hold back his tears. And he did not want Kyuhyun to see he cry. Kyuhyun tried to chase donghae after he threw a towel around his shoulders carelessly. but Changmin blocking his way.

"Kyuhyun, you don't have to chase him. He's just jealous of me. Now you better get ready. My uncle said that you were going to be guests at the concert this time. and this is your chance, if you sing and play the piano well. Maybe you will be a singer or a pianist "Changmin tried to explain to Kyuhyun.

"But, Donghae"

"Kyuhyun is your chance. You'll never know when an opportunity like this will come again "

"But, I can't leave Donghae"

"Kyuhyun, so you better pick donghae than your dreams" asked Changmin did not believe. Kyuhyun was silent for a moment, but he firmly told Changmin.

"Such an opportunity will come again someday. I believe it. But, this is my last chance to Donghae "Kyuhyun said firmly

"What an opportunity?"

"A chance to prove to him that I love him"

"You're blinded by love, Kyuhyun" Changmin annoyed

"I can live with love without dreams. But, I could not live with the dream without love "Kyuhyun said before he ran for Donghae. Changmin left alone could not say anything.


Donghae ran aimlessly. He did not know where he was running. He just wanted to run as far as possible. He was very disappointed with Kyuhyun. when he promised not to hurt he again, but was repeated once again. Donghae was very disappointed. He never looked back, he was sure Kyuhyun would not be pursued.He believes kyuhyun would prefer to go with Changmin. Donghae then stop, when he felt tired. Regulate the breath and hold back tears to fall over a lot. But only by a minute, Donghae felt someone hug he from behind.

"Don't run away from me, Donghae"

Lie. Not possible. Kyuhyun chasing him?

"Why are you chasing me. Did not you have to go, this is your chance "Donghae asked as he turned around to kyuhyun face.

"I will not leave you alone"

"Sorry" Donghae bowed, sorry.

"You don't like me close with Changmin huh ? Are you jealous of him? "Kyuhyun  forced donghae to look at him.

"I ... I'm just scared. I felt useless. Every moment you are always making me happy, I just can't do anything about it. You possessed the same dream, and I do not know anything about dreams. I'm scared, you will leave me "

"Stupid. You worry too much ". Kyuhyun hugged Donghae and Kyuhyun heard the ringing of the phone. when he saw it, changmin name appears there. Kyuhyun did not answer the call, he looked at Donghae finding out. Kyuhyun knew Donghae worried. With a quick reaction, Kyuhyun threw his cell phone into the highway, Donghae was surprised when kyuhyun phone run over crushed a passing car.

"What are you doing Kyuhyun" Donghae could not believe what he saw

"I will not receive the call again"

"Are you crazy, I'm not telling you to do that. I don't matter, really. Just not too often go with him and spend time with me too. just that. You don't have to destroy your friendship like this, Kyuhyun. this way, you make me such a jerk that disintegrates friendships of others "Donghae is very afraid, and regret.

"If you want, we can move to another apartment. He will not be able to find me. I would avoid him on campus. So don't worry "

"Kyuhyun is not. please don't do this. he's your best friend "Donghae began to cry and beg not to destroy Kyuhyun their friendship just because Donghae worry. Kyuhyun hugged Donghae once again. Soothe him.

"I'll do anything for you Donghae. Whatever. I don't care if I have to lose anyone and anything. Importantly, I don't lose you "

 heard kyuhyun talk like that, making Donghae the crying. He was sorry I was so scared and worried.

Very sorry

And stupid


Donghae sorry. Obviously very sorry for his stupidity. He has destroyed friendships Kyuhyun and Changmin, Donghae who don't know how long they keep the relationship together. And just because a sense of worry, fear and jealousy, making just two friends were destroyed. Donghae was angry with himself. Kyuhyun be stubborn, so keep his promise. He was really away from Changmin, and never want to see it again. Given these circumstances, making Donghae be the biggest jerk in the world.

Donghae believe, Kyuhyun has changed. Really changed. He's a very nice person, sweet, caring, patient and most importantly, very obedient Kyuhyun to Donghae.Donghae believe, Kyuhyun would never hurt him again and would never betray his love again. Never will. But, because it is make worry Donghae became deeper. He's afraid to be not good for Kyuhyun.

Donghae looked at his diary lying on the table. He never touched it again since coming out of hospital. Kyuhyun had read it, knew all its contents. Donghae stepped took the diary and smiles, nothing has changed. Still the same. Slowly he opened the diary, trying to remember what he had written in it. However, he found something. That's not writing. He never wrote again, but as someone who writes in a diary. Continuing the story stalled. Donghae and obviously knows ...

This is Kyuhyun posts

See the date and month listed, it was when he was in the hospital, still in a coma.

 'Time has wrapped up my misses the horizon. I don't know how many days I spent my time with wrapped deserted. Futile or not, I have not found its mark. All I know is, I'll keep waiting '

'Is there any chance for me? see your shade eyes again, to see a smile and your laugh again, and don't let me see your tears again "

"Donghae-ah, open your eyes! I'm here '

'' God, I have always wanted to spend every second with him .... Let him live '

This can't happen. Donghae moaned to himself. Kyuhyun not only changed, he became a born again Kyuhyun is just to give the world full of happiness to Donghae. But, Donghae could only tear it all. Destroy friendship, destroy his dream. Donghae grabbed the diary in his hand. Feeling guilty, sorry, stupid, cowardly, and evil.

"I had to do something to Kyuhyun"


Donghae does not know what he should do to Kyuhyun. but the only thing he can do is to give back, an opportunity that has been on offer Changmin in Kyuhyun, but was rejected only because of worry to Donghae. So, Donghae at a rapid pace around the arts faculty. Changmin looking for help. But Donghae really don't know where he is located, he even nearly lost in this big building. Donghae complain to himself 'my boyfriend even learn in this building, but I still don't know anything'.

"Donghae". Donghae looked up to see who was calling him. It was Sungmin.

"What are you doing here? look for Kyuhyun? "Sungmin wants to know

"I'm not looking for Kyuhyun, today there is a practice that he had left behind when it" Donghae replied, but his eyes are still busy

"Then, why are you here if it were not for Kyuhyun?"

"I want to find Changmin"

"why are you looking him? "Sungmin worry. Donghae sighed, eyes staring sungmin sadly now.

"I made a mistake. Because Changmin always bring Kyuhyun away from me every day, I'm scared and worried. In fact, Changmin wants to help kyuhyun realize his dream. But I hinder it. Because of worries me, changmin given the opportunity, rejected by Kyuhyun. and all because of me. I want to apologize to Changmin, and I want to ask him to help kyuhyun again"Donghae explained. Sungmin looks understand.

"You know where changmin? you learn in this building as well, right? You said that you often see Kyuhyun with Changmin, maybe you know something? "Donghae very hopeful.

Sungmin obviously know where Changmin. When not in class, he would usually get together with some other friends in the cafeteria. But, tell it to Donghae will make trouble again. Sungmin overheard conversation changmin in the cafeteria yesterday. He heard things that made him shocked. Changmin and his friends don't like Donghae. They even wanted to keep kyuhyun from Donghae. Changmin thinks that Donghae approached to date kyuhyun because of money. Because kyuhyun very rich, and Donghae tried to take advantage of it. That's why Changmin does not like Donghae.

"Lee Sung Min" Donghae call

"I know where Changmin, but, I'm not sure if you can ...."

"Tell me where. I beg Sungmin "

"But Donghae"

"I beg Sungmin. This only can I do to Kyuhyun "

"Okay. Come with me "

Sungmin brought Donghae to the cafeteria, where Changmin and his friends always gathered. Sungmin deliberately slowed his pace, he secretly sent a message to Hyukjae.

"Hyukjae, Donghae is with me in the cafeteria arts faculty. Tell Kyuhyun. because I think it would be dangerous. He wanted to see Changmin "

After sending the message, Sungmin continued to carry donghae around. He deliberately looking away paths that don't go up. It takes time to gain time for Kyuhyun quickly up before him and Donghae come sooner. But, Donghae complain. Sungmin could not do anything else, he hoped Kyuhyun was up in the cafeteria. But his hopes were destroyed. Kyuhyun is yet to come.

Donghae who saw Changmin, ran up to the tall man. When he reached the front of Changmin, all eyes stared at Donghae with a shocked, disgusted and angry. Changmin is not alone, he was with three other friends.

"Look who's here" one of them shouted. And everyone laughs. Donghae don't understand.

"You look for Kyuhyun?" Changmin said

"I'm looking for you"

"Looking for me? for what? "Changmin said dismissively

"I'm sorry  made friendships you and Kyuhyun being like this. I'm so sorry "Donghae bent. Sungmin approached donghae, and whispered 'don't like this'.

"I'm really sorry. I promise I'll mend your relationship "Donghae continued

"That's it?" Changmin laughed scornfully

"Actually, I wanted to ask your help. I want you to help kyuhyun realize his dream "Donghae said cautiously. Somehow, hearing it, Changmin quickly stood up. Donghae and Sungmin looks scared, it clearly changmin much higher than they are.

"What you're crazy. Once you're blocking his dream, now you want me to help him. Only Because of envy, Kyuhyun lost his chance "Changmin shouted. Everyone who was there spontaneous look at them

"You don't deserve to Kyuhyun". Sungmin heard it does not accept

"CHANGMIN!!". but changmin does not matter. Donghae just shut up, because Changmin is entirely correct

"Love? What do you really love him. You think I'm stupid, who would not want to be the boyfriend  or girlfriend of a Cho Kyu Hyun, who is very rich. Both parents have a company that has been scattered inside and outside the country. And Kyuhyun is the only child that will inherit all the wealth. Love? You don't love him. You're just pretending. All you want is money not love "Changmin yelled again

"Shim Chang Min!!!!" Sungmin shouted. Donghae like losing consciousness. He did not understand.

"Kyuhyun, he's rich?" Donghae asked innocently. Changmin just laughed scornfully. Sungmin panic, he knew Kyuhyun  don't want donghae to know about this.

"Stop pretending Lee Dong Hae, don't act as if you don't know if it's your boyfriend  very rich "

"I don't know" Donghae replied quickly. That answer makes Changmin and all his friends laugh. Sungmin is getting frantic. He pulled Donghae to go, but Donghae did not pay attention

"Is that true?" Donghae asked changmin

"Stop pretending. I'm sure you know everything. He's rich, he would be the heir, if he can realize his dream, he would be a singer or a great pianist. Money will be growing and growing. He will get richer. All of it, I'm sure you know. So stop pretending "

"You, know about this?" Donghae asked changmin three friends

"He was a prince, I thought" one of them replied

"With the money, he could buy this university" answered the other

"There is nothing that he can't buy with money. he can get whatever he wants "replied the latter

"He can't buy my love" Donghae said nervously. And everyone laughs. Sungmin is getting worried, when Donghae turned to him.

"You know it, too?" Donghae asked. Sungmin could not answer anything. He just stared at Donghae worried

"Hyukjae also" asked Donghae again

"I just don't know. So, you all lied to me "Donghae stared sadly at Sungmin.

"Donghae stop. Don't act again !!! Stay away from Kyuhyun starts now! "Changmin once again warned Donghae.


(All the people who were there turned to the direction the sound)


Kyuhyun stepped closer to them all. Staring one by one the people who were there. When his eyes fell on Donghae, he saw Donghae bowed, his face pale. Kyuhyun brought donghae face to staring at him. Kyuhyun shocked to see Donghae crying, but Donghae just silent.

"why are you telling donghae, to stay away from me" Kyuhyun asked on Changmin. Relax.

"Because we don't like him"


"Because he does not love you, Kyuhyun. realized, he just wants your money. He just wanted the wealth that you have. He just utilize your love. Realize "Changmin tried.

"Donghae did not know I was rich. He never knew anything. Because I never told him. What do you say, is something that is not possible "Kyuhyun still tranquil.

"You're blinded by love, Kyuhyun. how could he don't know you're rich. He's just using you. He will ask something of you, because he knows you're able to buy anything with your money "

"You're wrong. I can't buy love with my money "Kyuhyun holding donghae hands.

"You're blinded by love. You'll be sorry Kyuhyun "Changmin keep trying

"I'm going to regret it, if I left him" Kyuhyun replied firmly

"You stupid Kyuhyun. why not siwon, I'd rather see you with Siwon. He will not use you, because he is rich like you. And you fit together. I don't believe, because of poor men like Donghae, you told siwon to move out of the university! "

(Donghae surprised. Siwon moved because Kyuhyun)

"I did not tell him to move. Not once, he went for his own desires. Not because I'm a told. You don't understand "

"Lied" Changmin does not trust.

"Siwon asked me to give him another chance. And I refused. I asked him to keep distance with me, and don't force me anymore. But he was stubborn and did not care about what I said. And I just said, I will move from this university if he continues to force me to give him a chance. And he does not agree, he said, he would move away from this university "Kyuhyun explained. Donghae did not stop surprised.

"Siwon love you, Kyuhyun" Changmin told

"I know"

"He was injured because of you"

"I know"

"Then why don't you give him a chance?"

"Because I don't love him. Provides the opportunity for people who don't love you, just the same as injuring him deeper. He will continue to hope, when my love will never get to his heart. Because, the only thing that can bring my love is Donghae "Kyuhyun tried firmly. Sungmin smiled at Kyuhyun recognition. Donghae just silent. He could not think much, because his brain is full of a variety of conclusions.

Kyuhyun is rich

Kyuhyun an heir

Kyuhyun .... Kyuhyun .... and Kyuhyun .....

Donghae like being in a place he did not know. he did not understand what was going on. Like a drunk, he's confused and unconscious. But, back when he felt his consciousness one hand, pulled his face and he felt warm lips touched hers. When donghae fully realized.

Kyuhyun kissed him



Preview Chapter 9

"Because I still love Kyuhyun" - Siwon

"I'm fed up with all this. stop and go "- Kyuhyun

"let kyuhyun go, you ... have a different world with him "- Hyukjae

"I'll never let you ruin relationships Kyuhyun and Donghae. And I'll never let you ruin friendships Donghae and Hyukjae "- Sungmin

"Donghae, let's break up " – Kyuhyun


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veera104 #1
Chapter 15: I've read this fic in bahasa couple days ago and now i'm here! Looking for the sequel~ xD this is awesome auhthor-nim! Great job!
Chapter 15: woah! The ending was o_O How could Kyu do that?!

Interesting plot! So angsty.. Gotta read the sequel! :)

Spread the KyuHae love<3
Chapter 15: oh its ended already huhu..but so glad that u make the sequel..
now imma wait for the first update for the sequel ^^
Chapter 14: I hope Kyuhyun won't easily to get Donghae's love again. He should pay as much as he do..
He has hurting hae's heart too much.
and hae forgive him so easy..

And this is a nightmare if Donghae would be victims again by all people around Kyuhyun..

Poor Donghae but lucky Kyu...
lindasu #5
I'm glad tat Donghae moved on with his life. Its Kyu's fault for dumping Hae twice & all the suffering he has to go tru. So now he has to suffer in silence for not getting Donghae again!!
Chapter 14: Did Kyu kill Hae next chapter?..
Or Siwon hurt Hae and Kyu kill Siwon?..
Whatever it is, why is this so angst?
Chapter 14: "sigh............its too painful...kyu and hae...why why...
im glad that everytime u update it will be a long one...hopefully kyuhae will get together again sooner...thank kyu for the update and update soon neeee ^^
Hi im new readder here
i i didn't redr chap 1-4, coz i knew it was full of my baby tears...
I hate cheat coz make something smeels so cheap
and kyuhyun's reason , why he does not make a skinship with donghae, no kiss and ,,,that so unreasonable..

Kiss and making love not will be an habit if u do with comitmen and trust in love, skinship is an affection, shows how much you love your couple,,Love is not only says by mouth but also touch and skinship..

except if Kyuhyun only want to touch hae just even they are getting married, but that not the right reason for CHEATING.

How come, he touch someone eles when he says doesn't love him, but in the end he touch Donghae,,,whats the different?
I knew he touching donghae, coz now donghae was know Kyuhyun love him that much, Donghae kinda too weak traped by stupid love, ( i hope everyone should not be like him do, thats wrong)..

ya, though was jus Kyuhyun's pas stupidty. Luckyly he did it to poor Donghae,

and Then, Kyuhyun Doing something STUPID again, he leaves Donghae to cough his dream, why he does not told Donghae the truth and Build their dream 2gether? Donghae always chear up him, rite?

and now for the last chap, i hope the author will not make Donghae so easy to give Kyuhyun forgiveness, Kyuhyun Should pay Donghae's tears soo much. and don't makes donghae too stupid just becouse of his love. Love is not anything if u get brokenhurt everytime.

Jiayo Author,
Chapter 13: i wish that...nobody involved in kyuhae relationship though..they need to solved it by their own..but kyu kidnap hae is the best thing maybe kkk...thank kyu for the update ^^