When it's time to move on... [Nichkhun Special]

And I don't want to fall for you (Series)

Title: When it’s time to move on
Characters: Nichkhun Horvejkul, Park Ji Seun, Shim Changmin


“Ji Eun’s pregnant.” Nichkhun placed his glass down as he said that. He turned to look at Changmin. The latter had the expression of shock then realization on his face. Without another word, Changmin bolted up from his seat. He looked at Nichkhun first, giving him a silent sign of thanks. Nichkhun took his glass again, raised it in the air and smiled at him. Changmin then hurriedly went his way out.

It took a few more seconds before Nichkhun turned to face the counter again. He opened a new bottle of whiskey and filled his glass. He was feeling a weird concoction of emotion inside as the memories went back to him.


Something was wrong. Something was definitely wrong. Ji Eun had been too quiet ever since he picked her up from work. Nichkhun had noticed she was pale and her eyes were quite red.

“Babe, what’s wrong?” He asked as he pulled over in front of her apartment.

Ji Eun looked at him for a moment. She slowly shrugged. “It’s nothing.” She said softly.

Nichkhun got out of the car first and opened the door for her. Ji Eun slowly got out. Nichkhun followed her inside her apartment.

They went inside and Nichkhun noticed Ji Eun instantly walking towards the living room. When she found it empty, she hurriedly went to the kitchen. A moment later, she returned to the hall with a sadder look in her eyes. Nichkhun couldn’t take it anymore.

“Ji Eunnie, be honest with me,” He said. “I know something’s bothering you. Please, tell me.”

As soon as he said that, Ji Eun ran towards him and started sobbing. His heart broke. Nichkhun wrapped his arms around her and tried to comfort her.

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” She mumbled, her face pressed slightly against his chest. “I feel like I’m the most horrible person in the world.”

“Shh…” Nichkhun replied. “Ji Eunnie, you’re not the most horrible person in the world. Tell me, what happened?”

“You’re gonna hate me.” She said, pulling away from him. “And you will. I can’t blame you for it.”

“Ji Eun, you’re scaring me.”

Ji Eun wiped the tears streaming down her cheeks and looked at Nichkhun. “I can’t lie to you and I really am the most horrible person in the world. I… I slept with Changmin last night.” She said slowly and almost in a whisper. More tears sprung from her eyes as she did so.

Nichkhun froze. He didn’t know what to react. He was hurt, He was angry, that was for sure. He and Ji Eun never slept together. He thought she didn’t want to yet and he respected her too much to force her. He thought she was old fashioned but, now…

“He… He kissed me first. I didn’t how it happened. But it was all my fault that it went that far.” She reasoned. “I know you must hate me now. I hate myself for what I’ve done. I don’t know what I was thinking…”

Nichkhun pursed his lips. He turned to face the wall. He felt betrayed. He was deeply hurt. But, somehow, Nichkhun wasn’t surprised. He had seen Ji Eun whenever she was with Changmin. She told her they were friends, best friends but Nichkhun could still see the unique spark she had in her eyes whenever she sees him. He knew there was something there.

Nichkhun bit his lip, trying his best to hold back the tears. He was feeling distraught. Without thinking, he balled his fist and hit it against the wall. Ji Eun jumped up from his actions but she had expected this.

A moment of pregnant silence passed before Nichkhun turned to her again. His eyes were sad but the angry look in them had now disappeared. “I’m willing to look past that.” He said to her. Ji Eun looked at him, confused. Nichkhun walked towards her and trapped her in a tight hug. “Can we just pretend that it never happened? We could continue on like before. We could make things work out. But you have to promise me you won’t see him again.”

A fat tear rolled down Ji Eun’s cheek as she slowly nodded.

 End of Flashback+-------------

But things didn’t quite go as planned. A few weeks later, they found out Ji Eun was pregnant.


“Things could still work out.” Nichkhun said, placing a hand at Ji Eun’s shoulder. She was sobbing again. “I’d marry you. I’d name the baby as mine.”

“I don’t think I deserve you.” She said softly. “You’ve done enough for me already. You’ve already felt too much pain because of me. If this goes on, I’ll end up hurting you more.”

Nichkhun shook his head and hugged Ji Eun. “The pain I feel will always be worth it.”

“No,” Ji Eun whispered. “No, it won’t be. You can’t be a martyr just for me. You have a shot of finding true happiness.”

“Ji Eun, please don’t do this.”

“Nichkhun, I’m sorry. But you know this is the truth. It’s better for us to go out separate ways.”

Nichkhun pursed his lips. “Fine.” He reluctantly answered. “What’s your plan, to tell Changmin you’re having his baby and to go live happily ever after?” He asked bitterly.

“No.” Ji Eun said it straight, wiping a tear away from her cheek. “I’m not planning on telling him. Things… Things are rough on us. I don’t know how he’ll take the news. It’s better if he won’t know.”

Nichkhun sighed. “Ji Eun, you can’t raise this baby on your own.”

She turned to him and looked him straight in the eye. “Maybe not. But I’m not willing to let you get hurt again. I can always try on my own.”

Nichkhun let out a defeated sigh. “Fine. We won’t be together again but that doesn’t mean I can’t stand by you through this. I’ll be here for you, no matter what.” He wrapped his arms around her again and hugged her tightly.

 End of Flashback+-------------

Nichkhun took another swig of whiskey. He had lost count of how many number of glasses he had now. But he didn’t care. Whiskey had a way of drowning out misery.

He had figured that by this time, Changmin had reached Ji Eun’s place. She didn’t want him to know it but Nichkhun figured he had the right to know. It was stupid and nonsensical of her to keep it a secret from Changmin and Nichkhun figured it was better for him to know. That’s why he told Changmin. But the other reason why he told him was because he knew Ji Eun would be happy with Changmin. He knew she loved Changmin so much, more than she had ever loved him. That was a fact that Nichkhun had been struggling to accept. But he was starting to. And Nichkhun believed he should start to move on too…


The barman had to nudge Nichkhun awake. It was the wee hours of the morning and Nichkhun was still drunk. He took out a wad of cash from his wallet and paid the barman more than twice the amount of what he drank. Wobbling his way out to the parking lot, Nichkhun took out his phone, planning to call one of his friends to drive him home, as he was too wasted to drive himself.

Maybe he was too wasted as he was unable to call anyone. Reaching his car, which was the only car left in the parking lot, Nichkhun took out his keys. Before he could even open the car door, Nichkhun dropped into unconsciousness.


The receptionist of the hotel cursed to herself as she walked into the parking lot. The day was hectic as there had been a lot of guests checking in and out, and even grand wedding in the hotel’s hall earlier. She had to extend two hours to her shift and now she was feeling exhausted. She hoped that her friend who had a car and who was in the hotel earlier was still there. She needed a ride but she couldn’t call him. Her phone was dead.

Already exhausted as hell, she frowned even deeper when she saw that only one car was left in the parking lot and it was not her friend’s car. It looked like she would go back again and call a cab. But before she could turn around she saw, from the corner of her eye, someone lying down on the ground. She turned and saw him lying down next to the car. Concerned, she ran towards him. Smelling the stink of whiskey on the guy, she figured he had a lot to drink and he couldn’t even get on his car. His phone lay beside him with a number on its screen. Looking around and seeing nobody else in sight, she sighed to herself. It seems she’s the only hope of this drunkard.


Nichkhun woke up later that morning with a sever headache. He sat up on the bed, his head terribly aching. It took him a few minutes longer to realize that he wasn’t in his apartment. Rubbing his eyes, he recognized the place as his friend Wooyoung’s. He could remember going out of the bar and passing out in the parking lot but after that, everything else was blank. He wondered to himself how the hell did he get here? Nichkhun immediately stood up and went out of the room.

“Thank you so much for calling me last night.” He heard Wooyoung’s voice coming from the living room. “If you hadn’t, Nichkhun might have stayed there until who knows when.”

The sound of his name urged Nichkhun to walk faster. He reached the living room and saw his friend Wooyoung talking to a girl with long brown hair.

“Oh, here he is!” Wooyoung said. “How are you feeling, buddy?  I think you might have drank a gallon last night.”

“Yeah, well, I might have.” He answered groggily, moving to sit on an armchair. “God, I feel like crap. What happened last night? How did I get here?”

“I got a call from a girl last night. She said she was just walking by and she saw that there was a guy drunk near his car and he had passed out. She was using your number and I figured it was you. I came down the hotel and there you are.”

“Oh…” Nichkhun answered. “Thanks man. Er, who’s the girl?”

“That would be me.” The girl with the long hair answered. “I came back to check on you. You looked like you were almost dead last night.” She joked.

Nichkhun chuckled lightly. “Sorry about that. Things were rough recently that I couldn’t help but drink. Thank you, though.”

“It was no problem. Well, I better run. I still have to go to work.” She smiled and stood up.

Nichkhun stood up too. “Oh, well, thank you again. By the way, I’m Nichkhun.”

“I know. Wooyoung-sshi told me.” She answered. “I’m Sunmi. Cho Sunmi.”

She smiled sweetly at him before Wooyoung showed her out. Nichkhun smiled back. He had no idea that he had just met the girl he was really destined for.

Comments are loved! :)

This is only a special (what happened behind the scenes of Nichkhun and Ji Eun and just some elaborations... :D oh, and what will happen to Nichkhun... I didn't want to make things end sadly for him XD) and I'm not planning on making a separate Nichkhun story. I just have so many other fics to finish. T____T Sorry...

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Chapter 5: Really good story author-nim..
whiteshirt #2
nice job author!!
gotler #3
Great job here.
This was a really good fic. Thank you
boku_ikemen #5
how come i didnt see this in ur prof.. >.<<br />
man this is good! hehehe<br />
i love your stories.. really.. XD<br />
hwaiting!<br />
u have so many stories that still needs updating..<br />
ahh ure so good that i ended up subscribing every fics u made hahaha
Just found this on ChangMins tag. This is awesome! Great. :D I even subscribed though it's completed. :) more Chang Min fics! ;)
LOL YEAH I really liked it :D<br />
<br />
Just a thought on the last one, Khun could have been since he's so cute. Lol my mind
kialis #8
aw, the nickhyun special was cute. (: he found his loveerr! <br />
well, anyways, i enjoyed reading thiss! :D
Hmm...now I'm a bit confused if i should comment here or on winglin... i mean, you should reply to your last reply on winglin and all but ugh, winglin's starting to get on my nerves ^^'<br />
sooo... I'm gonna comment here ;P<br />
YAY for Nichkhun! :D He found his girls!!!!!! I was feeling sooo sorry for him and it made me happy that he wasn't left alone (or single,haha). The tricky ways of destiny,haha... xD<br />
and about the things you wrote on winglin (I read your reply)... well, I'm not sick anymore, i'm fine,haha and Jae should give me some space,lol *hugs you o annoy Jae* ;P oh, and Minnie should give you some room too ;D<br />
Ohh...that's what it means :D it's romantic <3<br />
And don't call my Joongie weird ;PPP<br />
Ah, I've missed your updates... It was refreshing to read this ;D