The Dangers of Falling [3/3]

And I don't want to fall for you (Series)

Three weeks. Three weeks and four days to be exact. Changmin had been staying that long with Ji Eun now. And living with her like that, Changmin felt… something. The word ‘weird’ doesn’t even describe fully the things he was feeling.

His eyes were drawn more and more—more than normal—to his best friend. Just hearing her voice, he suddenly feels funny, in a good way. He always frowns whenever Nichkhun calls or when she goes on a date with him. But when she smiles, he suddenly feels better and his heart flutters. And, what was weirder to him, Changmin suddenly feels butterflies in his stomach at times when Ji Eun was in front of him. She, the girl he had been friends with even before puberty.

“What’s happening to me?” Changmin muttered more to himself but it was still audible enough to make Ji Eun react. Thankfully for him, she didn’t quite hear it.

“Huh? Did you say something, Minnie?” she asked as she took out the DVD she had rented earlier. It was movie night. Ji Eun had suggested it the day before since she and Nichkhun had no plans. They used to watch movies together during the weekends back when they were still in high school and it was a way of bringing back the old days, as Ji Eun had said. Changmin was just happy at the thought of spending more time with her.

“Erm, I just said this needs more popcorn.” He said the first lame thing he could come up with.

“But we do have popcorn.”

“Well, we need more.”

“Aish, Minnie, you always want more when it comes to food.” Ji Eun answered amusedly as she went to the living room with a huge bowl of popcorn. She placed it on Changmin’s side and headed on to the DVD player.

“What movie did you get?” Changmin asked.

“Take a guess.”

“Erm, something fun?”

“You bet. But it’s not romance. You know I always frown at romance movies for some reason.” Ji Eun said.

Changmin hid a frown. It would be great if they were to watch a romance movie. It would be romantic.

“Harry Potter.” Ji Eun suddenly said as she pressed play and Changmin suddenly woke up from his daze.


“The movie. I rented Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince. I know you love Harry Potter.” She smiled and sat beside him.

Changmin smiled back. Ji Eun always knew what he liked.

The movie had started and by instinct Changmin took the bowl of popcorn and started munching, secretly watching Ji Eun from the corner of his eye. He focused more on her than on the movie.

‘Why didn’t I notice that she was this beautiful?’ a little voice in him asked. He had just begun noticing it, her red pouty lips, her sparkling brown eyes, her captivating smile. Why did it take him this long to notice them?

Changmin was fished out from his thoughts as he felt Ji Eun’s soft hands against his. The touch sent electricity towards him and he almost jumped up from it.

“Yah, Minnie, I’m just gonna get some popcorn.” Ji Eun said from beside him. “No need to be jumpy. Or was it because you don’t want me to get some?”

“Oh, no, no. I, er, just got surprised, that’s all.”

Ji Eun chuckled and it sounded like music to his ears. “Fine, if you say so.”

She took a handful of popcorn and started munching on them. Silence was between the two of them again as Ji Eun went back to watching the movie while Changmin was still secretly watching her. He placed the bowl on the coffee table beside him. He was in no mood to eat and, for some reason, his heart was thumping too loud for comfort in his chest. Changmin cleared his throat and shifted on his seat. After a moment, he shifted again.

“Yah, Minnie?” Ji Eun peered at him curiously after taking her last piece of popcorn into . “Are you feeling okay? You’ve been acting really weird.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m okay. No problems here.” He said, forcing out a little smile.

Ji Eun sighed and faced the TV again. Changmin, however, didn’t tear his gaze away from her.

“Er, Ji Eun?” He said cautiously. She turned her head around to look at him and when she did, Changmin suddenly placed a hand on her cheek and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers. Ji Eun blinked a few times before realization set in. Changmin was kissing her. Ji Eun jerked a little and moved a few inches away from Changmin, heart beating frantically inside her chest.

“Minnie, wh-what are you doing?” She asked, cheeks tinted red.

“I… I don’t know.”

They looked into each other’s eyes for a few more heartbeats before Changmin leaned in once more and claimed her lips. The kiss was sweeter than he had ever imagined. Her lips were soft and they left a lingering taste on his lips. He wanted more. His hands went around her, pulling her body closer to his own as his lips got busy even more.


It was morning. The bright rays of the sun passed through the window, hitting Ji Eun’s face with its warm greeting. She opened her eyes a little then closed it again. Ji Eun moved a little to the side then, realizing she was on the couch, her eyes fluttered open.

Beside her was Changmin, shirtless and sleeping soundly. He was so close that she could feel his calm breathing on her forehead. His left arm was over her and they were sharing a blanket. And that’s when she felt the fabric on her bare skin. Ji Eun blushed as she remembered she was stark . She looked down and saw both hers and Changmin’s clothes littering the floor. Ji Eun blushed more as she remembered what had happened between her and Changmin last night.

They did it. She slept with him. It felt wonderful… amazing… beautiful… and Ji Eun knew it was utterly wrong.

Slowly and carefully, she removed Changmin’s hand off of her and placed it to his side. She covered herself with the blanket and used a spare to cover Changmin up. She then took her clothes and quickly walked out of the living room.


As soon as Ji Eun locked the door to the bathroom, tears began spilling out. What happened last night was all confusing to her. A dozen of questions plagued her mind and she felt an odd concoction in her heart.

A part of her was ecstatic it finally happened. She had been waiting years for this to happen. After all, Ji Eun had been in love with Changmin ever since they were little but he didn’t notice her like that then. It broke her heart but Ji Eun still wanted to be friends with him. And she tried her best to get over him. Ji Eun succeeded, yet she still managed to keep Changmin as her best friend.

But now…

She was finally over him. She had finally forgotten those feelings she had felt for him years ago. And she met Nichkhun.


Ji Eun trembled under the lukewarm water of the shower as she imagined what her boyfriend would do if ever he found out she had slept with her best friend. He would be devastated and Ji Eun couldn’t let that happen. She loves him. And she just wanted to stab herself right then and there for betraying Nickhun.

Ji Eun cried hard, feeling like she was the most horrible person in the world.


Ji Eun finally got out of the showers, albeit her eyes were now a little bit puffy. She went into her room and got ready for work. Ji Eun figured it was best to just distract herself and be busy. She moved quicker than usual, hoping that Changmin was still asleep when she leaves. But when she went downstairs, he was already awake, waiting for her.

“Hey,” Changmin greeted her brightly with the widest smile on. He had his pants on but he was still shirtless. Changmin walked towards her and was about to plant a kiss on her but she quickly moved a step back. “Yah, what’s wrong?”

“Changmin,” She whispered, trembling and Changmin noticed she didn’t use his pet name to call him. He frowned. “We need to talk. Last night…”

“Ji Eun, last night was wonderful. It’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” Changmin said sincerely. “And how you kissed me back last night… I knew you do feel the same way, don’t you?”

Ji Eun drew a breath before biting her lip. She was very tempted to say yes but the rational side of her screamed no. “Changmin, last night… Even if it was that wonderful, it’s still wrong.”

“What are you saying?” Changmin’s smile disappeared and a deep frown took its place.

“Look, maybe you’re still not over Hye Sun and you wanted some comfort.”

“Hye Sun has nothing to do with this! Believe or not I’m over her…” Changmin took a breath before continuing. Tears were welling up in his eyes and he couldn’t believe what he was saying. “And, you know what? I’m actually in love with someone! I recently discovered I’ve been in love with my best friend all along.”

The words took Ji Eun by surprise and she couldn’t stop one tear from rolling down her cheek. “Look, it’s not that easy. Have you forgotten I’m with Nichkhun now? I already feel horrible for betraying him!”

“Then why did you sleep with me last night if you ing love that guy?!” Changmin’s face was red now, both from anger and from stopping himself to cry. “Was last night just a past time to you? Were you playing with me? Did you do it out of pity?” He asked though Changmin himself knew this wasn’t true.

“No! Of course not!” Ji Eun defended. Tears were rolling down both of her cheeks now. “I wouldn’t treat you like that! It’s nothing like that.”

“Then why?”

“Because I feel the same way! I’m in love with you! I mean, I WAS but then you never looked at me like that. To you I was only your best friend! And I am. I tried my best to forget my feelings for you so that we could still be friends and it was working for years. Now that I have moved on, you go around kissing me then saying you’re in love me! Don’t you know how confusing that is? Unlike you, I still have to consider Nichkhun’s feelings too besides mine!”

Changmin looked down, uncertain of what to say and what to feel. He was happy that Ji Eun felt the same way but he realized he was an idiot not to notice how she truly felt for him those years back. And now he’s an even bigger idiot.

“I… I’m sorry.” He muttered after a few moments of silence. Ji Eun had stopped crying now though her face was still red and her cheeks were still stained with tears. Another wave of silence passed. Changmin wanted to move closer and give Ji Eun a hug, the usual thing he does when she’s depressed but, in light of what happened, he wasn’t sure if he should do this.

“I’m late for work.” Ji Eun finally muttered. Without looking at Changmin, she took her keys and marched out the door. Changmin watched as the door closed behind her. He slowly made his way into the living room then sat down on the couch. He covered his face with his hands and finally let the tears he had held back earlier out.

Everything was just very complicated right now.


Even with eight hours of looking at the computer screen and filling her mind with data from numerous files, Ji Eun still couldn’t distract herself from her problems. Nichkhun had called her a few times earlier and had notice the tone of her voice. She always answered she was okay whenever he asked what was happening to her. She knew Nichkhun wasn’t convinced by it but she was thankful he didn’t pry on the matter.

When her overtime finally ended, Ji Eun took the stairs and walked slowly out of the building. She wasn’t exactly too keen on going home and facing Changmin. Ji Eun wasn’t sure how to act around him now. She sighed. Ji Eun took out her phone and read the messages she had ignored earlier. They were mostly from Nichkhun, asking her how she was. She smiled weakly at his effort though she was not in the mood to answer any of his messages. Ji Eun sifted more of the unread texts, a few from her friend Hyun Hyo and one or two from her younger sister. Ji Eun was about to lock her phone when she noticed a text from Changmin. She quickly pressed the key and read it.


Ji Eun-ah, mianhe… I think it’s my fault for making things complicated, especially for you. Though I want to tell you I’ll never regret what happened to us last night. And I’m hoping you won’t too. My feelings for you are still unchanged. It never will change. But it’s sad to think we can never be the same again… I’m sorry for making you suffer. It was never my intention…
I didn’t go to work today and just went out to hunt for an apartment. By the time you’ll come home, don’t worry, I won’t be there anymore. Thank you for everything…
I know it’s wrong to say this but… I love you.


Ji Eun couldn’t help but to read the message twice. Her heart sank when she read he was moving out but she stopped herself. They were never meant to be together. And, perhaps, this was the best for both of them…




This isn't finish yet... there's still a sequel coming up. :) this was supposed to be a oneshot but it got longer so I made it a threeshot with a oneshot sequel... in short, a mini-series. lol

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Chapter 5: Really good story author-nim..
whiteshirt #2
nice job author!!
gotler #3
Great job here.
This was a really good fic. Thank you
boku_ikemen #5
how come i didnt see this in ur prof.. >.<<br />
man this is good! hehehe<br />
i love your stories.. really.. XD<br />
hwaiting!<br />
u have so many stories that still needs updating..<br />
ahh ure so good that i ended up subscribing every fics u made hahaha
Just found this on ChangMins tag. This is awesome! Great. :D I even subscribed though it's completed. :) more Chang Min fics! ;)
LOL YEAH I really liked it :D<br />
<br />
Just a thought on the last one, Khun could have been since he's so cute. Lol my mind
kialis #8
aw, the nickhyun special was cute. (: he found his loveerr! <br />
well, anyways, i enjoyed reading thiss! :D
#9 I'm a bit confused if i should comment here or on winglin... i mean, you should reply to your last reply on winglin and all but ugh, winglin's starting to get on my nerves ^^'<br />
sooo... I'm gonna comment here ;P<br />
YAY for Nichkhun! :D He found his girls!!!!!! I was feeling sooo sorry for him and it made me happy that he wasn't left alone (or single,haha). The tricky ways of destiny,haha... xD<br />
and about the things you wrote on winglin (I read your reply)... well, I'm not sick anymore, i'm fine,haha and Jae should give me some space,lol *hugs you o annoy Jae* ;P oh, and Minnie should give you some room too ;D<br />
Ohh...that's what it means :D it's romantic <3<br />
And don't call my Joongie weird ;PPP<br />
Ah, I've missed your updates... It was refreshing to read this ;D