
Pabo Sunbae

  Hey I'm back !! Sorry for the long update.. I really didn't have any idea.. Sue my brain because it's lacking of idea... Thank you for reading... I really appreciate your efforts (?) to read this.. Sorry for the typo and the bad english.. ^^


It was not a bad night last night. Actually you had a wonderful sleep last night. Eunhee didn't ask to many question --which was pretty weird--. But you didn't think to much. You are at school right now. At the park behind the school. You are listening to the music whit your earphone. You like it here. It's not crowd and it's quite.

   While you are laying peacefully on the grass, someone coming but you didn't heard of course. 

  What is she doing here ? This is my spot for escaping the crowd.. Aish I need to found a new place..

  Just when he about to go, you woke up and stand and see that Changmin is standing there.  

   "Oh look the sleepy head has awake" He said.

  What's wrong with him.. He is so annoying.. I thought he was nice..

  "What's wrong with resting ? I'm tired ok" You said walking out of that place.

  "Sleepy head" he said.

  "You really like teasing people don't you ?" you said.

  "What ? Problem ?"he said raising an eyebrow.

  "No.. it's just that last night you were a nice guy and a fun guy and know you are a total " you said pointing at the word .

 "Woaa... who knows you can say a word like that" he said teasing you.

 "That proves that you don't know me well then" 

 "And why would I want to know you that well ?" he said. That irks you. 



  Thank God the bell rings. You couldn't stand being with him any longer. You just walked away from him without looking back.

  You didn't pay any attention to the class.. you keep thinking why is that guy like that. No wonder Key told you not to be to closed to him. 

  Aish what is wrong with him ?! Why do I have to like him.. Eww no I'm going to hate him from now..

 You felt a poke from your elbow, you found a small paper and open it..

  What's wrong ? 

 You threw it again to the girl beside you

 Nothing Eunhee, just pay attention to the class. I don't want to get scold.

  A paper hit you again

  I know something is wrong.. now T.E.L.L me !!

  Without realized, you two have been throwing paper almost the entire lesson. And amazingly the teacher didn't seem to know.


   It's the last lesson now, and since it's kind of your first week at school so the teacher decided to use it as an hour to pick a new member for student council. 

 You don't like this student council thing, because you think it will only take your time away when you can go home quickly. You didn't pay any attention at the white board nor the teacher. When the bell rings, you look at the white board. Your jaw drop.

 "Hey Eunhee who wrote my name ?? I didn't volunteer." You asked.

  "Oh that ? Emm... maybe ... Me ?" she said while faking a laugh.

 "YAH !! I told you I didn't like this kind of thing !!" 

 "Owh come on it will be fun.. Its our last stage of school.. I want to spend it with you.. Pleaseeee"  

 Here come the puppy eyes..

 "Aish find but if I come home late and Key oppa start nagging at me I'll blame it on you all day all night."

 "Deal then" She said dragging you out of school.

 "Remind me why did I want to be friend with you ?" You said obviously it's a joke.

 "Maybe because I'm the best girl in your life ?" 

 "No that is definitely not the answer" you said shaking your head. 

 "Hey ! That hurts right at the heart." Eunhee pouted. "Hahahaha.. I'm just joking"

 "You think you can come with me today ? There is this new--"

 "You do know that I have part-time after this right ?" You said cutting her.

  "Aigoo.. I know.. I thought there was a change. Guess not" She shrugged.

  "Sorry maybe next time Ok ? I gotta go see you tomorrow !" You said running off.


  "I'm here ! Sorry I'm late the bus was late and you know the traffic"  you said while trying to grab some air.

  "It's okay we still have time. Go change and get ready"

  "Ne oppa" you said and run off to the staff room.

  Then it's time to open the cafe. Yes you worked as a waitress at a cafe. No, your not an orphan. No your parents did not abandoned you, Well.. maybe kind of. Your parent has divorced. Your father had already married a woman so you lived with your Mom and Key. But your mother is a successful business women. Well it's not like your mother did not gave you money, you just like working and save up your money and spend it on your own. 


 "Ah.. welcome to the-- Oppa ?" you rubbed your eyes.

 "Hi ___, So I guess you work here ?" He said.

  "Emm.. Ne. Please sit down. What do you want to order ?"  while offering the menu book.

 "No need the menu. We would like chocolate and Vanilla cake and 2 oreo bubble tea."  

 "And tell Junsu to come here" What ? Junsu oppa ?

"Emm.. alright. Is that all ?"  They nodded. "Your order will be coming right up !"

 After handing the order to the chef you go to the staff room and look for your boss.

  "Hey, Oppa ? Junsu oppa ?" you said looking everywhere.  "I'm here ! In the kitchen ! What's up ?"


 "Doing some arrangement again I see ?" You said looking at his "art".

 "Yup ! So what is it ?"  "Oh yes, Changmin and Yunho oppa is here. They said they want to meet you" 

 "Oh they are here. Ok thanks. I'm going out in a sec." 

 "Okay sure"


Changmin POV's

  "Hey bro what's up !" Junsu said from behind.

  "What took you so long ?" I said punching his arm.

  "Ouch ! I was at the back working" he said while taking a seat beside me.

  "Here's your Bubble tea and your cake. Enjoy"  ___ said while bowing and then left.

  Without realizing I was staring at her when she walked off.

  "So that is your type huh ?"  "Yup, you have no idea. At school he kept  on staring at her, creepy."  Yunho answered.

  "Hey who said that !! You two aish.. I wish I wasn't the maknae so you two will stop teasing me."  I said while drinking my bubble tea.

  "Yea yea whatever. So why did you called us here ?" Yunho asked.  "Can't I see my old buddies ?" He said while doing aegyo.

  "That is so sweet but stop it. Seriously what is it ?" Changmin said.  "Got caught huh ? Well.. could you guys help me running this store ? At least a week. The chef was sick so I'm lacking of people. Pleassseeeee"

  "MWO ?? work ?? No. I love you Junsu but that is a big NO " Yunho said.  "Aww come on why ? You usually the type to help others. Are you betraying me ?!" Junsu asked faking a sad face.  "Yes, why hyung ? This is so not you. I don't mind Junsu hyung"  I said eating your vanilla cake. 

  "Easy for you to say Changmin because ___ is here"  Yunho said teasing. "Hey ! I didn't said that !" "Why Yunho ?"

  "Well, You know how I love dancing ? I have extra classes and maybe I will start teaching well at least become an assistant for Jay. So sorry ok ?" He said sipping his tea.

  "Hiks.. you broke my heart. But okay, guess I will have to rely on you Changmin." 

  End of Changmin POV's

 Author POV

 The three of them keep on chatting until the sky turn dark.  The cafe has already closed. You're ready to go home.

  "Junsu oppa, I'm done for today. I'm going home okay ?" you bowed and started to walk to the back door.

  "Wait ___ ! We'll walk you home. It's time for us to go home too. It's late" Yunho said.

   "Your gentlemen side is on again huh ? Ok I have to go home as well"

   "Let me guess, I've to come with you to right ?"  Changmin asked.

   "It's okay if you don't want to" You said coldly. "And I'm okay on my own Yunho oppa. See you tomorrow." you said running off to the bus station.

  "Look with what you did. Aish Changmin. Well see you Junsu !" 

  Yunho and Changmin started to walked out side. 

  "Hey Changmin just to remind you. ___ work only on Monday, Wednesday and Weekend. Remember that !" Junsu said while moving his eyebrow.

  "Stop teasing me.. HYUUNNGG !!"

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Chapter 27: Whoa!it's getting exiciting~!i didn't know that you still remember that i was your first subscriber.well thank you!^^and i'm sorry that i didn't comment lately...i was busy with school and work and stuff...well i stil am but i managed to find some time and i read the rest of the chapters that i dind't read.oh well enough about meXDi wish you good luck to your tests!hwaiting!^^
cassie_sakura #2
Chapter 27: good luck for your test~ ^^ hwaiting!!
yue_shatshey #3
Chapter 25: Please update soon. I miss Choikang Changmin
cassie_sakura #4
Chapter 23: finally you update it kekeke~ >< i've been waiting for a long long time(?) wkwk xD
Thank you for the comments!! I thought no one read my story any more.. I promise I will update when I have the time..
Irish_shim09 #6
Chapter 21: Please update sooonnn!!! :D i really love it!! I hope you update so soon!!
Mirriechanbaekkie #7
Chapter 21: please update it soon !! i love this story !>////<
Irish_shim09 #8
Chapter 11: Love it!!! :) good job
Chapter 17: pls update it soon !! i love this story !