Episode 6. Hospital

Hey Mintytv Feat. Dong Bang Shin Ki HIATUS

Episode 6

(Dances around the room with her gifts.)

Ah! I forgot to ask Changmin to get me a drink... oh well I'll drink this and show this to them later.
(Untwists the cap and takes big gulps.)
Oh, it's mango!
(Finishes the rest of the drink.)
(She sits back down on the chair and checks her make up again. But she gets up a few minutes after and she has her hands clutching her stomach.)

 End of Recap.

Minty: (Groans and holds her stomach.) O-ppa... (Calls out but no one hears her.)

She is struggling to crawl towards the door so she just patiently waits for the guys to come back. The pain increases and her strength weakens. She closes her eyes and tears rolled down her face.

Jaejoong: Yunri-ah, we're back! (Skips in.)
Yunho: Yunri-ah, we bought some drinks for you too! (Looks in the plastic bag.)

They boys all walked in but they all dropped whatever they were holding and rushed straight to her.

Changmin: Yunri-ah!

Yunho rushed to her and grabs her shoulders.

Yunho: Yunri-ah, kenchana? YUNRI-AH!? What's wrong?! (Shakes her shoulders gently.)

The boys all crowd around her and the camera crew surrounds them as well.

Jaejoong: Get the manager! Someone get the manager!
Junsu: We have to call the ambulance! (Whips out his phone.)
Changmin: There's no time.
Yunho: Aish! Yunri-ah, can you hear me? (Turns his back against her and piggybacks her.)
Jaejoong: Yunho-ah, run! We need to get to the nearest hospital! (Carries Yunri and the group makes a run for it.)

More people crowd around them but once they saw the situation, everyone parted and gave way to the boys. Camera flashes and reporters were everywhere. Suddenly everything became chaotic and messy.

Yunho with his long legs ran as fast as he could with Jaejoong and Changmin closely behind. Yoochun and Junsu helped the group by making way for them. The camera crew also raced after them.

Yunho: Yunri-ah, stay with me araso? Stay with me! (Sprints up the stairs.)
Yunri: (Whimpers but holds him tightly.) Oppa... it h-hurts! Make it stop! (Cries, breathing rapidly.)
Yunho: Don't think about it, just stay with me. We're almost there. (Pants and speeds up.)

The group all gets into their van and they hurry to the hospital. Reporters and their cameramen along with Minty TV's camera crew all follow them all the way to the hospital.

Jaejoong: Somebody help!
Changmin: Something is wrong with her!
Yunho: Doctors!

The doctors all rush over and guide them to a room. They were asked to sit outside as the doctors do their procedure.

The reporters all rush to the worried boys' side.

Reporter: What is Yunri-sshi's condition? Do you know what caused this?
Yunho: We don't know yet, but hopefully we'll find out the cause of her condition.
Reporter: Did Yunri-sshi make some enemies or is this the cause of antis?
Yunho: We don't have any information right now, and we would appreciate if everyone could give us some time alone. (Says politely and softly.)

The boys sat at the bench outside of the room, consoling each other and giving each other encouragement that nothing bad will happen.

The reporters all left due to Yunho's sincere request and Yunri was moved to a more luxurious room, away from the reporters. Even though the request was made, a few reporters remain, lurking around in disguises.

After hearing the news from Junsu, Li Yin snuck out and went straight to the hospital.

Junsu: Li Yin is coming. (Sighed.)
Yunho: How could this happen?
Changmin: We were only gone for  a few minutes.
Jaejoong: She's going to be okay. She's going to be fine.
Yunho: How could this happen? (Rubs his temple frustratingly.)
Yoochun: We need to call our manager.
Yunho: I'll do it. (Pulls out his phone.)
Yoboseyo? Hyung, did you secure our dressing room? Oh the police is already there? Araso, call me when you find something out.
(Hangs up.)

Yoochun: Hyung, what did manager hyung say?
Changmin: The police is already there?!
Yunho: Calm down everyone. Manager hyung said that the police secured the area and they've already collected evidence. Judging from what the guards are saying, it was a fan or someone dressed like a fan. They found a gift basket with tons of snacks and drinks in there. Each was labeled with a name. The police has examined the snacks and drinks. Yunri's half finished drink was spiked and hyung said they found a note on the bottom of the basket. (Takes a deep breath and sits down beside s.)
Junsu: What did the note say?
Yunho: Hyung said it was a threat and a warning to stay away from us and other insults. Hyung didn't say further.
Jaejoong: That's ridiculous! How could this happen to Yunri-ah! She did nothing wrong!
Changmin: Did they find the girl?
Yunho: (Shakes his head.)

The boys all sighed and anxiously waits.

Yunri's Manager/ YM: Yah! Guys! (Runs towards them.)
Yunho: Ah, hyung! Why did it take you so long to arrive!? (Stands up and lets the manager sit down.)
YM: (Pants and tries to catch his breath from running.) Yah, I stayed to talk to the police. I was trying to find out some information.
Changmin: What did you find out?
YM: They have some footages from the security camera in the dressing room. The camera that is supposed to be used for Minty TV.
Junsu: And then?
YM: They caught a glimpse of the girl and they're searching for her and looks like some of Cassiopeia are helping too.
Jaejoong: Hyung this isn't good. Do you think the culprit is a Cassie?
YM: From the note, it did seem like she is a fan.
Yoochun: If she was a real Cassie, she wouldn't be immature and do this.
Yunho: We can't just put the blame on her. We could have protected her. Hyung, mianhe, we couldn't protect her from getting hurt. We were suppose to look after her... to see her suffered the same incident as me, it's horrible.
Jaejoong: (Tears up along with Junsu.) Why would they do this to her? She hasn't even debuted yet!

The doctor comes out, along with his nurses.
Yunho: Doctor! Is she okay?
Jaejoong: Can we see her!?
Changmin: What's her condition!?
Doctor: Everyone can calm down now. She's okay now. She's awake but she should really rest. She was poisoned but it's all out of her now. You may visit her but let her rest some more.
Li Yin: (Arrives running with Boa.) Oppa!
Boa: Yah! Where is she!? Yah, why didn't you call earlier?

The doctor lets everyone in as he leaves and closes the door. The screen fizzes out, not showing the guys and the two girls in the room.

Episode 6 Ends

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kissme-minseok #1
i remember this!
HAHAHAHA their exchg is so cute! Sorry i'm still on chap 1! keke.. :)
Yay there is going to be a sequel!!!!! And I think Minty is wise for doing that :3
lol dancing haha<br />
and kyah she's so smart^^
butterfly555 #5
butterfly555 #6
i knkow right majesticsnow ^^ but also i so cant wait for the next update ah so curious on if they will find that girl who hurt her
wow this fic is really original! im impressed ^_^ <br />
truly love this~ its like watching 2ne1tv all over again! except with dbsk!! LOL twice the awesomeness<br />
please update soon!
Poor Minty! antis are scary... hope she okay and please update soon <3
butterfly555 #9
omg a fan poisoned her so sad i hope she okay
omoasian #10
Someone poisoned her! Omo! Update soon!