Please Don't Go

“The past.”

That moment those words came out of those pigmented-pink lips, memories came flooding back. Memories of having to wake up next to an unknown person, memories of having to bargain for food, and just memories of pain and suffering in general.

Because who was he kidding? He had a pretty ty life.

“Why? I know about you. You know about me. What more do you want to know?”

The sun was shining unusually bright today. The fact that the sun was shining just baffled Luhan. It always rained in China. Hardly have they ever had days where the rain stopped (not entirely), let alone full days where the sun was just... you know, shining.

“Well, not past, per sé. Just things about you. Like, your favorite color, your favorite time of the day, what you do when you aren’t singing?”

Basic questions that Yifan could use to learn more about the blonde-haired beauty before him were what he was going to ask. Simple things that make someone who they are – and what defines them.

“I like the color yellow. My favorite time of day is dawn. And I just eat when I don’t sing. Nothing interesting about me, really.”

“There’s more to you.” Yifan insisted. “What are your dreams and aspirations?”

“Actually, I don’t have any dreams. I don’t have any aspirations. I simply take life in stride, and appreciate what is in the present.”

He sounds like a Buddhist, Yifan thought amusingly.

“However, I am nowhere. Everything seems so foggy, and my sense of direction is just unclear. I’m lost, just like you. Things that I want, desire, and aspire for, are bright and shiny. But yet – they are just so far out of reach.”

Luhan paused in the middle of enlightenment to take a breath of fresh air, and truly breathe in the scenery around them.

“I guess I relate more to a tree that sprouted on its own, rather than a tree that sprouted in the forest. Like the tree, I am alone and unable to do anything about it. I feel so alone during the winters because my colorful leaves and branches full of life disappear. I feel and bear because I have nothing, or rather, no one to keep me warm.”

A small smile presented itself upon his face.

“I can’t bear the cold winter months. But throughout all those hardships – just like the tree, I endure the cold harsh conditions. But just like everything else, as nature takes its course on the tree, I move on with my life. Winter becomes spring, and life just suddenly brightens up. Leaves begin to flush through the tree, and brighten up its surroundings. Birds take nest upon the branches, and new life sprouts.”

Yifan finally began to appreciate everything the angelic beauty before him was. Suddenly, the pain and sorrow alleviated itself from his body. Nothing else mattered but him and the boy before him.

“So what about you? What do you dream and aspire for?” A hopeful tone resonated throughout the two questions that came out of the young singer’s mouth.

“True love. Even if it is a challenge, I’m willing to be a competitor as long as I win.” Yifan smiled that gummy smiled that made Luhan’s stomach flutter more than butterflies. “And who am I kidding? I’m a Prince, I can do nothing and still have an awesome life!”

He’s humorous. Thought Luhan.

“Anyways, follow me. I want to show you something.”

Luhan quickly grabbed the charming Chinese man sitting next to him, and began leading him to an “unknown” place, as Yifan called it.

“Where are we going?” Yifan was genuinely curious. He never liked to be unaware of something, so this was a first for him.

“It’s a secret. Stop talking.”

As they began their trip, the scenery began to gradually change. No longer were there trees flush with colors, flowers that were varied, or chirping birds soaring above.

All there was was bare trees – to the outside world. Branches baring nothing but sticks, and dead leaves encircling them.

But in the midst of all the lifelessness, there was a stream. The stream bared many characteristics – ranging from its clear water, to variety of wildlife, and the two young men.

“W-what is this place? How far are we?” Why the hell did Luhan take him there?

“Just about 30 minutes away. But this, is my favorite place in the world. Look at the surroundings, it’s all dead. There are no full Cherry blossom trees or blue jays pecking at the wood. But somehow, a stream managed to form itself. Now there are fish that call it home, and animals that call it a source of water.”

“Wow. How the hell did you find this place?”

“You see that shack at the end of the stream? I used to live there.” A chuckle escaped his lips. “My mom didn’t make enough to afford a house in the community, so she gathered a few supplies and built it. So many memories, but yet so many struggles are held there.”

“That’s also where my mom hung herself. I can’t stand in there without feeling sad.” This is going to turn into a ing cry fest, was what Yifan thought.

As he predicted, a few tears made their way down those beautiful porcelain cheeks.

“Anyways, look at all the pretty fish.”

Luhan wasn’t wrong at all. Koi fish of many colors were prancing in the waters below.

“Aren’t they beautiful?”

Yifan shifted his gaze from the fish to the Chinese boy before him.

“Absolutely gorgeous.” A small smile tugged at his lips.

Oblivious to the love-filled stares Yifan was throwing at him, the singer began to ease the mood with a song from his heart.





我的愛 是說停不能停


也可說成我是錯的 還未曾變成真的

也沒談到多少你需要的愛 我不再



也可說我看不開的 為你我能做的

竟還沒讓你相信是愛情 左右你我

Unfortunately for the two, they were interrupted by little drops of rain – just as Luhan finished his song. It was amazing how the sun was shining a few minutes ago, and now it’s pouring down.

Yifan took his robe off as quickly as he could, and put it over Luhan’s head.

Stunned by the sudden protection, Luhan just stood there like a deer caught in headlights.

“Are you coming, or do you want to stay in the rain and get sick?” Yifan scoffed.

“Let’s go!”

As they began to retreat to the safety of the palace – just like those Asian dramas – Luhan tripped on a log, and landed face first into a pile of mud.

“Oh–you’ve got to be ing me…”

Yifan turned the corner to help the now soaked-in-mud singer. He picked Luhan up, bridal style, might I add, and ran to the abandoned shack on the other side of the stream. There was no way they were going to make it to the palace safe, especially with how hard it was storming.

 AUTHOR'S NOTE : I feel really bad that I made you guys wait like 1 month and a half, and I give you this crap. >> However, I will be updating more frequently so I hope that is enough to compensate. ~ Also, the song that Luhan sang is called 林俊杰 - 害怕 ( It's one of my favorite Chinese songs, also you guys should be honored, because personally wrote all those Chinese characters, because people were too lazy to upload them somewhere. 3 Hahahahahahaha. I'm just the lazy one^^ I hope you guys enjoy the chapter, and I do have to ask, do you want me to write  for this story, if that time ever comes where Luhan wants to be deflowered? 

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Chapter 6: awww i love it everytime luhan sings >3< and thank you for using JJ Lin's song ; u ; It's one of my favourite songs from him <3 To answer the question, wouldn't be a bad idea but maybe you could give a warning as to where it starts and ends for the people who don't want to read those parts :3 Update soon~

Oh and I noticed you wrote the lyrics in traditional Chinese -am i wrong? D:
Chapter 6: are u chinese?
the way they confessed and became officially boyran! XDD
thank you~ <3
Chapter 2: luhan~~~ >//<
Chapter 1: nice~
i like~ ^^
happyviruses92 #5
Chapter 6: i love this fiction!! please update soon author-nim! KRISHAN JJANG!! ><
Chapter 6: OOOOOHHHHH SOOOO CUTEEEEEEE <3 I love their interaction! XD lol Luhan fell to the mud XP

update soon~
LuhanxKris #7
Chapter 6: just a little and thank you for updating
Chapter 6: Yes pls do write some kekeke
Chapter 6: Aw, all the sweet atmosphere... ♥
Hm, you could write if you want, though... :D
(Again sorry for being such a stalker, lol)
Chapter 5: I have decided something...
This story is one of my favorites...
And when a story is one of my favorites ... I don't spend a second more to Upvote! ♥ KrisHan deserves more attention, and because they are my Number 1 OTP, I am going to ...