The Dangers of Falling [1/3]

And I don't want to fall for you (Series)

He was standing on a narrow stretch of walkway along the famous Han River. The river looked beautiful as the silent moon above illuminated it, giving the water a stunning sparkled look. The spot was romantic. It was perfect.

Changmin held the ring tighter in between his fingers as he leaned on the railing. It was a stunning single diamond, gold-banded engagement ring, a perfect embellishment on his girlfriend’s slim finger. He smiled as he imagined her reaction when he’ll drop down on his knee at this very spot and reveal it to her.


Changmin turned to see a girl with shoulder-length dark brown hair walking towards him. He placed the ring back in its box and smiled at her.

“Ji Eunnie~!” He greeted back.

Ji Eun smiled. “Yah, Minnie-ah, what’s so important that you had to make me go here straight after work, huh?”

Changmin grinned and held out his hand. On it was a small red box and Ji Eun instantly knew what he was saying.

“Omo! Don’t tell me… you’re finally going to ask it?” she asked excitedly and he nodded. “Yes! Finally! So, when are you gonna pop the question?”

“I don’t know. Soon, I guess.” He said. “I’m still feeling nervous as hell. I think I’ll get tongue-tied when I ask her.”

Ji Eun only chuckled. “Yah, Shim Changmin. I’ve known you since we were still playing mindlessly in the sandbox. Trust your best friend when I say you’ll do well. Besides, it’s Hye Sun we’re talking about. She loves you no matter how idiotic you are.”

Changmin smiled at his best friend’s joke but he still looked trouble. “I know, I know. But… I’m just so nervous. I keep imagining the scenario in my head and it always ends up me choking or something and once, even, dying.”

Ji Eun raised an eyebrow. She took both of Changmin’s shoulders and sternly looked up at him. “Changmin, Changmin, Changmin.” She said in a tone that mocked their high-school teacher who always picked on him. “Those are just your imaginations and the dying thing was way beyond exaggeration. Trust me, you’ll do great.”

“Okay, okay. I will… But, I’ll ask a favor. Can I, maybe like, practice it on you?”

“Huh? Practice it on me? Aish, Changmin.” Ji Eun shook her head but smiled anyway. “Fine, but isn’t that dangerous?”

“Huh? How?”

“You know in movies where the guy asks a friend to act like the girlfriend so that he could practice the lines with, kinda like what you just asked? It usually ends up with the guy falling for his friend.” Ji Eun said in a mock serious tone. She then let out a fake gasp. “Oh my! You’re gonna fall in love with me then.”

Changmin chuckled. His best friend’s wackiness never fails to put a smile on his face. “Ji Eunnie, those only happen in movies. Besides, I think Nichkhun will pound me to a pulp if ever I decide to keep you for myself. You have to admit he’s too possessive about you.”

“Yah, Khunnie isn’t like that!”

“Fine, fine. If you say so. Now, can we go on with this?”

“Fine. But don’t fall in love with me.”

Ji Eun said it with a smile on her face and Changmin knew it was a joke, but he nodded anyway. He cleared his throat and dropped down on one knee. He tried to picture her as Hye Sun, imagining his girlfriend’s shock yet happy expression.

“Hye Sun…” he started, voice shaking. “I’ve known you for a long time now…”

Changmin paused, thinking of what to say next. Ji Eun knew him well enough not to interrupt him. He cleared his throat again, heart throbbing wildly in his chest as he failed to think of a witty phrase to say. Changmin was thankful this wasn’t the real thing or else he’ll be in trouble. He looked up at Ji Eun, wanting to know her reaction. She was simply smiling down on him, silently giving him encouragement. Her smile somehow calmed him down and Changmin managed to smile back.

“I guess…” he finally continued. “What I’m trying to say is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you… marry me?”

Changmin said it wholeheartedly. He didn’t notice it but the image of Hye Sun in front of him disappeared from his mind and the words he had uttered just now were directly for his best friend. To say it towards Ji Eun, it felt right. He couldn’t imagine saying it to Hye Sun. No. He can only picture Ji Eun in a white dress, walking down the aisle, towards him. Her, his best friend. Ji Eun would look beautiful in a white dress, standing beside him in front of—

"Hey, that's great!" Ji Eun’s words woke him up from his daze. "You looked a little nervous but it’s okay. Trust me, when you ask her that I'm sure she'll say yes!"

Changmin blinked a few times, realizing what he was thinking. He slowly stood up and forced a smile at his best friend’s enthusiasm.

“Erm… y-yeah.” He muttered.

Changmin suddenly felt uncertain. He turned and stared straight into Ji Eun’s brown eyes. He felt funny… funny, weird. It was like something in him stirred…

A phone beeped. Changmin watched as Ji Eun fished her phone out of her pocket. He could see her smile get wider and he instantly knew who had texted her. Changmin couldn’t help but frown.

“Yah, Minnie, I gotta go.” She said as she placed her phone back in her pocket. “Khunnie says he just had a dinner reservation for two and his other half should be at the restaurant soon. What a weirdo. Sweet, yes, but still a weirdo.” Ji Eun chuckled, oblivious to her best friend’s change of mood.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll see you tomorrow?” Changmin asked stiffly.

“Sure. Tell me how it goes with Hye Sun, okay?”

“Huh? Oh yeah. Sure.” He mumbled but Ji Eun was already on her way.

Changmin watched her retreating back. He then turned around, towards the Han River. He placed his hands on the top of the railing and sighed aloud.

Hye Sun. He almost forgot about her for a moment there. Changmin still had the box in his hand but he was now having doubts. He was confused. He suddenly felt SOMETHING towards his best friend. Changmin wasn’t sure if it was something real or just a spur of the moment emotion.

Changmin shook his head and decided to just ignore it.


Breaths got heavy as hands explored each other’s body, his from her already down to her hip and hers sneaking underneath his shirt, running up and down from his chest down to his stomach and pulling the shirt over his head and tossing it just anywhere. Both of their mouths were consumed by each other's in a heated kiss until he moves his head down and plants wet kisses on her neck, going down and eliciting moans from her.

Changmin couldn’t stand watching the sickening scene. He was standing by the doorway of their apartment, watching his girlfriend in her underwear making out with another guy on their couch. Changmin never felt betrayed in his entire life.

Fuming, he marched towards the two and pulled the guy away from her.

“Changmin!” Hye Sun cried, clearly shocked.

“HOW COULD YOU?!” Changmin screamed, face red with rage.

“I-I… Changmin-ah, it’s not what you think.” Hye Sun tried to plead.


Changmin waited for some kind of explanation but Hye Sun remained silent. She looked pleadingly at him. He shook his head. He shot one glance at the guy, who was silently watching both of them with an amused expression on, then marched towards the bedroom.

A few minutes later, Changmin was out of the apartment with his entire luggage in hand.




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Chapter 5: Really good story author-nim..
whiteshirt #2
nice job author!!
gotler #3
Great job here.
This was a really good fic. Thank you
boku_ikemen #5
how come i didnt see this in ur prof.. >.<<br />
man this is good! hehehe<br />
i love your stories.. really.. XD<br />
hwaiting!<br />
u have so many stories that still needs updating..<br />
ahh ure so good that i ended up subscribing every fics u made hahaha
Just found this on ChangMins tag. This is awesome! Great. :D I even subscribed though it's completed. :) more Chang Min fics! ;)
LOL YEAH I really liked it :D<br />
<br />
Just a thought on the last one, Khun could have been since he's so cute. Lol my mind
kialis #8
aw, the nickhyun special was cute. (: he found his loveerr! <br />
well, anyways, i enjoyed reading thiss! :D
#9 I'm a bit confused if i should comment here or on winglin... i mean, you should reply to your last reply on winglin and all but ugh, winglin's starting to get on my nerves ^^'<br />
sooo... I'm gonna comment here ;P<br />
YAY for Nichkhun! :D He found his girls!!!!!! I was feeling sooo sorry for him and it made me happy that he wasn't left alone (or single,haha). The tricky ways of destiny,haha... xD<br />
and about the things you wrote on winglin (I read your reply)... well, I'm not sick anymore, i'm fine,haha and Jae should give me some space,lol *hugs you o annoy Jae* ;P oh, and Minnie should give you some room too ;D<br />
Ohh...that's what it means :D it's romantic <3<br />
And don't call my Joongie weird ;PPP<br />
Ah, I've missed your updates... It was refreshing to read this ;D