And I just might feel the same way too

And I don't want to fall for you (Series)

The first few notes of the wedding march began, the sounds echoing inside the church and instantly silencing the crowd. The double oak doors opened and the crowd simultaneously held their breaths. The bride walked in, wearing a stunning white wedding gown, her face covered by a semi-transparent veil. In her hands was a beautiful bouquet of white roses. Reaching the aisle, she was greeted by her father. She held onto him, smiling sweetly at him through the veil. He smiled back before marching towards the other end of the aisle… to where the groom was.

Changmin’s hands were uncontrollably shaking as he watched the father and daughter walked towards him. He can feel sweat trickling down the side of his face despite the air conditioning. His mouth fell dry and he was afraid he might choke on the words he was supposed to utter later in the ceremony.

The footsteps sounded louder now. Changmin looked straight ahead and found his bride only a few footsteps near him. Only a few heartbeats away…




The bride took her last step and stood beside him. Her father gave her a long hug before he moved to his seat. Changmin held his breath, his hands shaking out of nervousness. He didn’t dare look at anyone, even at his bride or even at the minister. He kept his gaze straight at the altar.

“Minnie, you're shaking.” She whispered beside him.

The sound of her voice immediately had an effect on him. Changmin slowly began to relax, his head finally turning beside her. And then, from behind the veil, Changmin saw Ji Eun smile her brightest smile at him. His heart skipped a beat yet he finally stopped shaking. At an instant, his nervousness disappeared, pure happiness had replaced it.

Ji Eun was finally going to be his.

“We are gathered here today…”

The minister spoke up in a deep, booming voice, making Changmin almost jolt up in his seat from surprise. Fortunately for him, he managed to subconsciously stop himself before he made a scene inside the church. After giving an apologetic look at the woman seated beside him, Changmin turned to face the altar. As the minister continued on, it was obvious that the happy couple—his friends Hyun Hyo and Chansung—couldn’t contain their excitement. Even from the side, their wide smiles and blooming faces can still be seen.

Changmin bit his lip, trying to ignore the pang of jealousy hitting inside him. But it was too great. When will he experience that kind of happiness? When will he experience that great love once again? He couldn’t help but wonder. Letting out a sigh, Changmin let his eyes wonder over to the side of the altar, a particular place he had been trying his best to avoid earlier. But he couldn’t help it. Changmin’s heart instantly did a somersault as his eyes finally landed on the maid of honor. Ji Eun looked beautiful as always. No, she looked more breathtaking now than ever before. Her pink gown fitted her perfectly and it made her look more blooming in his opinion.

Changmin glued his eyes on her. He knew it was wrong and it might possibly cause his heart more pain but he just couldn’t help it. He hadn’t seen her for more than a month, hadn’t talked to her, not even a text message. Changmin missed her terribly. This was the longest time he and Ji Eun didn’t speak to each other. It was tearing him apart but now… They’re actually in the same place together.

He kept his gaze on her. Changmin knew they couldn’t talk to each other like they did before. He was sure they couldn’t even exchange a single word before feeling… awkward. Things have changed. And Changmin promised himself he would do his best to keep a distance from her now. He could settle with her just looking back at him. Just one look. No words needed. Not even a smile. He just needed Ji Eun to look at him for even just one moment. That’s all he needs to reassure him she didn’t erase his existence from her mind. Changmin would give anything for that.

A few feet away, at the side of the altar, Ji Eun was feeling uncomfortable. She knew Changmin was there, Hyun Hyo told her as a subtle warning. Ji Eun also knew he could see her but she tried as best as she could to stop herself from searching the crowd for those sparkling mismatched eyes she used to love.

For anything, Ji Eun just wants to let the day pass by without seeing even just Changmin’s shadow.



“You’ve been quiet, you know.”

Changmin looked up from the table to find his friend, Jaejoong, looking concernedly at him. The former tried his best to force a smile. “Really? I didn’t notice.” Changmin answered softly.

“You miss her.” It wasn’t a question. “You’ve been looking at her the whole hour back in the church.”

Changmin bit his lip. “I couldn’t help it. I haven’t seen her for weeks…” his voice trailed off. He let out a sigh before asking the one thing he had been dreading to ask ever since he had gotten the invitation from Hyun Hyo a week ago. “Is… she here with Nichkhun?”

Changmin’s voice was barely a whisper but Jaejoong still heard it. The latter thought for a moment before he gave a reply. “You really want to know that?”


Jaejoong heard the hesitation in his friend’s voice. He let out a sigh before telling him something he was sure Changmin didn’t like to hear. “Yes, I saw him with her earlier before the ceremony.”

Changmin bit his lip harder. There was silence in their table for a few moments before Jaejoong stood up.

“The bride and groom have arrived. I’ll walk up to them to personally congratulate them. Wanna come?”

Changmin shook his head. He suddenly felt in no mood to even move. “I’ll congratulate them later. You go on ahead.”

Jaejoong sighed before walking away, leaving his friend alone at the table to sulk.



A blur of pink clouded Changmin’s line of vision. He had been lost deep in his thoughts again and when he came back to reality, he saw the bridesmaids and other of the girls crowded in front.

“What’s happening?” Changmin asked Jaejoong who was sipping a glass of champagne.

“Hyun Hyo’s throwing the bouquet.”

Changmin formed his lips to a silent “Oh” as his eyes went back to the crowd of girls. It seemed like they had a mind of their own as his eyes immediately landed on Ji Eun. She was on the other side, at the edge of the crowd, smiling shyly. Changmin knew her well enough to know that she’s usually shy at these kinds of events. Hyun Hyo had probably forced her to join. Changmin smiled a little.

There were a few screams and gasps, cue that the bouquet was finally thrown. It headed towards the left side and Ji Eun had unintentionally caught it. The look of surprise on her face was cute in Changmin’s opinion that he couldn’t stop smiling at her. Applauses broke out, making Ji Eun blush and she covered half of her face with her hand. It was obvious she didn’t know what to do next. She looked around the reception hall, face flushed and for one intense moment, she locked eyes with him. Changmin stiffened in his seat as those bright brown eyes of hers were staring directly at him. Changmin could feel his heart beat erratically inside his chest. Their gaze lingered for a few moments longer until the bride broke it as she hugged Ji Eun and led her in front.

It was the groom’s turn to throw the garter. A number of men piled in front but Changmin stayed rooted in his seat.

“You’re not gonna join?” Jaejoong asked.

“I…” Changmin hesitated. There was a chance that he might catch the garter and he and Ji Eun would—

“Just stand up already.” Jaejoong urged, not wanting to wait for his reply. He took Changmin by the arm and tried to make him stand.

“Okay. Okay.” Changmin said, but he felt his voice crack. He stood and was about to walk towards the center when he saw Nichkhun. There was a brief moment wherein Nichkhun had his eyes on him but it was only for a split second then Nichkhun walked on.

“I’ve changed my mind.” Changmin quickly went back to his seat. Jaejoong would’ve protested but he saw what Changmin had seen. The latter went back to sulking, blocking out most of what was happening in the reception hall.

Little did he know that if he could have continued walking at the center, Changmin would have been the one who would catch the garter.



Ji Eun bit her lip, trying her best not to let her eyes wonder at one particular table at the far right of the hall.

“Ji Eun-ah, what’s wrong?” Nichkhun asked though he already knows what it might be.

“It’s nothing.” She muttered as she looked up at him.

He frowned then sighed. “I want to say something,” He began. “About this. But—”

“Nichkhun-ah, please, don’t.” Ji Eun cut him off. “I’m… I’m fine.”

Nichkhun smiled, but the smile didn’t reach up to his eyes. His smile never does so in the past few weeks. “If you say so.” He said. Despite the casual tone, Ji Eun sensed the hurt in Nichkhun’s voice but she couldn’t do anything about it. He insisted on this, even if it hurt both of them, especially him.



Changmin was restless after he had eaten his dinner. Half of him wanted to go and find Ji Eun, to talk to her while the more logical half was screaming at him not to. His demeanor did not go unnoticed.

“If you want to do something, just go for it.” Jaejoong said in a laid-back manner as he looked up from his plate. “You know you’ll regret it if you miss your chance.”

Changmin let out a mild groan. “I… can’t. I can’t face her.”

“You can’t avoid this. You have to face each other sooner or later. Why not make it sooner?”

“I’m… afraid.” Changmin’s voice got softer. “I’m afraid to hear what she’ll say. What if she and Nichkhun are now engaged?”

“You’re letting your fear get the better of you.”

Changmin paused for a moment, eyes searching for her in the sea of crowd. Nichkhun had an empty seat next to him in their table. Ji Eun was nowhere to be seen.

“I don’t know.” Changmin finally said. He sighed, wanting to get this feeling out of his mind. Remembering he hadn’t gave the couple his congratulations, Changmin stood up. He needed to do things to get his mind running on something else… anything else other than her. “I haven’t talked to the couple yet.” Changmin told Jaejoong. The latter just sighed but nodded anyway.



Ji Eun walked out of the bathroom, again. She had lost count of how many times she had gone back and forth in there and Ji Eun was about to start silently cursing her kidneys and bladder. But she was too tired. Fatigue was dawning on her and she wanted to get to bed as soon as possible.

Ji Eun walked towards the center of the hall, to where the couple was, planning to talk to them and let them know she’ll be going home. She was feeling a little dizzy and she didn’t realize the couple was talking to someone until she was near enough.

“Oh, Ji Eun!” Hyun Hyo squealed even before she could turn around.

Time seemed to stop as the dashing man in his semi-formal attire turned around to look at her. The air felt awkward as she exchanged looks with Changmin.

“H-Hi…” He muttered with a look of gentle surprise. Changmin didn’t expect to see her this close to him… much more talk to her.

“Hi.” She mumbled softly back, her heart silently wanting to burst out of her chest. Ji Eun shifted her gaze towards the couple. Hyun Hyo was grinning while Chansung looked at them with a curious expression on.

“Changmin here was just congratulating us.” Hyun Hyo started and Ji Eun had no choice but to walk closer to them—and closer to Changmin.

“Oh.” Was all that she can reply.

“So, how’s the food?” The cheerful bride inquired. “I think it’s really great but Chansung here only has his eyes on the desert, Banana Crème Pie.”

“It’s great.” Ji Eun mumbled, trying her best to ignore Changmin beside her. “Listen, I think I need to go.”

“What?” Hyun Hyo frowned and looked concernedly at her friend. “So soon?”

“I’d love to stay but I’m not feeling that well.”

The bride still looked concerned but she inwardly grinned. “Oh… Do you need a ride? I think Changmin has a car, right? He could—”

“Oh, that’s fine.” Ji Eun cut in before Hyun Hyo could continue and before Changmin could say anything, “I already called a cab.” It was a lie though.

“Okay, then.” Hyun Hyo answered, feigning a defeated sigh. “I hope you feel better soon. After all, you’ve been feeling sick ever since this morning. I told Chansung about what was happening to you while you were getting your make-up done.” Hyun Hyo lightly kicked her new husband on the leg, under the table.

As if on cue, Chansung quickly mumbled something about it. “Er, what was it again, honey?” he asked, hoping he had said the right words.

The bride was looking at Ji Eun but her voice was directed more on Changmin, who stood frozen at Ji Eun’s side. “Well, this morning, Ji Eun was really feeling sick. She was feeling nauseous and she kept going to the bathroom. I was very worried that I almost asked for a replacement. But Ji Eun insisted she was fine.”

“Ah.” Chansung exclaimed in effect.

What Hyun Hyo had said instantly triggered a reaction from Changmin. “Ji Eun-ah, are you sure you’re okay?” he suddenly blurted out without thinking.

Ji Eun looked surprised for a moment before answering. “Y-yeah, I am. It’s just s-stress, that’s a-all.”

Hyun Hyo rolled her eyes but no one saw it. “Stress?” She muttered but before she could go on, Ji Eun gave her a look that was meant as a warning. Hyun Hyo sighed, genuinely defeated.

“Well, I’ll be going now. Again, congratulations to the two of you.” Ji Eun walked towards the side of the bride and gave her a long hug.

“You shouldn’t keep this a secret from him.” Hyun Hyo whispered in her friend’s ear. “He has the right to know.”

Ji Eun sighed. “Now’s not the time.”


“Nice seeing you again.” Changmin forced himself to say when he and Ji Eun found themselves looking rather stupidly at one another.

“Er, yeah. You too.” She said. Another awkward silence passed before they started walking but towards different directions. Changmin watched Ji Eun from the corner of his eyes. She walked towards the table where Nichkhun was, whispering something in his ear. He could see Nichkhun stand up but Ji Eun shook her head. After a short hug, Nichkhun kissed her on the cheek and she started walking towards the door.

“You do know the law of proximity in relationships, do you?” Jaejoong asked as soon as Changmin sat glumly on his chair.

“I do, why?” He answered mechanically, his mind on something else.

“Really? Because if you do then you would certainly know what’s really going on.” Jaejoong muttered. Changmin had heard him but his mind was too busy processing what it is. His thoughts were still on Ji Eun and the new concoction of emotion he was currently feeling. Changmin reached for his glass of champagne and gulped the contents down all at once.

Feeling unsatisfied, he frowned and stood up.

“Where are you going?” Jaejoong asked, hoping his friend was planning something dramatic like running after the love of his life.

“I need a drink.” He said before walking out of the hall and heading towards the hotel’s bar.



Changmin played with his glass of whiskey before downing the liquid down. He let out an “Ah” first before placing the glass down the counter with a dull thud. He was about to order another one when someone took the seat next to him.

“Ah, this feels like bachelor’s night again, only gloomier.”

Chanmgin turned and saw Nichkhun facing the bartender and ordering two bottles of beer for both of them. The former frowned.

“Shouldn’t you be somewhere else and doing something else?”

Nichkhun looked up at him with half a smile. “Like where and what?”

“How about in your girlfriend’s place, taking care of her?” Changmin didn’t hide the annoyance in his voice.

The bartender set the glasses in front of them then went off. Nichkhun took a swig of his bottle first before answering.

“Dude, you must have been blind not to see it.”

Changmin glared at him and did his best to force himself not punch the lights out of this guy. “See what?”

There was a pause. “Ji Eun and I aren’t together anymore.” Nichkhun looked straight ahead, his eyes unfocused, his lips pursed like he just said something that was distasteful in his mouth.

Changmin didn’t understand it at first. But the urge of killing the man sitting beside him had instantly disappeared. “W-what? But you two were—”

“We were here at the wedding together, yes, but only as friends. I promised her I’d still be by her side no matter what happens between us.” No matter how hurtful. Nichkhun didn’t say the last part out loud.

Changmin got confused more. They weren’t together anymore but Ji Eun avoided him still.

“She feels funny around you.” Nichkhun said as if he just read Changmin’s mind. “Ji Eun. She always talks about you. Always. Even in the last month, I knew she was trying her best not to talk about you. But she couldn’t. I’ve always had a feeling she had feelings for you. I was wrong though. They weren’t just feelings. She was downright in love with you.”

Nichkhun took another swig of beer, hurt etched deeply in his face. Changmin couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“W-what…” Changmin hesitated to ask but he couldn’t keep his curiosity at bay. “What happened?”

Nichkhun turned to him, eyes sad but his face looked serious. He didn’t look at all like he wanted to kill Changmin simply because he existed. “Do you know that Ji Eun couldn’t keep a secret from me? She’s bad at lying. Yes, she told me she loved me a few times and I knew it was true. Only, she couldn’t hide the fact that she loved you more than me. And that night, you and her… She couldn’t hide that from me either.”

Nichkhun’s voice trailed off. He held the bottle of beer tightly in his hand before downing all of its contents. Changmin felt sorry for the guy.

“I’m sorry…” He said it softly, not really knowing what to say.

“It’s okay.” Nichkhun answered, tears starting to form in his eyes. “She cried hard when she told me. I was angry at first. Very angry. But then I knew all along I never owned her heart. But I love her. I love her so much that just I couldn’t stand and be away from her. I was the one who ended things and we both agreed to do our best to stay friends.”

Nichkhun was too distraught. He took the bottle of beer in front of Changmin and drank it. The latter let him, finding himself in no mood to drink more alcohol.

“I said I never owned her heart.” Nichkhun continued, face red and tears were already streaming down his face. “I never even came close. I envy you. I keep wishing I could be you, because Ji Eun only had eyes for you. And her heart had always been yours.”



Changmin stepped on the gas pedal. The protesting yells of the other drivers on the road fell on deaf ears as his red car flew pass them. Changmin didn’t have a care for anything right now. The alcohol he had drunk earlier had already evaporated. His mind was sober and it kept on repeating what Nichkhun had told him earlier.


“Changmin-sshi, do you know why I know Ji Eun really loved you?” Nichkhun’s face was redder now and he seemed not to keen on being careful with the alcohol as he just ordered another three bottles, all for himself.

“Nothing ever happened between Ji Eun and me.” He continued. “It’s not that I didn’t want to, heck, I WANTED to. But she always said no. I thought then she was old-fashioned. That’s why I almost exploded like a volcano when I heard she willingly said yes to you. But, hell, she loved you. Loved you.”

Changmin was both happy and confused at this. Ji Eun did love him back but why didn’t she do anything earlier? What was going on with her? If she and Nichkhun were over then why did she act that way earlier? She could’ve at least talked to him more.

“And barabing! You two even beat Hyun Hyo-sshi and Chansung-sshi to it!”

Changmin made a face. This was the most confusing thing Nichkhun had said. “Excuse me?”

“Ah, I forgot Ji Eun wanted it to be a secret.” Nichkhun said, the alcohol was obviously getting to him.

“Wanted what to be a secret?”

Nichkhun sighed and looked at him seriously. “Didn’t you notice Ji Eun gained a few pounds?”

Changmin thought for a moment. Thinking about it, he noticed she did but he never put in much thought about it, until now. “Is she…”

“Ji Eun’s pregnant.”

End of Flashback+-------------

At those three words, Changmin bolted up from his seat and ran as fast as he could towards his car. Ji Eun was pregnant. That explained why she was feeling sick. Hyun Hyo was trying her best to send him hints but he was too blind to notice them. And now he knew…

Ji Eun’s apartment came into view. He parked in front of it and dashed out of his car, towards her door. He knocked on her door a few times before finally taking in a lungful of air that he needed after the dash. A moment that felt like an eternity passed before he heard footsteps.

Ji Eun opened the door, expecting someone like her landlord or a neighbor for only they knock on her door at this time of night. But fell open as soon as she saw who it was.

“Ch-Changmin?” She asked, mouth gaped. “Wh-what are you—”

Before she could continue her question, Changmin marched in. He quickly trapped her in his arms and Ji Eun could feel his lips pressed on hers. Her mind tried to break free but her limbs didn’t move. She was powerless.

Changmin kissed her passionately, a kiss both of them had secretly longed for in the past weeks. All logic flew out of the window as Ji Eun returned the embrace and kissed him back. She missed him just as much as he missed her.

After what seemed like forever, the two broke off, breathing heavily but still not moving that much farther away.

“W-what was that for?” Ji Eun asked, her soft voice shaking as she felt weak and leaned on his chest.

“I’ve been dying to do that.” He answered. “It’s been killing me and when I saw you earlier…”

Changmin’s voice trailed off he could still feel her lips against his despite the millimeters of distance and he gave her a short peck before continuing. “Nichkhun told me everything.”

“He what?” Ji Eun’s eyes opened wide in shock and she tried to break free but she couldn’t. Changmin held firmly onto her waist.

“Everything.” Changmin said again after giving another peck at her soft lips. “Why didn’t you tell me anything? I think I prefer the news of me being a father coming out from you rather than him.” His tone sounded light and amused.

“I... I was scared. I didn’t know what your reaction would be.” She whispered, looking down at their feet.

Changmin placed his fingers on her chin and made her look up. “I’d be ecstatic.” He gave another peck at Ji Eun’s lips then looked straight in her eyes. “Normally, I’d be angry at the fact that I was the last to know about this but I could look past that, on one condition.”

“What condition?”

Changmin kissed Ji Eun on the mouth again and when they broke off, he breathed into her lips. “You already know I love you, right?”

Ji Eun nodded. “And I love you too.”

Changmin smiled. “Then my condition is this… marry me.”

He felt her hitch her breath and Changmin didn’t wait for her answer as he caught her lips again.


still thinking about a Nichkhun special... :)

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Chapter 5: Really good story author-nim..
whiteshirt #2
nice job author!!
gotler #3
Great job here.
This was a really good fic. Thank you
boku_ikemen #5
how come i didnt see this in ur prof.. >.<<br />
man this is good! hehehe<br />
i love your stories.. really.. XD<br />
hwaiting!<br />
u have so many stories that still needs updating..<br />
ahh ure so good that i ended up subscribing every fics u made hahaha
Just found this on ChangMins tag. This is awesome! Great. :D I even subscribed though it's completed. :) more Chang Min fics! ;)
LOL YEAH I really liked it :D<br />
<br />
Just a thought on the last one, Khun could have been since he's so cute. Lol my mind
kialis #8
aw, the nickhyun special was cute. (: he found his loveerr! <br />
well, anyways, i enjoyed reading thiss! :D
#9 I'm a bit confused if i should comment here or on winglin... i mean, you should reply to your last reply on winglin and all but ugh, winglin's starting to get on my nerves ^^'<br />
sooo... I'm gonna comment here ;P<br />
YAY for Nichkhun! :D He found his girls!!!!!! I was feeling sooo sorry for him and it made me happy that he wasn't left alone (or single,haha). The tricky ways of destiny,haha... xD<br />
and about the things you wrote on winglin (I read your reply)... well, I'm not sick anymore, i'm fine,haha and Jae should give me some space,lol *hugs you o annoy Jae* ;P oh, and Minnie should give you some room too ;D<br />
Ohh...that's what it means :D it's romantic <3<br />
And don't call my Joongie weird ;PPP<br />
Ah, I've missed your updates... It was refreshing to read this ;D